@Override protected void initializeSubCommands() { Cmd bt = mCommandMap.get("bluetooth"); bt.setHelp(R.string.chat_help_bt_state, null); bt.AddSubCmd("on", R.string.chat_help_bt_on, null); bt.AddSubCmd("off", R.string.chat_help_bt_off, null); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner scanner; String s; Stack<Double> stack = new Stack<>(); if (args.length > 0) { scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(args[0])); } else { scanner = new Scanner(System.in); } Map<String, Double> varMap = new HashMap<>(); CommandFactory singleton = CommandFactory.getInst(); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { s = scanner.nextLine(); String[] str = s.split(" "); Cmd kom = singleton.getCommandByName(str[0]); if (kom != null) { try { kom.exec(stack, varMap, str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Введена неизвестная команда"); } } else { System.out.println("Команда не найдена"); } } }
public static Cmd match(int type) { for (Cmd each : Cmd.values()) { if (type == each.getType()) { return each; } } throw new UndefinedCmdException(type); }
/** * Returns a nice formated String of the Commands this class handles * * @return */ protected final String getCommandsAsString() { String res = ""; for (Cmd c : mCommandMap.values()) { res += c.getName(); if (c.getAlias().length > 0) { res += " ("; for (String s : c.getAlias()) { res += s + ", "; } res = res.substring(0, res.length() - 2) + ")"; } res += ", "; } return res; }
public Cmd getCommand(String name) { Cmd cmd = mCommandMap.get(name); if (cmd != null) { return cmd; } else { for (Cmd c : mCommandMap.values()) { for (String a : c.getAlias()) { if (a.equals(name)) { return c; } } } } return null; }
CommandHandlerBase(MainService mainService, int cmdType, Object... commands) { if (sMainService == null) { sMainService = mainService; sSettingsMgr = SettingsManager.getSettingsManager(sContext); sContext = mainService.getBaseContext(); Cmd.setContext(sContext); } mCommandMap = new HashMap<String, Cmd>(); for (Object o : commands) { Cmd c = (Cmd) o; mCommandMap.put(c.getName(), c); } mCmdType = cmdType; mAnswerTo = null; initializeSubCommands(); }
public Syntax internalDeepCopy(Token start, Token end) { Syntax copy = new DotMethodCallExp( start, end, (methodName == null ? null : (Id) methodName.internalDeepCopy(start, end)), (subpat == null ? null : (Cmd) subpat.internalDeepCopy(start, end))); return copy; }
/** * Request a help String array from the command The String is formated with your internal * BOLD/ITALIC/etc Tags * * @return Help String array, null if there is no help available */ public String[] help() { ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Cmd c : mCommandMap.values()) { if (c.getHelp() != null) { res.add(c.getHelp()); } for (SubCmd sc : c.getSubCmds()) { if (sc.getHelp() != null) { res.add(sc.getHelp()); } } } if (res.size() > 0) { return res.toArray(new String[res.size()]); } else { return null; } }
public Syntax internalDeepCopy(Token start, Token end) { Syntax copy = new ClsPatDef( start, end, (id == null ? null : (Id) id.internalDeepCopy(start, end)), (List<Id>) (deepCopyList(formals, start, end)), (body == null ? null : (Cmd) body.internalDeepCopy(start, end))); return copy; }
@Override public void exec(List<String> parameter) { try { if (Cmd.isInteger(parameter.get(0))) { SetKeys.GUI_TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE.setValue( Utility.pixelSizeToGLSize(0, Integer.parseInt(parameter.get(0)))[1]); } else { SetKeys.GUI_TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE.setValue(Float.parseFloat(parameter.get(0))); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( "Unable to change setting (gui_tooltip_font_size): illegel parameter 0 (" + parameter.get(0) + ")", "CommandExecuter.exec"); return; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override void set(String p, String v) { TextView w = (TextView) widget; String[] opt = Cmd.qsplit(v); if (p.equals("caption") || p.equals("text")) w.setText(Util.remquotes(v)); else if (p.equals("alignment")) { if (0 == opt.length) { JConsoleApp.theWd.error("set alignment requires 1 argument: " + id + " " + p); return; } if (opt[0].equals("left")) w.setGravity(Gravity.LEFT); else if (opt[0].equals("right")) w.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT); else if (opt[0].equals("center")) w.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); else { JConsoleApp.theWd.error("set alignment requires left, right or center: " + id + " " + p); return; } } else super.set(p, v); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- JTextView(String n, String s, Form f, Pane p) { super(n, s, f, p); type = "static"; TextView w = new TextView(f.activity); widget = (View) w; String qn = n; String[] opt = Cmd.qsplit(s); if (JConsoleApp.theWd.invalidopt(n, opt, "staticbox left right center")) return; if (1 < (Util.sacontains(opt, "left") ? 1 : 0) + (Util.sacontains(opt, "right") ? 1 : 0) + (Util.sacontains(opt, "center") ? 1 : 0)) { JConsoleApp.theWd.error("conflicting child style: " + n + " " + Util.sajoinstr(opt, " ")); return; } childStyle(opt); if (!Util.sacontains(opt, "staticbox")) w.setText(qn); if (Util.sacontains(opt, "left")) w.setGravity(Gravity.LEFT); else if (Util.sacontains(opt, "right")) w.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT); else if (Util.sacontains(opt, "center")) w.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); }
@Override public void setupOptions() { super.setupOptions(); options.addOption("d", "destination", true, "destination (queue or topic) name"); options.addOption(null, "host", true, "set server hostname"); options.addOption("p", "password", true, "broker password for connection"); options.addOption(null, "port", true, "set server port"); options.addOption("u", "user", true, "broker username for connection"); options.addOption(null, "url", true, "broker connection url"); options.addOption( null, "sleep", true, "sleep for the specified number of milliseconds between each message"); options.addOption(null, "percent", false, "show progress percentage"); options.addOption("b", "batch", true, "set batch size"); options.addOption( null, "length", true, "length of internally-generated message, in characters (default 500)"); options.addOption(null, "properties", true, "add header properties"); options.addOption( null, "durable", true, "enable durable subscription with specified client ID"); options.addOption(null, "format", true, "display format: none|short|long|text"); }
protected void runInternal() throws Exception { target.execute(); }
public boolean isMatchingCmd(String cmdName, String input) { Cmd cmd = getCommand(input); return cmd != null && cmd.getName().equals(cmdName); }
@Override protected void initializeSubCommands() { Cmd cmd = mCommandMap.get("cmd"); cmd.setHelp(0, null); cmd.AddSubCmd("subCmd", 0, null); }