private static void checkMethodInType( IType destinationType, RefactoringStatus result, IMethod method) throws JavaModelException { IMethod[] destinationTypeMethods = destinationType.getMethods(); IMethod found = findMethod(method, destinationTypeMethods); if (found != null) { RefactoringStatusContext context = JavaStatusContext.create(destinationType.getCompilationUnit(), found.getSourceRange()); String message = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberCheckUtil_signature_exists, new String[] { BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(method.getElementName()), getQualifiedLabel(destinationType) }); result.addError(message, context); } else { IMethod similar = Checks.findMethod(method, destinationType); if (similar != null) { String message = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.MemberCheckUtil_same_param_count, new String[] { BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(method.getElementName()), getQualifiedLabel(destinationType) }); RefactoringStatusContext context = JavaStatusContext.create( destinationType.getCompilationUnit(), similar.getSourceRange()); result.addWarning(message, context); } } }
private boolean canSwitchNames(IMethod nukeTarget, IMethod nameSwitchTarget) { String nukeName = nukeTarget.getElementName(); String nameSwitchName = nameSwitchTarget.getElementName(); boolean result = !nukeName.equals(nameSwitchName); result &= !hasMember(nukeTarget.getDeclaringType(), nameSwitchName); result &= !hasMember(nameSwitchTarget.getDeclaringType(), nukeName); return result; }
/** * Calculate proposals. This implementation calls {@link #calculateType} to get the root for the * search and passes the returned {@link IType} and the instance's {@link IMethodFilter} to {@link * Introspector#findAllMethods(IType, String, IMethodFilter)}. * * <p>If a match is found the {@link #createMethodProposal} is called to report the match as a * proposal in the content assist request. */ public void computeProposals( IContentAssistContext context, IContentAssistProposalRecorder recorder) { Set<String> proposedMethods = new HashSet<String>(); for (IMethod method : Introspector.findAllMethods(calculateType(context), context.getMatchString(), filter)) { if (!proposedMethods.contains(method.getElementName())) { proposedMethods.add(method.getElementName()); createMethodProposal(recorder, method); } } }
private void printMethods(IType type, StringBuilder sb) throws JavaModelException { IMethod[] methods = type.getMethods(); if (methods.length > 0) { sb.append("<METHODS>"); for (IMethod method : methods) { sb.append("<METHOD NAME=\"" + method.getElementName() + "\">"); ILocalVariable[] vars = method.getParameters(); sb.append("<PARAMETERS>"); if (vars.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i += 1) { System.out.println(vars[i].toString()); System.out.println(vars[i].getSource()); sb.append("<PARAMETER>" + vars[i].getSource() + "</PARAMETER>"); } } else { sb.append("<PARAMETER>void</PARAMETER>"); } sb.append("</PARAMETERS>"); // method.gets sb.append("<SIGNATURE>" + method.getSignature() + "</SIGNATURE>"); sb.append("<RETURNTYPE>" + method.getReturnType() + "</RETURNTYPE>"); sb.append("</METHOD>"); } sb.append("</METHODS>"); } }
private void addAccessorOccurrences( IProgressMonitor pm, IMethod accessor, String editName, String newAccessorName, RefactoringStatus status) throws CoreException { Assert.isTrue(accessor.exists()); IJavaSearchScope scope = RefactoringScopeFactory.create(accessor); SearchPattern pattern = SearchPattern.createPattern( accessor, IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURRENCES, SearchUtils.GENERICS_AGNOSTIC_MATCH_RULE); SearchResultGroup[] groupedResults = pattern, scope, new MethodOccurenceCollector(accessor.getElementName()), pm, status); for (int i = 0; i < groupedResults.length; i++) { ICompilationUnit cu = groupedResults[i].getCompilationUnit(); if (cu == null) continue; SearchMatch[] results = groupedResults[i].getSearchResults(); for (int j = 0; j < results.length; j++) { SearchMatch searchResult = results[j]; TextEdit edit = new ReplaceEdit(searchResult.getOffset(), searchResult.getLength(), newAccessorName); addTextEdit(fChangeManager.get(cu), editName, edit); } } }
