// this action listener will be started whenever galaxy tries to "get data" from web cellhts22
 public Object onQueryTool() {
   String galaxyURL = request.getParameter(PARAM_NAME);
   // the url of the galaxy webcellhts2 callback URL will be stored GLOBALLY so all
   // pages/components can access it
   galaxyURLState = galaxyURL;
   return cellHTS2Page;
Exemple #2
  public void initializeWithUrlParameters(
      Request request, ReferenceService referenceService, Population population) {
    String originTitle = request.getParameter("origin");
    String platformName = request.getParameter("platform");
    String type = request.getParameter("type");
    String publisherName = request.getParameter("publisher");
    String userName = request.getParameter("user");

    if (originTitle != null || platformName != null || type != null || publisherName != null) {

    if (originTitle != null) {
      Origin origin = referenceService.findOriginByTitle(originTitle);
      if (origin != null) {
    if (platformName != null) {
      Platform platform = referenceService.findPlatformByName(platformName);
      if (platform != null) {
    if (publisherName != null) {
      Publisher publisher = referenceService.findPublisherByName(publisherName);
      if (publisher != null) {
    if (userName != null) {
      User user = population.findByLogin(userName);
      if (user != null) {
    if (type != null) {
      if ("hardwares".equals(type)) {
      } else if ("accessories".equals(type)) {
      } else {
Exemple #3
  private void updateClientTimeZone(String elementName) {
    if (timeZone != TimeZoneVisibility.SELECT) return;

    String id = request.getParameter(elementName + "$timezone");

    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);

Exemple #4
  Object onActivate() {
    String ret = "";
    String serviceType = request.getParameter("serviceType");
    String param = request.getParameter("optionValue");
    String type = "";
    try {
      if ("getCities".equalsIgnoreCase(serviceType)) {
        ret = getAddressUtils().getCitiesByProvince(param);
        type = messages.get("chooseCity");

      if ("getCounties".equalsIgnoreCase(serviceType)) {
        ret = getAddressUtils().getCountiesByCity(param);
        type = messages.get("chooseCounty");
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return new TextStreamResponse("text/plain", getStringWithLabels(ret, type));
 void onValidateCreditCardNumber() {
   String creditCardNumber = request.getParameter("param");
   if (creditCardNumber == null) {
     creditCardMsg = "Value is required";
   } else if (creditCardNumber.length() != 16) {
     creditCardMsg = "Credit card number must 16 digits long";
   } else {
     creditCardMsg = "";
   if (request.isXHR()) {
     ajaxResponseRenderer.addRender("creditCardMsgZone", creditCardMsgZone);
 void onValidateCreditCardName() {
   String creditCardName = request.getParameter("param");
   if (creditCardName == null) {
     creditCardNameMsg = "Value is required";
   } else if (creditCardName.length() < 3) {
     creditCardNameMsg = "Value is required";
   } else {
     creditCardNameMsg = "";
   if (request.isXHR()) {
     ajaxResponseRenderer.addRender("creditCardNameMsgZone", creditCardNameMsgZone);
 @OnEvent(value = "MyCustomEventName")
 JSONArray myEventHandler() {
   // check if this is a AJAX request
   if (request.isXHR()) {
     String queryParameter1 = request.getParameter("queryParameter1");
     String queryParameter2 = request.getParameter("queryParameter2");
     JSONArray object = new JSONArray();
     object.put(1, "\n" + queryParameter1.toUpperCase());
     object.put(2, "\n" + queryParameter2.toUpperCase());
     object.put(3, getMessage());
     // Make your real payload
     return object;
   return null;
  // xmlshowevents/keywords=a+asdf+adf+asd
  void onActivate() {
    String keyWords = request.getParameter("keywords");

    try {
      totalNumber = betService.getNumberOfEvents(keyWords, null);
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
      // Never, category null
    try {
      events = betService.findEvents(keyWords, null, 0, totalNumber);
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
      // Never, category null
Exemple #9
  protected void processSubmission(String elementName) {
    String value = request.getParameter(elementName);

    tracker.recordInput(this, value);


    Date parsedValue = null;

    try {
      if (InternalUtils.isNonBlank(value)) {
        // Regardless of the timeZone set on the DateFormat, the value is parsed in
        // the current default TimeZone. Use the calendar to adjust it out.

