Example #1
 public String renewConnectorTokens(@PathParam("apiKeyId") long apiKeyId) throws Exception {
   final ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKeyId);
   ConnectorInfo connectorInfo = sysService.getConnectorInfo(apiKey.getConnector().getName());
   JSONObject renewInfo = new JSONObject();
   final String renewTokensUrlTemplate = connectorInfo.renewTokensUrlTemplate;
   final String renewTokensUrl = String.format(renewTokensUrlTemplate, apiKey.getId());
   renewInfo.accumulate("redirectTo", env.get("homeBaseUrl") + renewTokensUrl);
   return renewInfo.toString();
Example #2
 public String getConnectorSettings(@PathParam("apiKeyId") long apiKeyId)
     throws UpdateFailedException, IOException {
   final ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKeyId);
   final long guestId = AuthHelper.getGuestId();
   if (apiKey.getGuestId() != guestId)
     throw new RuntimeException("attempt to retrieve ApiKey from another guest!");
   final Object settings = settingsService.getConnectorSettings(apiKey.getId());
   String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(settings);
   return json;
  private void initChannelMapping(ApiKey apiKey, final List<CalendarConfig> calendarConfigs) {
    ChannelMapping mapping = new ChannelMapping();
    mapping.deviceName = "google_calendar";
    mapping.channelName = "events";
    mapping.timeType = ChannelMapping.TimeType.gmt;
    mapping.channelType = ChannelMapping.ChannelType.timespan;
    mapping.guestId = apiKey.getGuestId();
    mapping.apiKeyId = apiKey.getId();

    BodyTrackHelper.ChannelStyle channelStyle = new BodyTrackHelper.ChannelStyle();
    channelStyle.timespanStyles = new BodyTrackHelper.MainTimespanStyle();
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle = new BodyTrackHelper.TimespanStyle();
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.fillColor = "#92da46";
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.borderColor = "#92da46";
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.borderWidth = 2;
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.top = 1.0;
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.defaultStyle.bottom = 1.0;
    channelStyle.timespanStyles.values = new HashMap();

    GoogleCalendarConnectorSettings connectorSettings =
        (GoogleCalendarConnectorSettings) settingsService.getConnectorSettings(apiKey.getId());
    int n = calendarConfigs.size();
    if (connectorSettings != null) {
      n = 0;
      for (CalendarConfig calendar : connectorSettings.calendars) {
        if (!calendar.hidden) n++;
    double rowHeight = 1.f / (n * 2 + 1);
    int i = 0;
    for (CalendarConfig config : calendarConfigs) {
      if (connectorSettings != null && config.hidden) continue;

      BodyTrackHelper.TimespanStyle stylePart = new BodyTrackHelper.TimespanStyle();

      final int rowsFromTop = (i + 1) * 2 - 1;

      stylePart.top = (double) rowsFromTop * rowHeight - (rowHeight * 0.25);
      stylePart.bottom = stylePart.top + rowHeight + (rowHeight * 0.25);
      stylePart.fillColor = config.backgroundColor;
      stylePart.borderColor = config.backgroundColor;
      channelStyle.timespanStyles.values.put(config.id, stylePart);

    bodyTrackHelper.setDefaultStyle(apiKey.getGuestId(), "google_calendar", "events", channelStyle);
Example #4
 public StatusModel saveConnectorSettings(
     @PathParam("apiKeyId") long apiKeyId, @FormParam("json") String json) {
   final ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(apiKeyId);
   final long guestId = AuthHelper.getGuestId();
   try {
     if (apiKey.getGuestId() != guestId)
       throw new RuntimeException("attempt to retrieve ApiKey from another guest!");
     settingsService.saveConnectorSettings(apiKey.getId(), json);
   } catch (Throwable e) {
     return new StatusModel(false, e.getMessage());
   return new StatusModel(true, "saved connector settings");
Example #5
 public String setConnectorChannels(
     @PathParam("connector") String connectorName, @FormParam("channels") String channels) {
   StatusModel result;
   Guest guest = AuthHelper.getGuest();
   // If no guest is logged in, return empty array
   if (guest == null) return "{}";
   try {
     ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(guest.getId(), Connector.getConnector(connectorName));
         guest.getId(), apiKey.getConnector(), channels.split(","));
     result = new StatusModel(true, "Successfully updated channels for " + connectorName + ".");
     StringBuilder sb =
         new StringBuilder("module=API component=connectorStore action=setConnectorChannels")
             .append(" connector=")
             .append(" channels=")
             .append(" guestId=")
   } catch (Exception e) {
     StringBuilder sb =
         new StringBuilder("module=API component=connectorStore action=setConnectorChannels")
             .append(" connector=")
             .append(" guestId=")
             .append(" stackTrace=<![CDATA[")
     result = new StatusModel(false, "Failed to set channels for " + connectorName + ".");
   return gson.toJson(result);
Example #6
  public String getData(
      @PathParam("objectTypeName") String objectTypeName,
      @QueryParam("start") long start,
      @QueryParam("end") long end,
      @QueryParam("value") String value) {
    Guest guest = AuthHelper.getGuest();
    if (guest == null) return "[]";

