Exemple #1
   * Sends a GET request and returns the response.
   * @param endpoint The endpoint to send the request to.
   * @param headers Any additional headers to send with this request. You can use {@link
   *     org.apache.http.HttpHeaders} constants for header names.
   * @return A {@link Path} to the downloaded content, if any.
   * @throws IOException If an error occurs.
   * @see java.nio.file.Files#probeContentType(Path)
  public Response<Path> get(Endpoint endpoint, NameValuePair... headers) throws IOException {

    // Create the request
    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(endpoint.url());
    Path tempFile = null;

    // Send the request and process the response
    try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient().execute(get)) {

      if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) {
        return null;
      } // If bad response return null

      // Request the content
      HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

      // Download the content to a temporary file
      if (entity != null) {
        tempFile = Files.createTempFile("download", "file");
        try (InputStream input = entity.getContent();
            OutputStream output = Files.newOutputStream(tempFile)) {
          IOUtils.copy(input, output);

      return new Response<>(response.getStatusLine(), tempFile);
Exemple #2
   * Sends a GET request and returns the response.
   * @param endpoint The endpoint to send the request to.
   * @param responseClass The class to deserialise the Json response to. Can be null if no response
   *     message is expected.
   * @param headers Any additional headers to send with this request. You can use {@link
   *     org.apache.http.HttpHeaders} constants for header names.
   * @param <T> The type to deserialise the response to.
   * @return A {@link Response} containing the deserialised body, if any.
   * @throws IOException If an error occurs.
  public <T> Response<T> get(Endpoint endpoint, Class<T> responseClass, NameValuePair... headers)
      throws IOException {

    // Create the request
    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(endpoint.url());

    // Send the request and process the response
    try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient().execute(get)) {
      // System.out.println(response);
      T body = deserialiseResponseMessage(response, responseClass);
      return new Response<>(response.getStatusLine(), body);