   * Append data to the data set.
   * @param d Array containing (x,y) pairs to append
   * @param n Number of (x,y) data pairs in the array.
   * @throws Exception A generic exception if it fails to load the parsed array into the class.
  public void append(double d[], int n) throws Exception {
    int i;
    int k = 0;
    double tmp[];
    int ln = n * stride;

    if (d == null || d.length == 0 || n <= 0) {
      throw new Exception("DataSet: Error in append data!");

    if (data == null) data = new double[increment];

    //     Copy the data locally.

    if (ln + length < data.length) {
      System.arraycopy(d, 0, data, length, ln);
      length += ln;
    } else {
      tmp = new double[ln + length + increment];

      if (length != 0) {
        System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, length);
      System.arraycopy(d, 0, tmp, length, ln);

      length += ln;
      data = tmp;

    //     Calculate the data range.

    //     Update the range on Axis that this data is attached to
    if (xaxis != null) xaxis.resetRange();
    if (yaxis != null) yaxis.resetRange();