        Date inDefaultTimeZone = format.parse(value);

        parsedValue = convertDateToClientTimeZone(inDefaultTimeZone);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
      tracker.recordError(this, messages.format("tapx-date-value-not-parseable", value));

    try {
      fieldValidationSupport.validate(parsedValue, resources, validate);

    } catch (ValidationException ex) {
      tracker.recordError(this, ex.getMessage());


    if (min != null && parsedValue.before(min)) {
      tracker.recordError(this, messages.get("tapx-date-value-to-early"));

    if (max != null && parsedValue.after(max)) {
      tracker.recordError(this, messages.get("tapx-date-value-too-late"));

    this.value = parsedValue;
Exemple #10
  protected void processSubmission(String controlName) {
    String submittedValue = request.getParameter(controlName);

    tracker.recordInput(this, submittedValue);

    Object selectedValue = toValue(submittedValue);


    try {
      fieldValidationSupport.validate(selectedValue, resources, validate);

      value = selectedValue;
    } catch (ValidationException ex) {
      tracker.recordError(this, ex.getMessage());

  private Double getDouble(String name) {
    String value = request.getParameter(name);

    return InternalUtils.isBlank(value) ? null : new Double(value);
   * Given the provided resource, test whether SSO should be 'aware' of this resource. 'Aware'
   * resources are valid return return points after SSO redirects, so the test should return false
   * on (for examples) static resources and utilities such as atom feeds.
   * @param session : The session for this request
   * @param resource : The name of the resource being accessed
   * @param uri : The full URI of the resource if simple matches fail
   * @return boolean : True if SSO should be evaluated, False otherwise
  public boolean testForSso(JsonSessionState session, String resource, String uri) {
    // The URL parameters can request forced SSO to this URL
    String ssoId = request.getParameter("ssoId");
    if (ssoId != null) {
      return true;

    // The URL parameters can contain a trust token
    String utoken = request.getParameter("token");
    String stoken = (String) session.get("validToken");
    if (utoken != null || stoken != null) {
      return true;

    // Test for resources that start with unwanted values
    for (String test : excStarts) {
      if (resource.startsWith(test)) {
        return false;

    // Test for resources that end with unwanted values
    for (String test : excEnds) {
      if (resource.endsWith(test)) {
        return false;

    // Test for resources that equal unwanted values
    for (String test : excEquals) {
      if (resource.equals(test)) {
        return false;

    // Detail screen - specific payload target
    // This is an edge case, where the payload was a deep link,
    //   it's not a subpage we can ignore
    String returnAddress = (String) session.get("returnAddress");
    if (returnAddress != null && returnAddress.endsWith(uri)) {
      return true;

    // The detail screen generates a lot of background calls to the server
    if (resource.equals("detail") || resource.equals("download") || resource.equals("preview")) {
      // Now check for the core page
      if (resource.equals("detail")) {
        if (detailPattern == null) {
          detailPattern = Pattern.compile("detail/\\w+/*$");
        Matcher matcher = detailPattern.matcher(uri);
        if (matcher.find()) {
          // This is actually the 'core' detail page
          return true;

      // This is just a subpage
      return false;

    // Every other page
    return true;
   * Initialize the SSO Service, prepare a login if required
   * @param session The server session data
   * @throws Exception if any errors occur
  public String ssoInit(JsonSessionState session) throws Exception {
    // Keep track of the user switching portals for
    // link building in other methods
    String portalId = (String) session.get("portalId", defaultPortal);
    ssoLoginUrl = serverUrlBase + portalId + SSO_LOGIN_PAGE;

    // Find out what page we are on
    String path = request.getAttribute("RequestURI").toString();
    String currentAddress = serverUrlBase + path;

    // Store the portal URL, might be required by implementers to build
    //  an interface (images etc).
    session.set("ssoPortalUrl", serverUrlBase + portalId);

    // Makes sure all SSO plugins get initialised
    for (String ssoId : sso.keySet()) {
      sso.get(ssoId).ssoInit(session, rg.getHTTPServletRequest());

    // Are we logging in right now?
    String ssoId = request.getParameter("ssoId");

