Exemple #1
  * Remove a pair from the mapping. This operation removes a (key,id) pair from the mapping.
  * @param key is the key whose id is to be released
 public void dropPair(long key) {
   int id = ht.lookup(key);
   if (id == 0) return;
Exemple #2
  * Create a String representation of the IdMap.
  * @param s is the String in which the
 public String toString() {
   String s = "{ ";
   for (int i = firstId(); i != 0; i = nextId(i)) {
     s += "(" + ht.getKey(i) + "," + i + ") ";
   return s + "}";
Exemple #3
  * Add a new key-id pair.
  * @param key is the key for which an id is required
  * @param id is the requested id that the key is to be mapped to
  * @return the new id or 0 if the key is already mapped or the id is already in use or the
  *     operation fails
 public int addPair(long key, int id) {
   if (validKey(key) || validId(id)) return 0;
   if (!ht.insert(key, id)) return 0;
   return id;
Exemple #4
  * Add a new key-id pair.
  * @param key is the key for which an id is required
  * @return the new id or 0 if the key is already mapped or the operation fails
 public int addPair(long key) {
   if (validKey(key) || (ids.firstOut() == 0)) return 0;
   int id = ids.firstOut();
   if (!ht.insert(key, id)) return 0;
   return id;
Exemple #5
  * Get the id for a given key.
  * @param key is the key for which the id is required
  * @return the corresponding id or 0 if the key is not mapped or the operation fails
 public int getId(long key) {
   return ht.lookup(key);
Exemple #6
  * Determine if a given key has been mapped to an identfier.
  * @param key is the key to be checked
  * @return true if the key has been mapped, else false
 public boolean validKey(long key) {
   return (ht.lookup(key) != 0);
Exemple #7
  * Get the key that was mapped to the given identifier
  * @param id is the identifier whose key is to be returned
  * @return the key that maps to id, or 0 if there is none
 public long getKey(int id) {
   return (validId(id) ? ht.getKey(id) : 0);