/** * Gets the fully qualified name of the supplied java element. * * <p>NOTE: For easy of determining fields and method segments, they are appended with a javadoc * style '#' instead of the normal '.'. * * @param element The IJavaElement. * @return The fully qualified name. */ public static String getFullyQualifiedName(IJavaElement element) { IJavaElement parent = element; while (parent.getElementType() != IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT && parent.getElementType() != IJavaElement.CLASS_FILE) { parent = parent.getParent(); } StringBuffer elementName = new StringBuffer() .append(parent.getParent().getElementName()) .append('.') .append(FileUtils.getFileName(parent.getElementName())); switch (element.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.FIELD: IField field = (IField) element; elementName.append('#').append(field.getElementName()); break; case IJavaElement.METHOD: IMethod method = (IMethod) element; elementName.append('#').append(method.getElementName()).append('('); String[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); for (int ii = 0; ii < parameters.length; ii++) { if (ii != 0) { elementName.append(", "); } elementName.append(Signature.toString(parameters[ii]).replace('/', '.')); } elementName.append(')'); break; } return elementName.toString(); }
private RefactoringStatus checkRelatedMethods() throws CoreException { RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus(); for (Iterator<IMethod> iter = fMethodsToRename.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { IMethod method =; result.merge( Checks.checkIfConstructorName( method, getNewElementName(), method.getDeclaringType().getElementName())); String[] msgData = new String[] { BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(method.getElementName()), BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName( method.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName('.')) }; if (!method.exists()) { result.addFatalError( Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodRefactoring_not_in_model, msgData)); continue; } if (method.isBinary()) result.addFatalError( Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodRefactoring_no_binary, msgData)); if (method.isReadOnly()) result.addFatalError( Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodRefactoring_no_read_only, msgData)); if (JdtFlags.isNative(method)) result.addError( Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodRefactoring_no_native_1, msgData)); } return result; }
/** @since 3.2.0 */ public static IMethod getMethod( IType type, String methodName, String[] parameterTypes, boolean includeHierarchy) { int index = methodName.indexOf('('); if (index >= 0) { methodName = methodName.substring(0, index); } try { while (type != null) { for (IMethod method : Introspector.getMethods(type)) { if (method.getElementName().equals(methodName) && method.getParameterTypes().length == parameterTypes.length) { String[] methodParameterTypes = getParameterTypesAsStringArray(method); if (Arrays.deepEquals(parameterTypes, methodParameterTypes)) { return method; } } } if (!includeHierarchy) break; type = Introspector.getSuperType(type); } return Introspector.findMethod( type, methodName, parameterTypes.length, Public.YES, Static.DONT_CARE); } catch (JavaModelException e) { } return null; }
public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration node) { if (null != m_methodFilter) { return node.getName().getIdentifier().equals(m_methodFilter.getElementName()) && node.parameters().size() == m_methodFilter.getNumberOfParameters(); } else { return true; } }
protected void initialize(IMethod method) { fMethod = method; if (!fInitialized) { if (method != null) setNewElementName(method.getElementName()); fUpdateReferences = true; initializeWorkingCopyOwner(); } }
@Override public Change createChange(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { final TextChange[] changes = fChangeManager.getAllChanges(); final List<TextChange> list = new ArrayList<>(changes.length); list.addAll(Arrays.asList(changes)); String project = null; IJavaProject javaProject = fMethod.getJavaProject(); if (javaProject != null) project = javaProject.getElementName(); int flags = JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_MIGRATION | JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_REFACTORING | RefactoringDescriptor.STRUCTURAL_CHANGE; try { if (!Flags.isPrivate(fMethod.getFlags())) flags |= RefactoringDescriptor.MULTI_CHANGE; } catch (JavaModelException exception) { JavaPlugin.log(exception); } final IType declaring = fMethod.getDeclaringType(); try { if (declaring.isAnonymous() || declaring.isLocal()) flags |= JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_SOURCE_ATTACHMENT; } catch (JavaModelException exception) { JavaPlugin.log(exception); } final String description = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodProcessor_descriptor_description_short, BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(fMethod.getElementName())); final String header = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodProcessor_descriptor_description, new String[] { JavaElementLabels.getTextLabel(fMethod, JavaElementLabels.ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED), BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(getNewElementName()) }); final String comment = new JDTRefactoringDescriptorComment(project, this, header).asString(); final RenameJavaElementDescriptor descriptor = RefactoringSignatureDescriptorFactory.createRenameJavaElementDescriptor( IJavaRefactorings.RENAME_METHOD); descriptor.setProject(project); descriptor.setDescription(description); descriptor.setComment(comment); descriptor.setFlags(flags); descriptor.setJavaElement(fMethod); descriptor.setNewName(getNewElementName()); descriptor.setUpdateReferences(fUpdateReferences); descriptor.setKeepOriginal(fDelegateUpdating); descriptor.setDeprecateDelegate(fDelegateDeprecation); return new DynamicValidationRefactoringChange( descriptor, RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodProcessor_change_name, list.toArray(new Change[list.size()])); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
