Exemple #1
  protected static Deck buildDeck() {

    String selectedColors = genDialog.getSelectedColors();
    List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors = new ArrayList<>();
    selectedColors = selectedColors != null ? selectedColors.toUpperCase() : getRandomColors("X");
    String format = genDialog.getSelectedFormat();

    List<String> setsToUse = ConstructedFormats.getSetsByFormat(format);
    if (setsToUse.isEmpty()) {
      // Default to using all sets
      setsToUse = ExpansionRepository.instance.getSetCodes();

    int deckSize = genDialog.getDeckSize();

    if (selectedColors.contains("X")) {
      selectedColors = getRandomColors(selectedColors);

    for (int i = 0; i < selectedColors.length(); i++) {
      char c = selectedColors.charAt(i);

    return generateDeck(deckSize, allowedColors, setsToUse);
Exemple #2
   * Builds a deck out of the selected block/set/format.
   * @return a path to the generated deck.
  public static String generateDeck() {

    genDialog = new DeckGeneratorDialog();
    if (genDialog.getSelectedColors() != null) {
      Deck deck = buildDeck();
      return genDialog.saveDeck(deck);
    // If the deck couldn't be generated or the user cancelled, repopulate the deck selection with
    // its cached value
    return PreferencesDialog.getCachedValue(PreferencesDialog.KEY_NEW_TABLE_DECK_FILE, null);
Exemple #3
   * Generates all the cards to use in the deck. Adds creatures, non-creatures, lands (including
   * non-basic). Fixes the deck, adjusting for size and color of the cards retrieved.
   * @param deckSize how big the deck is to generate.
   * @param allowedColors which colors are allowed in the deck.
   * @param setsToUse which sets to use to retrieve cards for this deck.
   * @return the final deck to use.
  private static Deck generateDeck(
      int deckSize, List<ColoredManaSymbol> allowedColors, List<String> setsToUse) {
    genPool = new DeckGeneratorPool(deckSize, allowedColors, genDialog.isSingleton());

    final String[] sets = setsToUse.toArray(new String[setsToUse.size()]);

    // Creatures
    final CardCriteria creatureCriteria = new CardCriteria();
    if (!(genDialog.useArtifacts())) creatureCriteria.notTypes(CardType.ARTIFACT);

    // Non-creatures (sorcery, instant, enchantment, artifact etc.)
    final CardCriteria nonCreatureCriteria = new CardCriteria();
    if (!(genDialog.useArtifacts())) nonCreatureCriteria.notTypes(CardType.ARTIFACT);

    // Non-basic land
    final CardCriteria nonBasicLandCriteria = new CardCriteria();

    // Generate basic land cards
    Map<String, List<CardInfo>> basicLands = generateBasicLands(setsToUse);

    generateSpells(creatureCriteria, genPool.getCreatureCount());
    generateSpells(nonCreatureCriteria, genPool.getNonCreatureCount());
    generateLands(nonBasicLandCriteria, genPool.getLandCount(), basicLands);

    // Reconstructs the final deck and adjusts for Math rounding and/or missing cards
    return genPool.getDeck();
Exemple #4
   * Generates all the lands for the deck. Generates non-basic if selected by the user and if the
   * deck isn't monocolored. Will fetch non-basic lands if required and then fill up the remaining
   * space with basic lands. Basic lands are adjusted according to the mana symbols seen in the
   * cards used in this deck. Usually the lands will be well balanced relative to the color of
   * cards.
   * @param criteria the criteria of the lands to search for in the database.
   * @param landsCount the amount of lands required for this deck.
   * @param basicLands information about the basic lands from the sets used.
  private static void generateLands(
      CardCriteria criteria, int landsCount, Map<String, List<CardInfo>> basicLands) {

    int tries = 0;
    int countNonBasic = 0;
    // Store the nonbasic lands (if any) we'll add
    List<Card> deckLands = new ArrayList<>();

    // Calculates the percentage of colored mana symbols over all spells in the deck
    Map<String, Double> percentage = genPool.calculateSpellColorPercentages();

    // Only dual/tri color lands are generated for now, and not non-basic lands that only produce
    // colorless mana.
    if (!genPool.isMonoColoredDeck() && genDialog.useNonBasicLand()) {
      List<Card> landCards = genPool.filterLands(CardRepository.instance.findCards(criteria));
      int allCount = landCards.size();
      Random random = new Random();
      if (allCount > 0) {
        while (countNonBasic < landsCount / 2) {
          Card card = landCards.get(random.nextInt(allCount));
          if (genPool.isValidLandCard(card)) {
            Card addedCard = card.copy();
          // to avoid infinite loop
          if (tries > MAX_TRIES) {
            // Not a problem, just use what we have
    // Calculate the amount of colored mana already can be produced by the non-basic lands
    Map<String, Integer> count = genPool.countManaProduced(deckLands);
    // Fill up the rest of the land quota with basic lands adjusted to fit the deck's mana costs
    addBasicLands(landsCount - countNonBasic, percentage, count, basicLands);