public void testMultipleLargeStringsExceedingBufferSizeDelimited() throws Exception {
    LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(256);
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    WriteSession session = new WriteSession(buffer, out);
    String utf8OneByte = repeatChar('a', 1024);
    String utf8TwoBytes = repeatChar((char) 0x7ff, 1024 / 2);
    String utf8ThreeBytes = repeatChar((char) 0x800, 1024 / 3);

    writeToSession(utf8OneByte, utf8TwoBytes, utf8ThreeBytes, session, true);
    assertTrue(session.tail == session.head);
    // temporary buffers will remain
    assertTrue( != null);
    // flush remaining
    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, buffer);
    // clear

    byte[] data = out.toByteArray();

    LinkedBuffer buffer2 = LinkedBuffer.allocate(256);
    WriteSession session2 = new WriteSession(buffer2);

    writeToSession(utf8OneByte, utf8TwoBytes, utf8ThreeBytes, session2, true);

    byte[] data2 = session2.toByteArray();

    assertEquals(STRING.deser(data), STRING.deser(data2));
   * Serializes the {@code messages} into the stream using the given schema with the supplied
   * buffer.
  public static <T> void writeListTo(
      OutputStream out, List<T> messages, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric, LinkedBuffer buffer)
      throws IOException {
    if (buffer.start != buffer.offset)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer previously used and had not been reset.");

    if (messages.isEmpty()) {
      System.arraycopy(EMPTY_ARRAY, 0, buffer.buffer, buffer.offset, EMPTY_ARRAY.length);
      buffer.offset += EMPTY_ARRAY.length;

    final JsonXOutput output = new JsonXOutput(buffer, out, numeric, schema);


    boolean first = true;
    for (T m : messages) {
      if (first) {
        first = false;
      } else output.writeCommaAndStartObject();

      schema.writeTo(output, m);
      if (output.isLastRepeated()) output.writeEndArray();


    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, buffer);
  public void testInt() throws Exception {
    for (int i : int_targets) {
      ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      LinkedBuffer lb = new LinkedBuffer(BUF_SIZE);
      WriteSession session = new WriteSession(lb);
      StreamedStringSerializer.writeInt(i, session, out, lb);
      LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, lb);

      ByteArrayOutputStream out2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      LinkedBuffer lb2 = new LinkedBuffer(NUM_BUF_SIZE);
      WriteSession session2 = new WriteSession(lb2);
      StreamedStringSerializer.writeInt(i, session2, out2, lb2);
      LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out2, lb2);

      byte[] buffered = out.toByteArray();
      byte[] buffered_needed_to_flush = out2.toByteArray();
      byte[] builtin = STRING.ser(Integer.toString(i));

      assertEquals(builtin, buffered);
      assertEquals(builtin, buffered_needed_to_flush);
  static void checkVarDelimited(String str, int size, int stringLen) throws Exception {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    LinkedBuffer lb = new LinkedBuffer(BUF_SIZE);
    WriteSession session = new WriteSession(lb);
    StreamedStringSerializer.writeUTF8VarDelimited(str, session, out, lb);
    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, lb);

    byte[] buf = out.toByteArray();

    assertTrue(buf.length == stringLen + size);

    int len = readRawVarint32(buf, 0);
    assertTrue(len == stringLen);

    print("total len: " + buf.length);
   * Serializes the {@code message} into an {@link OutputStream} via {@link JsonXOutput} using the
   * given {@code schema}.
  public static <T> void writeTo(
      OutputStream out, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric, LinkedBuffer buffer)
      throws IOException {
    if (buffer.start != buffer.offset)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer previously used and had not been reset.");

    final JsonXOutput output = new JsonXOutput(buffer, out, numeric, schema);


    schema.writeTo(output, message);

    if (output.isLastRepeated()) output.writeEndArray();


    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, buffer);
  static void checkFixedDelimited(String str) throws Exception {
    ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(bout);

    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    LinkedBuffer lb = new LinkedBuffer(BUF_SIZE);
    WriteSession session = new WriteSession(lb);
    StreamedStringSerializer.writeUTF8FixedDelimited(str, session, out, lb);
    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, lb);

    byte[] b1 = bout.toByteArray();

    byte[] b2 = out.toByteArray();

    assertEquals(b1, b2);
  static void testStream(String str, String prefix, LinkedBuffer tail) throws IOException {
    byte[] data = str.getBytes();

    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    WriteSession session = new WriteSession(tail, out);
    session.size += (tail.offset - tail.start);

    tail = B64Code.encode(data, 0, data.length, session, out, tail);

    assertTrue(tail == session.head);

    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, tail);

    byte[] result = out.toByteArray();
    // System.err.println(new String(result, prefix.length(), result.length - prefix.length()));
    byte[] decoded = B64Code.decode(result, prefix.length(), result.length - prefix.length());

    String strd = new String(decoded);

    assertEquals(str, strd);

    // System.err.println(gg.length + " == " + decoded.length + " | " +
    //        str.equals(strd) + " | " + str + " == " + strd);
  static void check(String str) throws Exception {
    byte[] builtin = BUILT_IN_SERIALIZER.serialize(str);

    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    LinkedBuffer lb = new LinkedBuffer(BUF_SIZE);
    WriteSession session = new WriteSession(lb);

    StreamedStringSerializer.writeUTF8(str, session, out, lb);
    LinkedBuffer.writeTo(out, lb);

    assertTrue(builtin.length == session.size);

    byte[] buffered = out.toByteArray();

    assertTrue(builtin.length == buffered.length);

    String strBuiltin = new String(builtin, "UTF-8");
    String strBuffered = new String(buffered, "UTF-8");

    assertEquals(strBuiltin, strBuffered);
    print("len: " + builtin.length);