Exemple #1
 @JRubyMethod(name = "_id2ref", required = 1, module = true, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
 public static IRubyObject id2ref(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject id) {
   Ruby runtime = id.getRuntime();
   if (!(id instanceof RubyFixnum)) {
     throw recv.getRuntime().newTypeError(id, recv.getRuntime().getFixnum());
   RubyFixnum idFixnum = (RubyFixnum) id;
   long longId = idFixnum.getLongValue();
   if (longId == 0) {
     return runtime.getFalse();
   } else if (longId == 2) {
     return runtime.getTrue();
   } else if (longId == 4) {
     return runtime.getNil();
   } else if (longId % 2 != 0) {
     // odd
     return runtime.newFixnum((longId - 1) / 2);
   } else {
     if (runtime.isObjectSpaceEnabled()) {
       IRubyObject object = runtime.getObjectSpace().id2ref(longId);
       if (object == null) {
         return runtime.getNil();
       return object;
     } else {
           .warn("ObjectSpace is disabled; _id2ref only supports immediates, pass -X+O to enable");
       return runtime.getNil();
Exemple #2
 private static RubyArray coerceResult(
     final Ruby runtime, final IRubyObject result, final boolean err) {
   if (!(result instanceof RubyArray) || ((RubyArray) result).getLength() != 2) {
     if (err) throw runtime.newTypeError("coerce must return [x, y]");
     return null;
   } else if (!result.isNil()) {
     RubyWarnings warnings = runtime.getWarnings();
     warnings.warn("Bad return value for #coerce, called by numerical comparison operators.");
     warnings.warn("#coerce must return [x, y]. The next release will raise an error for this.");
   return (RubyArray) result;