public static String getMethodName(IMethod method) { // Special support Ajdt intertype declarations String methodName = method.getElementName(); int index = methodName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > 0) { methodName = methodName.substring(index + 1); } return methodName; }
public IMethod findMethod(IType type, String name) throws JavaModelException { for (IMethod m : type.getMethods()) if (m.getElementName().equals(name)) return m; String superType = type.getSuperclassName(); if (superType != null) for (String[] resolved : type.resolveType(superType)) { IType type2 = TypeUtil.findType(type.getJavaProject(), resolved[0] + "." + resolved[1]); if (type2 != null) return findMethod(type2, name); } return null; }
public static IMethod[] getMethods(IType type, String[] names, String[][] signatures) { if (names == null || signatures == null) return new IMethod[0]; List methods = new ArrayList(names.length); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { IMethod method = type.getMethod(names[i], signatures[i]); assertTrue("method " + method.getElementName() + " does not exist", method.exists()); if (!methods.contains(method)) methods.add(method); } return (IMethod[]) methods.toArray(new IMethod[methods.size()]); }
public static String getParentName(IMethod method) { // Special support Ajdt intertype declarations String methodName = method.getElementName(); int index = methodName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > 0) { return methodName.substring(0, index); } else { return method.getParent().getElementName(); } }
private void extractIMethod(IMethod method, boolean annotationElement) { try { StringBuilder fqnBuilder = new StringBuilder(fqnStack.peek()); if (method.isConstructor()) { fqnBuilder.append('.').append("<init>"); } else { fqnBuilder.append('.').append(method.getElementName()); } fqnBuilder.append('('); boolean first = true; for (String param : method.getParameterTypes()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { fqnBuilder.append(','); } String sig = typeSignatureToFqn(param); fqnBuilder.append(sig); } fqnBuilder.append(')'); String fqn = fqnBuilder.toString(); // Write the entity if (annotationElement) { entityWriter.writeAnnotationElement(fqn, method.getFlags(), path); } else if (method.isConstructor()) { entityWriter.writeConstructor(fqn, method.getFlags(), path); } else { entityWriter.writeMethod(fqn, method.getFlags(), path); } // Write the inside relation relationWriter.writeInside(fqn, fqnStack.peek(), path); // Write the returns relation relationWriter.writeReturns(fqn, typeSignatureToFqn(method.getReturnType()), path); // Write the receives relation String[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { localVariableWriter.writeClassParameter( "arg" + i, typeSignatureToFqn(paramTypes[i]), fqn, i, path); // relationWriter.writeReceives(fqn, typeSignatureToFqn(paramTypes[i]), "arg" + i, // i); } int pos = 0; for (ITypeParameter param : method.getTypeParameters()) { relationWriter.writeParametrizedBy(fqn, getTypeParam(param), pos++, path); } } catch (JavaModelException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in extracting class file", e); } }
/** * Finds a method in a list of methods. Compares methods by signature (only SimpleNames of types), * and not by the declaring type. * * @param method the method to find * @param allMethods the methods to look at * @return The found method or <code>null</code>, if nothing found * @throws JavaModelException */ public static IMethod findMethod(IMethod method, IMethod[] allMethods) throws JavaModelException { String name = method.getElementName(); String[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); boolean isConstructor = method.isConstructor(); for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.length; i++) { if (JavaModelUtil.isSameMethodSignature(name, paramTypes, isConstructor, allMethods[i])) return allMethods[i]; } return null; }
public static String getPropertyNameFromMethodName(IMethod method) { // Special support Ajdt intertype declarations String methodName = method.getElementName(); int index = methodName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > 0) { methodName = methodName.substring(index + 1); } String replaceText = methodName.substring("set".length()); if (replaceText != null) { replaceText = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(replaceText); } return replaceText; }