    // If this isn't the login page...
    if (!currentAddress.contains(SSO_LOGIN_PAGE)) {
      // Store the current address for use later
      session.set("returnAddress", currentAddress);
      // We might still be logging in from a deep link
      if (ssoId == null) {
        // No we're not, finished now
        return null;
      } else {
        // Yes it's a deep link, store any extra query params
        // since they probably won't survive the round-trip
        // through SSO.
        for (String param : request.getParameterNames()) {
          if (!param.equals("ssoId")) {
            // Store all the other parameters
            session.set(SSO_STORAGE_PREFIX + param, request.getParameter(param));

    // Get the last address to return the user to
    String returnAddress = (String) session.get("returnAddress");
    if (returnAddress == null) {
      // Or use the home page
      returnAddress = serverUrlBase + portalId + "/home";

    // Which SSO provider did the user request?
    if (ssoId == null) {
      log.error("==== SSO: SSO ID not found!");
      return null;
    if (!sso.containsKey(ssoId)) {
      log.error("==== SSO: SSO ID invalid: '{}'!", ssoId);
      return null;

    // The main event... finally
    sso.get(ssoId).ssoPrepareLogin(session, returnAddress, serverUrlBase);
    return ssoId;
   * Wrapper method for other SSO methods provided by the security manager. If desired, the security
   * manager can take care of the integration using the default usage pattern, rather then calling
   * them individually.
   * @param session : The session of the current request
   * @param formData : FormData object for the current request
   * @return boolean : True if SSO has redirected, in which case no response should be sent by
   *     Dispatch, otherwise False.
  public boolean runSsoIntegration(JsonSessionState session, FormData formData) {
    this.formData = formData;

    // Used in integrating with thrid party systems. They can send us a
    // user, we will log them in via a SSO round-trip, then send them back
    // to the external system
    String returnUrl = request.getParameter("returnUrl");
    if (returnUrl != null) {
      log.info("External redirect requested: '{}'", returnUrl);
      session.set("ssoReturnUrl", returnUrl);

    // The URL parameters can contain a trust token
    String utoken = request.getParameter("token");
    String stoken = (String) session.get("validToken");
    String token = null;
    // Or an 'old' token still in the session
    if (stoken != null) {
      token = stoken;
    // But give the URL priority
    if (utoken != null) {
      token = utoken;
    if (token != null) {
      // Valid token
      if (this.testTrustToken(session, token)) {
        // Dispatch can continue
        return false;

      // Invalid token
      // Given that trust tokens are designed for system integration
      //  we are going to fail with a non-branded error message
      try {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid or expired security token!");
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        log.error("Error sending 403 response to client!");
      // We don't want Dispatch to send a response
      return true;

    // Single Sign-On integration
    try {
      // Instantiate with access to the session
      String ssoId = this.ssoInit(session);
      if (ssoId != null) {
        // We are logging in, so send them to the SSO portal
        String ssoUrl = this.ssoGetRemoteLogonURL(session, ssoId);
        if (ssoUrl != null) {
          return true;
      } else {
        // Otherwise, check if we have user's details
        boolean valid = this.ssoCheckUserDetails(session);
        // If we validly logged in an SSO user, check for an
        // external redirect to third party systems
        if (valid) {
          returnUrl = (String) session.get("ssoReturnUrl");
          if (returnUrl != null) {
            log.info("Redirect to external URL: '{}'", returnUrl);
            return true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error("SSO Error!", ex);

    return false;
   * Ajax event handler, form client side to get the data to display to parse it according to the
   * server-side format. see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:retrieving_data for
   * more details
  @OnEvent(value = "Data")
  JSONObject onData() {
    String page = request.getParameter(PAGE);

    int requestedPageNumber = Integer.parseInt(page);
    String search = request.getParameter(SEARCH);
    String searchField = request.getParameter(SEARCH_FIELD);
    String searchString = request.getParameter(SEARCH_STRING);
    String searchOper = request.getParameter(SEARCH_OPER);
    // searchField=tax&searchString=100&searchOper=gt

    if (search.equals("false")) source.resetFilter();
    else if (searchField != null && searchOper != null && searchString != null) {
      SearchOperator op = SearchOperator.valueOf(searchOper);
      Class searchType = getDataModel().get(searchField).getConduit().getPropertyType();
      Object searchValue = typeCoercer.coerce(searchString, searchType);
      SearchConstraint searchFor =
          new SearchConstraint(
              searchField, op, searchValue, getDataModel().get(searchField).getConduit());
      List<SearchConstraint> lst = new ArrayList();

