@Override public boolean recieveCommand(String cmd) throws Exception { String args[] = cmd.split("t "); for (DefaultModule mod : Resilience.getInstance().getModuleManager().moduleList) { if (mod.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[1].trim())) { mod.toggle(); Resilience.getInstance().getLogger().infoChat("Toggled mod: \247b" + mod.getName()); return true; } } Resilience.getInstance().getLogger().warningChat("Mod not found: \247c" + args[1]); return true; }
@Override public void renderGameOverlay(float par1, boolean par2, int par3, int par4) { boolean wasExtended = false; ticks++; if (ticks == 5) { wasExtended = Resilience.getInstance().getClickGui().values.isExtended(); Resilience.getInstance().getClickGui().values.setExtended(true); Resilience.getInstance().getModuleManager().setModuleState("GUI", true); } if (ticks == 20) { Resilience.getInstance().getClickGui().values.setExtended(wasExtended); } if (once && !Resilience.getInstance().isFirstTime()) { once = false; Resilience.getInstance() .getLogger() .infoChat("Want to know how to chat in the IRC? Put the \"@\" sign before your message!"); } if (display) { invoker.displayScreen(new GuiInventory(toView)); display = false; } ; if (go) { if (Resilience.getInstance().isFirstTime()) { Resilience.getInstance() .getLogger() .infoChat("Welcome to " + Resilience.getInstance().getName() + "!"); Resilience.getInstance() .getLogger() .infoChat( "To open the GUI hit the \"Right Shift\" key, and to open the console hit the \"Minus\" key (\"-\")."); Resilience.getInstance() .getLogger() .infoChat("Remember to right click a button to get tons of great options :D"); Resilience.getInstance() .getLogger() .infoChat("To chat in the IRC, type \"@\" before the message."); Resilience.getInstance().getLogger().infoChat("Enjoy! - Krisp"); } go = false; } int prevArrayListCount = arrayListCount; arrayListCount = 0; ScaledResolution var5 = new ScaledResolution( wrapper.getGameSettings(), invoker.getDisplayWidth(), invoker.getDisplayHeight()); int var6 = invoker.getScaledWidth(var5); int var7 = invoker.getScaledHeight(var5); FontRenderer var8 = wrapper.getFontRenderer(); invoker.setupOverlayRendering(); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); if (Resilience.getInstance().isEnabled()) { for (DefaultPanel panel : ClickGui.windows) { if (panel.isPinned() && !(invoker.getCurrentScreen() instanceof ClickGui)) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); panel.draw(-1, -1); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } } int width = 0; if (Resilience.getInstance().getValues().enabledModsEnabled) { for (DefaultModule mod : Resilience.getInstance().getModuleManager().moduleList) { if (mod.isEnabled() && mod.getCategory() != ModuleCategory.GUI && mod.isVisible()) { int realWidth = (int) Resilience.getInstance().getModListFont().getWidth(mod.getDisplayName()); if (realWidth > width) { width = realWidth + 8; } } } } if (Resilience.getInstance().getValues().enabledModsEnabled) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); if (prevArrayListCount > 0) { drawRect(0, 0, 75, prevArrayListCount * 12 + 4, 0x88000000); } GL11.glPopMatrix(); } if (Resilience.getInstance().getValues().enabledModsEnabled) { for (DefaultModule mod : Resilience.getInstance().getModuleManager().moduleList) { if (mod.isEnabled() && mod.getCategory() != ModuleCategory.GUI && mod.isVisible()) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); Resilience.getInstance() .getModListFont() .drawString(mod.getDisplayName(), 2, arrayListCount * 12 + 2, 0xff9ab3ff); GL11.glPopMatrix(); arrayListCount++; } } } if (Resilience.getInstance().getValues().noFireEffectEnabled && invoker.isBurning()) { Resilience.getInstance() .getWrapper() .getFontRenderer() .drawStringWithShadow( "You're on fire", invoker.getDisplayWidth() / 2 - Resilience.getInstance() .getWrapper() .getFontRenderer() .getStringWidth("You're on fire") - 4, invoker.getDisplayHeight() / 2 - Resilience.getInstance().getWrapper().getFontRenderer().FONT_HEIGHT - 4, 0xffff0000); } if (Resilience.getInstance().getValues().potionEffectsEnabled) { renderPotions(); } if (notifyTicks >= 0) { notifyTicks--; Resilience.getInstance() .getStandardFont() .drawCenteredString("\247b" + notifyString, invoker.getWidth() / 2, 4, 0xffffffff); } } super.renderGameOverlay(par1, par2, par3, par4); }