    CoachingBuddy coachee;
    try {
      coachee = AuthHelper.getCoachee();
    } catch (CoachRevokedException e) {
      return gson.toJson(
          new StatusModel(
              "Sorry, permission to access this data has been revoked. Please reload your browser window"));
    if (coachee != null) {
      guest = guestService.getGuestById(coachee.guestId);

    String[] objectTypeNameParts = objectTypeName.split("-");
    ApiKey apiKey =
            .getApiKeys(guest.getId(), Connector.getConnector(objectTypeNameParts[0]))
    Connector connector = apiKey.getConnector();

    final AbstractBodytrackResponder bodytrackResponder =
    return gson.toJson(
            settingsService.getSettings(guest.getId()), apiKey, objectTypeName, start, end, value));
Example #7
 private long getLatestData(ApiKey apiKey) {
   if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return Long.MAX_VALUE;
   final ObjectType[] objectTypes = apiKey.getConnector().objectTypes();
   if (objectTypes == null || objectTypes.length == 0) {
     final String maxTimeAtt =
         guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, ApiKeyAttribute.MAX_TIME_KEY);
     // only return the ApiKey's maxTime if we have it cached as an attribute
     if (maxTimeAtt != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxTimeAtt)) {
       final DateTime dateTime =
       return dateTime.getMillis();
   } else {
     long maxTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
     for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypes) {
       final String maxTimeAtt =
               apiKey, objectType.getApiKeyAttributeName(ApiKeyAttribute.MAX_TIME_KEY));
       if (maxTimeAtt != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxTimeAtt)) {
         final DateTime dateTime =
         final long maxObjectTypeTime = dateTime.getMillis();
         if (maxObjectTypeTime > maxTime) maxTime = maxObjectTypeTime;
     // only return the ApiKey's maxTime if we have it cached as an attribute for any its
     // connector's objectTypes
     if (maxTime > Long.MIN_VALUE) return maxTime;
   // fall back to old method of querying the facets table
   AbstractFacet facet = null; // apiDataService.getLatestApiDataFacet(apiKey, null);
   return facet == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : facet.end;
Example #8
 private long getLastSync(ApiKey apiKey) {
   if (!apiKey.getConnector().hasFacets()) return Long.MAX_VALUE;
   final String lastSyncTimeAtt =
       guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, ApiKeyAttribute.LAST_SYNC_TIME_KEY);
   // only return the ApiKey's lastSyncTime if we have it cached as an attribute
   if (lastSyncTimeAtt != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lastSyncTimeAtt)) {
     final DateTime dateTime =
     return dateTime.getMillis();
   // fall back to old method of querying the ApiUpdates table
   ApiUpdate update = null; // connectorUpdateService.getLastSuccessfulUpdate(apiKey);
   return update != null ? update.ts : Long.MAX_VALUE;
  private Calendar getCalendar(final ApiKey apiKey) throws UpdateFailedException {
    HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
    JacksonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
    // Get all the attributes for this connector's oauth token from the stored attributes
    final String accessToken = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "accessToken");
    final String refreshToken = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "refreshToken");
    final String clientId = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "google.client.id");
    final String clientSecret = guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "google.client.secret");
    final GoogleCredential.Builder builder = new GoogleCredential.Builder();
    builder.setClientSecrets(clientId, clientSecret);
    GoogleCredential credential = builder.build();
    final Long tokenExpires = Long.valueOf(guestService.getApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "tokenExpires"));
    try {
      if (tokenExpires < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
        boolean tokenRefreshed = false;

        // Don't worry about checking if we are running on a mirrored test instance.
        // Refreshing tokens independently on both the main server and a mirrored instance
        // seems to work just fine.

        // Try to swap the expired access token for a fresh one.
        tokenRefreshed = credential.refreshToken();

        if (tokenRefreshed) {
          Long newExpireTime = credential.getExpirationTimeMilliseconds();
              "google calendar token has been refreshed, new expire time = " + newExpireTime);
          // Update stored expire time
          guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "accessToken", credential.getAccessToken());
          guestService.setApiKeyAttribute(apiKey, "tokenExpires", newExpireTime.toString());
    } catch (TokenResponseException e) {
          "module=GoogleCalendarUpdater component=background_updates action=refreshToken"
              + " connector="
              + apiKey.getConnector().getName()
              + " guestId="
              + apiKey.getGuestId()
              + " status=permanently failed");
      // Notify the user that the tokens need to be manually renewed
          "Heads Up. We failed in our attempt to automatically refresh your Google Calendar authentication tokens.<br>"
              + "Please head to <a href=\"javascript:App.manageConnectors()\">Manage Connectors</a>,<br>"
              + "scroll to the Google Calendar connector, and renew your tokens (look for the <i class=\"icon-resize-small icon-large\"></i> icon)");

