public void startGame() {
    hasStarted = true;

    // reset grid

    // generate random piece
    currentPiece = pieceGenerator.getRandomPiece();

    // set pieceController to currentPiece

    pieceController.placeCurrentTetrisPieceAt(2, 2);

    // other stuff like clearing levels and score.
  public boolean[][] startGameLoop() {
    if (!hasStarted()) startGame();
    else {
      // piece either collided with another piece or has reached bottom
      if (hasCollision()) {
        // some check to see if there are any filled rows.
        // then perform a collapse on the grid

        // do next iteration.
      } else {
        // retrieve action.
        Actions userAction = getCurrentAction();

        // perform the action

    return gridManager.getGridInfo();
 private boolean hasCollided() {
   return gridManager.hasCollidedBelow(currentPiece.getBlocks());
 // get copy of data of grid for reference.
 public boolean[][] getPieceData() {
   return gridManager.getGridInfo();