private boolean hasMember(IType type, String name) { boolean result = false; try { for (IMethod method : type.getMethods()) { result |= name.equals(method.getElementName()); } } catch (JavaModelException jamox) { // defensive: assume the method is there, try another combination result = true; trace(jamox, type.getElementName()); } return result; }
@Override public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration node) { if (nestLevel != 1) return false; if (targetMethod.getElementName().equals(node.getName().getFullyQualifiedName())) { IMethod method = (IMethod) node.resolveBinding().getJavaElement(); if (targetMethod.isSimilar(method)) { mapperMethod = new MapperMethod(); mapperMethod.setMethodDeclaration(node); return true; } } return false; }
public static IMethod[] findMethods( IMethod[] selectedMethods, String[] namesOfMethods, String[][] signaturesOfMethods) { List found = new ArrayList(selectedMethods.length); for (int i = 0; i < selectedMethods.length; i++) { IMethod method = selectedMethods[i]; String[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < namesOfMethods.length; j++) { String methodName = namesOfMethods[j]; if (!methodName.equals(method.getElementName())) continue; String[] methodSig = signaturesOfMethods[j]; if (!areSameSignatures(paramTypes, methodSig)) continue; found.add(method); } } return (IMethod[]) found.toArray(new IMethod[found.size()]); }
private String toSignature(IMethod method) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(method.getElementName()); String[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); try { String[] names = method.getParameterNames(); result.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i > 0) result.append(", "); result.append(Signature.toString(types[i]) + " " + names[i]); } result.append(")"); } catch (JavaModelException ex) { // ignore } return result.toString(); }
public String convertToString(Object parameterValue) throws ParameterValueConversionException { if (!(parameterValue instanceof IJavaElement)) { throw new ParameterValueConversionException( "parameterValue must be an IJavaElement"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } IJavaElement javaElement = (IJavaElement) parameterValue; IJavaProject javaProject = javaElement.getJavaProject(); if (javaProject == null) { throw new ParameterValueConversionException( "Could not get IJavaProject for element"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } StringBuffer buffer; if (javaElement instanceof IType) { IType type = (IType) javaElement; buffer = composeTypeReference(type); } else if (javaElement instanceof IMethod) { IMethod method = (IMethod) javaElement; buffer = composeTypeReference(method.getDeclaringType()); buffer.append(TYPE_END_CHAR); buffer.append(method.getElementName()); String[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); buffer.append(PARAM_START_CHAR); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { buffer.append(parameterTypes[i]); } buffer.append(PARAM_END_CHAR); } else if (javaElement instanceof IField) { IField field = (IField) javaElement; buffer = composeTypeReference(field.getDeclaringType()); buffer.append(TYPE_END_CHAR); buffer.append(field.getElementName()); } else { throw new ParameterValueConversionException("Unsupported IJavaElement type"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return buffer.toString(); }
private static void appendMethodReference(IMethod meth, StringBuffer buf) throws JavaModelException { buf.append(meth.getElementName()); /* * The Javadoc tool for Java SE 8 changed the anchor syntax and now tries to avoid "strange" characters in URLs. * This breaks all clients that directly create such URLs. * We can't know what format is required, so we just guess by the project's compiler compliance. */ boolean is18OrHigher = JavaModelUtil.is18OrHigher(meth.getJavaProject()); buf.append(is18OrHigher ? '-' : '('); String[] params = meth.getParameterTypes(); IType declaringType = meth.getDeclaringType(); boolean isVararg = Flags.isVarargs(meth.getFlags()); int lastParam = params.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= lastParam; i++) { if (i != 0) { buf.append(is18OrHigher ? "-" : ", "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } String curr = Signature.getTypeErasure(params[i]); String fullName = JavaModelUtil.getResolvedTypeName(curr, declaringType); if (fullName == null) { // e.g. a type parameter "QE;" fullName = Signature.toString(Signature.getElementType(curr)); } if (fullName != null) { buf.append(fullName); int dim = Signature.getArrayCount(curr); if (i == lastParam && isVararg) { dim--; } while (dim > 0) { buf.append(is18OrHigher ? ":A" : "[]"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ dim--; } if (i == lastParam && isVararg) { buf.append("..."); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } buf.append(is18OrHigher ? '-' : ')'); }