      // Record permanent update failure since this connector is never
      // going to succeed
          apiKey.getId(), ApiKey.Status.STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, Utils.stackTrace(e));
      throw new UpdateFailedException(
          "refresh token attempt permanently failed due to a bad token refresh response", e, true);
    } catch (IOException e) {
          "module=GoogleCalendarUpdater component=background_updates action=refreshToken"
              + " connector="
              + apiKey.getConnector().getName()
              + " guestId="
              + apiKey.getGuestId()
              + " status=temporarily failed");
      // Notify the user that the tokens need to be manually renewed
      throw new UpdateFailedException("refresh token attempt failed", e, true);
    final Calendar.Builder calendarBuilder =
        new Calendar.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential);
    final Calendar calendar = calendarBuilder.build();
    return calendar;
Example #10
  public String getInstalledConnectors() {
    Guest guest = AuthHelper.getGuest();
    // If no guest is logged in, return empty array
    if (guest == null) return "[]";
    ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages/connectors");
    try {
      List<ConnectorInfo> connectors = sysService.getConnectors();
      JSONArray connectorsArray = new JSONArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < connectors.size(); i++) {
        final ConnectorInfo connectorInfo = connectors.get(i);
        final Connector api = connectorInfo.getApi();
        if (api == null) {
          StringBuilder sb =
              new StringBuilder(
                  "module=API component=connectorStore action=getInstalledConnectors ");
          logger.warn("message=\"null connector for " + connectorInfo.getName() + "\"");
        if (!guestService.hasApiKey(guest.getId(), api)
            || api.getName().equals("facebook") /*HACK*/) {
        } else {
          ConnectorInfo connector = connectorInfo;
          JSONObject connectorJson = new JSONObject();
          Connector conn = Connector.fromValue(connector.api);
          ApiKey apiKey = guestService.getApiKey(guest.getId(), conn);

          connectorJson.accumulate("prettyName", conn.prettyName());
          List<String> facetTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
          ObjectType[] objTypes = conn.objectTypes();
          if (objTypes != null) {
            for (ObjectType obj : objTypes) {
              facetTypes.add(connector.connectorName + "-" + obj.getName());
          connectorJson.accumulate("facetTypes", facetTypes);
              "status", apiKey.status != null ? apiKey.status.toString() : "NA");
          connectorJson.accumulate("name", connector.name);
          connectorJson.accumulate("connectUrl", connector.connectUrl);
          connectorJson.accumulate("image", connector.image);
          connectorJson.accumulate("connectorName", connector.connectorName);
          connectorJson.accumulate("enabled", connector.enabled);
          connectorJson.accumulate("manageable", connector.manageable);
          connectorJson.accumulate("text", connector.text);
          connectorJson.accumulate("api", connector.api);
          connectorJson.accumulate("apiKeyId", apiKey.getId());
              "lastSync", connector.supportsSync ? getLastSync(apiKey) : Long.MAX_VALUE);
          connectorJson.accumulate("latestData", getLatestData(apiKey));
          final String auditTrail = checkForErrors(apiKey);
          connectorJson.accumulate("errors", auditTrail != null);
          connectorJson.accumulate("auditTrail", auditTrail != null ? auditTrail : "");
          connectorJson.accumulate("syncing", checkIfSyncInProgress(guest.getId(), conn));
              "channels", settingsService.getChannelsForConnector(guest.getId(), conn));
          connectorJson.accumulate("sticky", connector.connectorName.equals("fluxtream_capture"));
          connectorJson.accumulate("supportsRenewToken", connector.supportsRenewTokens);
          connectorJson.accumulate("supportsSync", connector.supportsSync);
          connectorJson.accumulate("supportsFileUpload", connector.supportsFileUpload);
          connectorJson.accumulate("prettyName", conn.prettyName());
          final String uploadMessageKey = conn.getName() + ".upload";
          if (res.containsKey(uploadMessageKey)) {
            final String uploadMessage = res.getString(uploadMessageKey);
            connectorJson.accumulate("uploadMessage", uploadMessage);
      StringBuilder sb =
          new StringBuilder("module=API component=connectorStore action=getInstalledConnectors")
              .append(" guestId=")
      return connectorsArray.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      StringBuilder sb =
          new StringBuilder("module=API component=connectorStore action=getInstalledConnectors")
              .append(" guestId=")
              .append(" stackTrace=<![CDATA[")
      return gson.toJson(
          new StatusModel(false, "Failed to get installed connectors: " + e.getMessage()));