public Program(byte[] ops, ProgramInvoke invokeData) { if (ops == null) ops = ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; this.ops = ops; if (invokeData != null) { this.invokeData = invokeData; this.programAddress = invokeData.getOwnerAddress(); this.invokeHash = invokeData.hashCode(); this.result.setRepository(invokeData.getRepository()); } }
public void spendGas(long gasValue, String cause) {"[{}] Spent for cause: [ {} ], gas: [ {} ]", invokeHash, cause, gasValue); long afterSpend = invokeData.getGas().longValue() - gasValue - result.getGasUsed(); if (afterSpend < 0) throw new OutOfGasException(); result.spendGas(gasValue); }
public DataWord getDifficulty() { return invokeData.getDifficulty().clone(); }
public DataWord getNumber() { return invokeData.getNumber().clone(); }
public DataWord getTimestamp() { return invokeData.getTimestamp().clone(); }
public DataWord getCoinbase() { return invokeData.getCoinbase().clone(); }
public DataWord getPrevHash() { return invokeData.getPrevHash().clone(); }
public byte[] getDataCopy(DataWord offset, DataWord length) { if (invokeData == null) return ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; return invokeData.getDataCopy(offset, length); }
/** * That method implement internal calls and code invocations * * @param gas - gas to pay for the call, remaining gas will be refunded to the caller * @param toAddressDW - address to call * @param endowmentValue - the value that can be transfer along with the code execution * @param inDataOffs - start of memory to be input data to the call * @param inDataSize - size of memory to be input data to the call * @param outDataOffs - start of memory to be output of the call * @param outDataSize - size of memory to be output data to the call */ public void callToAddress( DataWord gas, DataWord toAddressDW, DataWord endowmentValue, DataWord inDataOffs, DataWord inDataSize, DataWord outDataOffs, DataWord outDataSize) { ByteBuffer data = memoryChunk(inDataOffs, inDataSize); // FETCH THE SAVED STORAGE byte[] toAddress = toAddressDW.getLast20Bytes(); // FETCH THE CODE byte[] programCode = this.result.getRepository().getCode(toAddress); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) "calling for existing contract: address: [ {} ], outDataOffs: [ {} ], outDataSize: [ {} ] ", Hex.toHexString(toAddress), outDataOffs.longValue(), outDataSize.longValue()); byte[] senderAddress = this.getOwnerAddress().getLast20Bytes(); // 2.1 PERFORM THE GAS VALUE TX // (THIS STAGE IS NOT REVERTED BY ANY EXCEPTION) if (this.getGas().longValue() - gas.longValue() < 0) { "No gas for the internal call, \n" + "fromAddress={}, toAddress={}", Hex.toHexString(senderAddress), Hex.toHexString(toAddress)); this.stackPushZero(); return; } BigInteger endowment = endowmentValue.value(); BigInteger senderBalance = result.getRepository().getBalance(senderAddress); if (senderBalance.compareTo(endowment) < 0) { stackPushZero(); return; } result.getRepository().addBalance(senderAddress, endowment.negate()); if (invokeData.byTestingSuite()) {"[testing suite] - omit real call"); stackPushOne(); this.getResult() .addCallCreate( data.array(), toAddressDW.getLast20Bytes(), gas.getNoLeadZeroesData(), endowmentValue.getNoLeadZeroesData()); return; } // actual gas subtract this.spendGas(gas.intValue(), "internal call"); RepositoryImpl trackRepositoryImpl = result.getRepository().getTrack(); trackRepositoryImpl.startTracking(); trackRepositoryImpl.addBalance(toAddress, endowmentValue.value()); ProgramInvoke programInvoke = ProgramInvokeFactory.createProgramInvoke( this, toAddressDW, endowmentValue, gas, result.getRepository().getBalance(toAddress), data.array(), trackRepositoryImpl, this.invokeData.getCallDeep() + 1); ProgramResult result = null; if (programCode != null && programCode.length != 0) { VM vm = new VM(); Program program = new Program(programCode, programInvoke);; result = program.getResult(); this.result.addDeleteAccounts(result.getDeleteAccounts()); } if (result != null && result.getException() != null && result.getException() instanceof Program.OutOfGasException) {"contract run halted by OutOfGas: contract={}", Hex.toHexString(toAddress)); trackRepositoryImpl.rollback(); stackPushZero(); return; } // 3. APPLY RESULTS: result.getHReturn() into out_memory allocated if (result != null) { ByteBuffer buffer = result.getHReturn(); int allocSize = outDataSize.intValue(); if (buffer != null && allocSize > 0) { int retSize = buffer.limit(); int offset = outDataOffs.intValue(); if (retSize > allocSize) { this.memorySave(offset, buffer.array()); } else { this.memorySave(offset, allocSize, buffer.array()); } } } // 4. THE FLAG OF SUCCESS IS ONE PUSHED INTO THE STACK trackRepositoryImpl.commit(); stackPushOne(); // 5. REFUND THE REMAIN GAS if (result != null) { BigInteger refundGas = gas.value().subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(result.getGasUsed())); if (refundGas.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 1) { this.refundGas(refundGas.intValue(), "remaining gas from the internal call"); "The remaining gas refunded, account: [ {} ], gas: [ {} ] ", Hex.toHexString(senderAddress), refundGas.toString()); } } else { this.refundGas(gas.intValue(), "remaining gas from the internal call"); } }
public DataWord getDataSize() { if (invokeData == null) return DataWord.ZERO_EMPTY_ARRAY; return invokeData.getDataSize().clone(); }
public DataWord getGas() { if (invokeData == null) return DataWord.ZERO_EMPTY_ARRAY; long afterSpend = invokeData.getGas().longValue() - result.getGasUsed(); return new DataWord(afterSpend); }
public DataWord getGasPrice() { if (invokeData == null) return DataWord.ZERO_EMPTY_ARRAY; return invokeData.getMinGasPrice().clone(); }
public DataWord getCallerAddress() { if (invokeData == null) return DataWord.ZERO_EMPTY_ARRAY; return invokeData.getCallerAddress().clone(); }
public DataWord getGaslimit() { return invokeData.getGaslimit().clone(); }
public DataWord getDataValue(DataWord index) { if (invokeData == null) return DataWord.ZERO_EMPTY_ARRAY; return invokeData.getDataValue(index); }
public void fullTrace() { if (logger.isTraceEnabled() || listener != null) { StringBuilder stackData = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { stackData.append(" ").append(stack.get(i)); if (i < stack.size() - 1) stackData.append("\n"); } if (stackData.length() > 0) stackData.insert(0, "\n"); ContractDetails contractDetails = this.result.getRepository().getContractDetails(this.programAddress.getLast20Bytes()); StringBuilder storageData = new StringBuilder(); List<DataWord> storageKeys = new ArrayList<>(contractDetails.getStorage().keySet()); Collections.sort((List<DataWord>) storageKeys); for (DataWord key : storageKeys) { storageData .append(" ") .append(key) .append(" -> ") .append(contractDetails.getStorage().get(key)) .append("\n"); } if (storageData.length() > 0) storageData.insert(0, "\n"); StringBuilder memoryData = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder oneLine = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; memory != null && i < memory.limit(); ++i) { byte value = memory.get(i); oneLine.append(Utils.oneByteToHexString(value)).append(" "); if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { String tmp = String.format("[%4s]-[%4s]", Integer.toString(i - 15, 16), Integer.toString(i, 16)) .replace(" ", "0"); memoryData.append("").append(tmp).append(" "); memoryData.append(oneLine); if (i < memory.limit()) memoryData.append("\n"); oneLine.setLength(0); } } if (memoryData.length() > 0) memoryData.insert(0, "\n"); StringBuilder opsString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; ++i) { String tmpString = Integer.toString(ops[i] & 0xFF, 16); tmpString = tmpString.length() == 1 ? "0" + tmpString : tmpString; if (i != pc) opsString.append(tmpString); else opsString.append(" >>").append(tmpString).append(""); } if (pc >= ops.length) opsString.append(" >>"); if (opsString.length() > 0) opsString.insert(0, "\n "); logger.trace(" -- OPS -- {}", opsString); logger.trace(" -- STACK -- {}", stackData); logger.trace(" -- MEMORY -- {}", memoryData); logger.trace(" -- STORAGE -- {}\n", storageData); logger.trace( "\n Spent Gas: [ {} ]/[ {} ]\n Left Gas: [ {} ]\n", result.getGasUsed(), invokeData.getGas().longValue(), getGas().longValue()); StringBuilder globalOutput = new StringBuilder("\n"); if (stackData.length() > 0) stackData.append("\n"); if (pc != 0) globalOutput.append("[Op: ").append(OpCode.code(lastOp).name()).append("]\n"); globalOutput.append(" -- OPS -- ").append(opsString).append("\n"); globalOutput.append(" -- STACK -- ").append(stackData).append("\n"); globalOutput.append(" -- MEMORY -- ").append(memoryData).append("\n"); globalOutput.append(" -- STORAGE -- ").append(storageData).append("\n"); if (result.getHReturn() != null) { globalOutput.append("\n HReturn: ").append(Hex.toHexString(result.getHReturn().array())); } // soffisticated assumption that != codedata // means we are calling the contract not creating it byte[] txData = invokeData.getDataCopy(DataWord.ZERO, getDataSize()); if (!Arrays.equals(txData, ops)) { globalOutput.append("\n ").append(Hex.toHexString(txData)); } globalOutput.append("\n\n Spent Gas: ").append(result.getGasUsed()); if (listener != null) { listener.output(globalOutput.toString()); } } }
public void createContract(DataWord value, DataWord memStart, DataWord memSize) { if (invokeData.byTestingSuite()) {"[testing suite] - omit real create"); return; } // [1] FETCH THE CODE FROM THE MEMORY ByteBuffer programCode = memoryChunk(memStart, memSize); byte[] senderAddress = this.getOwnerAddress().getLast20Bytes(); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) "creating a new contract inside contract run: [{}]", Hex.toHexString(senderAddress)); // actual gas subtract int gas = this.getGas().intValue(); this.spendGas(gas, "internal call"); // [2] CREATE THE CONTRACT ADDRESS byte[] nonce = result.getRepository().getNonce(senderAddress).toByteArray(); byte[] newAddress = HashUtil.calcNewAddr(this.getOwnerAddress().getLast20Bytes(), nonce); result.getRepository().createAccount(newAddress); // [3] UPDATE THE NONCE // (THIS STAGE IS NOT REVERTED BY ANY EXCEPTION) result.getRepository().increaseNonce(senderAddress); // [4] TRANSFER THE BALANCE BigInteger endowment = value.value(); BigInteger senderBalance = result.getRepository().getBalance(senderAddress); if (senderBalance.compareTo(endowment) < 0) { stackPushZero(); return; } result.getRepository().addBalance(senderAddress, endowment.negate()); result.getRepository().addBalance(newAddress, endowment); RepositoryImpl trackRepositoryImpl = result.getRepository().getTrack(); trackRepositoryImpl.startTracking(); // [5] COOK THE INVOKE AND EXECUTE ProgramInvoke programInvoke = ProgramInvokeFactory.createProgramInvoke( this, new DataWord(newAddress), DataWord.ZERO, new DataWord(gas), BigInteger.ZERO, null, trackRepositoryImpl, this.invokeData.getCallDeep() + 1); VM vm = new VM(); Program program = new Program(programCode.array(), programInvoke);; ProgramResult result = program.getResult(); this.result.addDeleteAccounts(result.getDeleteAccounts()); if (result.getException() != null && result.getException() instanceof Program.OutOfGasException) { "contract run halted by OutOfGas: new contract init ={}", Hex.toHexString(newAddress)); trackRepositoryImpl.rollback(); stackPushZero(); return; } // 4. CREATE THE CONTRACT OUT OF RETURN byte[] code = result.getHReturn().array(); trackRepositoryImpl.saveCode(newAddress, code); // IN SUCCESS PUSH THE ADDRESS INTO THE STACK stackPush(new DataWord(newAddress)); trackRepositoryImpl.commit(); // 5. REFUND THE REMAIN GAS long refundGas = gas - result.getGasUsed(); if (refundGas > 0) { this.refundGas(refundGas, "remain gas from the internal call"); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { "The remaining gas is refunded, account: [ {} ], gas: [ {} ] ", Hex.toHexString(this.getOwnerAddress().getLast20Bytes()), refundGas); } } }