public SuperColumn get_super_column( String table, String key, SuperColumnPath super_column_path, int consistency_level) throws InvalidRequestException, NotFoundException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("get_superColumn"); ThriftValidation.validateSuperColumnPath(table, super_column_path); ColumnFamily cfamily = readColumnFamily( new SliceByNamesReadCommand( table, key, new QueryPath(super_column_path.column_family), Arrays.asList(super_column_path.super_column)), consistency_level); if (cfamily == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } Collection<IColumn> columns = cfamily.getSortedColumns(); if (columns == null || columns.size() == 0) { throw new NotFoundException(); } assert columns.size() == 1; IColumn column = columns.iterator().next(); if (column.getSubColumns().size() == 0) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return new SuperColumn(, thriftifyColumns(column.getSubColumns())); }
public Column get_column(String table, String key, ColumnPath column_path, int consistency_level) throws InvalidRequestException, NotFoundException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("get_column"); ThriftValidation.validateColumnPath(table, column_path); QueryPath path = new QueryPath(column_path.column_family, column_path.super_column); ColumnFamily cfamily = readColumnFamily( new SliceByNamesReadCommand(table, key, path, Arrays.asList(column_path.column)), consistency_level); // TODO can we leverage getSlice here and just check that it returns one column? if (cfamily == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } Collection<IColumn> columns = null; if (column_path.super_column != null) { IColumn column = cfamily.getColumn(column_path.super_column); if (column != null) { columns = column.getSubColumns(); } } else { columns = cfamily.getSortedColumns(); } if (columns == null || columns.size() == 0) { throw new NotFoundException(); } assert columns.size() == 1; IColumn column = columns.iterator().next(); if (column.isMarkedForDelete()) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return new Column(, column.value(), column.timestamp()); }
/** for resultsets of standard columns */ private List<Column> getSlice(ReadCommand command, int consistency_level) throws InvalidRequestException { ColumnFamily cfamily = readColumnFamily(command, consistency_level); boolean reverseOrder = false; if (command instanceof SliceFromReadCommand) reverseOrder = !((SliceFromReadCommand) command).isAscending; if (cfamily == null || cfamily.getColumnsMap().size() == 0) { return EMPTY_COLUMNS; } if (cfamily.isSuper()) { IColumn column = cfamily.getColumnsMap().values().iterator().next(); return thriftifyColumns(column.getSubColumns(), reverseOrder); } return thriftifyColumns(cfamily.getSortedColumns(), reverseOrder); }
private List<SuperColumn> thriftifySuperColumns( Collection<IColumn> columns, boolean reverseOrder) { if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_SUPERCOLUMNS; } ArrayList<SuperColumn> thriftSuperColumns = new ArrayList<SuperColumn>(columns.size()); for (IColumn column : columns) { List<Column> subcolumns = thriftifyColumns(column.getSubColumns()); if (subcolumns.isEmpty()) { continue; } thriftSuperColumns.add(new SuperColumn(, subcolumns)); } if (reverseOrder) Collections.reverse(thriftSuperColumns); return thriftSuperColumns; }
public int get_column_count( String table, String key, ColumnParent column_parent, int consistency_level) throws InvalidRequestException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("get_column_count"); // validateColumnParent assumes we require simple columns; g_c_c is the only // one of the columnParent-taking apis that can also work at the SC level. // so we roll a one-off validator here. String cfType = ThriftValidation.validateColumnFamily(table, column_parent.column_family); if (cfType.equals("Standard") && column_parent.super_column != null) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "columnfamily alone is required for standard CF " + column_parent.column_family); } ColumnFamily cfamily; cfamily = readColumnFamily( new SliceFromReadCommand( table, key, column_parent, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE), consistency_level); if (cfamily == null) { return 0; } Collection<IColumn> columns = null; if (column_parent.super_column != null) { IColumn column = cfamily.getColumn(column_parent.super_column); if (column != null) { columns = column.getSubColumns(); } } else { columns = cfamily.getSortedColumns(); } if (columns == null || columns.size() == 0) { return 0; } return columns.size(); }