    String nd = request.getParameter(ND);

    String rowsSelected = request.getParameter(ROWS);
    int rowsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(rowsSelected);

    String sidx = request.getParameter(SIDX);
    String arrayString[] = sidx.split("\\s+");
    // get only the start
    sidx = arrayString[0];

    String sord = request.getParameter(SORD);

    JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
    int records = source.getAvailableRows();

    int nbPages = records / rowsPerPage;
    int modulo = records % rowsPerPage;
    if (modulo > 0) nbPages++;

    int startIndex = 0 + (requestedPageNumber - 1) * rowsPerPage;
    int endIndex = startIndex + rowsPerPage - 1;
    if (endIndex > records - 1) endIndex = records - 1;

    response.put("page", requestedPageNumber);
    response.put("total", nbPages);

    response.put("records", records);

    List<SortConstraint> sortConstraints = new ArrayList();
    if (!sidx.isEmpty()) {
      GridSortModel sortModel = getSortModel();
      ColumnSort colSort = sortModel.getColumnSort(sidx);
      if (sord.equals("asc")) setSortAscending(true);
      else setSortAscending(false);
      sortConstraints = sortModel.getSortConstraints();
    source.prepare(startIndex, endIndex, sortConstraints);

    JSONArray rows = new JSONArray();

    for (int index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {
      JSONObject row = new JSONObject();
      row.put("id", index);
      JSONArray cell = new JSONArray();
      // Class c = dataSource.getRowType();
      Object obj = source.getRowValue(index);
      List<String> names = getDataModel().getPropertyNames();
      for (String name : names) {

        PropertyConduit conduit = getDataModel().get(name).getConduit();
        Class type = conduit.getPropertyType();
        // Block displayBlock =
        // defaultBeanBlockSource.getDisplayBlock(getDataModel().get(name).getDataType());

        try {
          String cellValue;
          Object val = conduit.get(obj);
          // todo use BeanBlockSource or ...
          if (type.equals(Date.class)) {
            // mimic PropertyDisplayBlock
            Date cellDate = (Date) val;
            DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale);
            cellValue = dateFormat.format(cellDate);
          } else if (type.equals(Enum.class)) {
            cellValue =
                TapestryInternalUtils.getLabelForEnum(overrides.getOverrideMessages(), (Enum) val);
          } else {
            if (val == null) cellValue = "undefined " + name;
            else cellValue = typeCoercer.coerce(val, String.class);
            // ValueEncoder valueEncoder =encoderSource.getValueEncoder(type);
            // cellValue = valueEncoder.toClient(val);
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
          cell.put("undefined " + name);
      row.put("cell", cell);
    response.put("rows", rows);

    // {"page":"1","total":2,"records":"13",
    // "rows":[{"id":"13","cell":["13","2007-10-06","Client 3","1000.00","0.00","1000.00",null]},
    //		   {"id":"12","cell":["12","2007-10-06","Client 2","700.00","140.00","840.00",null]},
    //        {"id":"11","cell":["11","2007-10-06","Client 1","600.00","120.00","720.00",null]},
    //        {"id":"10","cell":["10","2007-10-06","Client 2","100.00","20.00","120.00",null]},
    //        {"id":"9","cell":["9","2007-10-06","Client 1","200.00","40.00","240.00",null]},
    //        {"id":"8","cell":["8","2007-10-06","Client 3","200.00","0.00","200.00",null]},
    //        {"id":"7","cell":["7","2007-10-05","Client 2","120.00","12.00","134.00",null]},
    //        {"id":"6","cell":["6","2007-10-05","Client 1","50.00","10.00","60.00",""]},
    //        {"id":"5","cell":["5","2007-10-05","Client 3","100.00","0.00","100.00","no tax at
    // all"]},
    ///       {"id":"4","cell":["4","2007-10-04","Client 3","150.00","0.00","150.00","no tax"]}],

    JSONObject userdata = new JSONObject();
    response.put("userdata", userdata);
    // "userdata":{"amount":3220,"tax":342,"total":3564,"name":"Totals:"}}
    return response;