   * Consumes the assertion, resulting in the extraction of the Subject as the JAAS principal and
   * the Role Statements as the JAAS roles.
   * @param assertion
   * @throws Exception
  private SimplePrincipal consumeAssertion(AssertionType assertion) throws Exception {
    SubjectType samlSubjectType = assertion.getSubject();
    String samlSubject = ((NameIDType) samlSubjectType.getSubType().getBaseID()).getValue();

    SimplePrincipal identity = new SimplePrincipal(samlSubject);

    Set<StatementAbstractType> statements = assertion.getStatements();
    for (StatementAbstractType statement : statements) {
      if (statement instanceof AttributeStatementType) {
        AttributeStatementType attrStatement = (AttributeStatementType) statement;
        List<ASTChoiceType> attributes = attrStatement.getAttributes();
        for (ASTChoiceType astChoiceType : attributes) {
          if (astChoiceType.getAttribute() != null
              && astChoiceType.getAttribute().getName().equals("Role")) { // $NON-NLS-1$
            List<Object> values = astChoiceType.getAttribute().getAttributeValue();
            for (Object roleValue : values) {
              if (roleValue != null) {


    return identity;
   * This test constructs the {@link ResponseType}. An {@link AssertionType} is locally constructed
   * and then passed to the construct method
   * @throws Exception
  public void constructAndSign() throws Exception {
    SAML2Response samlResponse = new SAML2Response();
    String ID = IDGenerator.create("ID_");

    IssuerInfoHolder issuerInfo = new IssuerInfoHolder("picketlink");

    IDPInfoHolder idp = new IDPInfoHolder();

    // create the service provider(in this case BAS) holder object
    SPInfoHolder sp = new SPInfoHolder();

    Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    attributes.put("TOKEN_USER_ID", String.valueOf(2));
    attributes.put("TOKEN_ORGANIZATION_DISPLAY_NAME", "Test Org");
    attributes.put("TOKEN_USER_DISPLAY_NAME", "Test User");

    AttributeStatementType attributeStatement = StatementUtil.createAttributeStatement(attributes);

    String assertionId = IDGenerator.create("ID_");

    AssertionType assertion = AssertionUtil.createAssertion(assertionId, issuerInfo.getIssuer());

    ResponseType responseType = samlResponse.createResponseType(ID, sp, idp, issuerInfo, assertion);
    SAML2Signature sig = new SAML2Signature();
    Document signedDoc = sig.sign(responseType, getKeyPair());

    System.out.println("Signed Response=" + DocumentUtil.asString(signedDoc));

    Document convertedDoc = samlResponse.convert(responseType);

    // Now for the writing part
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    SAMLResponseWriter samlWriter = new SAMLResponseWriter(StaxUtil.getXMLStreamWriter(baos));

    Document doc = DocumentUtil.getDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
   * Creates a SAMLV2 {@code AssertionType} with the specified values.
   * @param id a {@code String} representing the assertion ID.
   * @param issuerID a {@code NameIDType} that identifies the assertion issuer.
   * @param issueInstant the assertion time of creation.
   * @param conditions the {@code ConditionsType} that specify the conditions under which the
   *     assertion is to be considered valid
   * @param subject the {@code SubjectType} that identifies the authenticated principal.
   * @param statements a list of statements associated with the authenticated principal.
   * @return
  public static AssertionType createAssertion(
      String id,
      NameIDType issuerID,
      XMLGregorianCalendar issueInstant,
      ConditionsType conditions,
      SubjectType subject,
      List<StatementAbstractType> statements) {
    AssertionType assertion = new AssertionType(id, issueInstant);
    if (conditions != null) assertion.setConditions(conditions);
    if (subject != null) assertion.setSubject(subject);

    if (statements != null) {
      for (StatementAbstractType statement : statements) {
    return assertion;