/** * We don't include nested types because structural changes of nested types should not affect * Xtend classes which use top level types. * * @deprecated This method is not used anymore. */ @Deprecated protected void traverseType(IType type, NameBasedEObjectDescriptionBuilder acceptor) { try { if (type.exists()) { for (IField field : type.getFields()) { if (!Flags.isSynthetic(field.getFlags())) { String fieldName = field.getElementName(); acceptor.accept(fieldName); } } for (IMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (!Flags.isSynthetic(method.getFlags())) { String methodName = method.getElementName(); acceptor.accept(methodName); } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(e, e); } }
public static void launchMethodConfiguration( IJavaProject javaProject, IMethod imethod, String complianceLevel, String runMode, RunInfo runInfo) { Set /*<String>*/ groups = new HashSet(); List allmethods = solveDependsOn(imethod); IMethod[] methods = new IMethod[allmethods.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < allmethods.size(); i++) { MethodDefinition md = (MethodDefinition) allmethods.get(i); methods[i] = md.getMethod(); groups.addAll(md.getGroups()); } if (!groups.isEmpty()) { groupDependencyWarning(imethod.getElementName(), groups); } launchMethodBasedConfiguration(javaProject, methods, complianceLevel, runMode, runInfo); }
@Override /** * Checks the final conditions in order to perform the refactoring. Specifically, we check if the * variable is used in only a single lower scope than it is declared in, and if this check fails * for any reason, the appropriate error status is set. */ public RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException { RefactoringStatus status = new RefactoringStatus(); ICompilationUnit Unit = method.getCompilationUnit(); compilationUnit = parse(Unit, pm); try { pm.beginTask("Checking validity...", 1); // Do the work to check the final conditions variableVisitor = new LocalVarVisitor(this); variableVisitor.visit(compilationUnit); compilationUnit.accept(variableVisitor); // Now check for any errors that may be present ASTNode sp = variableVisitor.getScopeParent(); ASTNode lsp = variableVisitor.getLowerScopeParent(); if (sp == null) { // the variable was never found setRefactoringStatus(VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND); } else if (lsp == null) { setRefactoringStatus(NO_SCOPE_TO_REDUCE_TO); } if (refactoringStatus == VARIABLE_USED_IN_DECLARING_SCOPE) { status.merge( RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus( varName + " in method " + method.getElementName() + " is used in the same scope it is declared in.")); } else if (refactoringStatus == VARIABLE_IS_FIELD) { status.merge( RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus( varName + " is a field variable and" + " its scope cannot be reduced.")); } else if (refactoringStatus == NO_SCOPE_TO_REDUCE_TO) { status.merge( RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus( "No scope to possibly reduce " + varName + " in method " + method.getElementName() + " to.")); } else if (refactoringStatus == VARIABLE_USED_IN_MULTIPLE_LOWER_SCOPES) { status.merge( RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus( varName + " is used in multiple lower scopes" + " and cannot be reduced in method " + method.getElementName())); } else if (refactoringStatus == VARIABLE_FIRST_INITIALIZED_IN_FOR_DECLARATION) { status.merge( RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus( varName + " is first initialized in a for loop" + " and cannot be reduced in method " + method.getElementName())); } else if (refactoringStatus == VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND) { status.merge( RefactoringStatus.createErrorStatus(varName + " not found in method " + method)); } } finally { pm.done(); } return status; }
/** * Get the name of the method to refactor on * * @return the name of the method to refactor */ public String getMethodName() { return method.getElementName(); }
private IJavaElement visit(IType javaType) { IBindingProvider mirror = null; if (ceylonDeclaration instanceof LazyClass) { LazyClass lazyClass = (LazyClass) ceylonDeclaration; if (!lazyClass.isAbstraction() && lazyClass.isOverloaded()) { IBindingProvider constructor = (IBindingProvider) lazyClass.getConstructor(); if (constructor != null) { mirror = constructor; } } if (mirror == null) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) lazyClass.classMirror; } } if (ceylonDeclaration instanceof LazyInterface) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyInterface) ceylonDeclaration).classMirror; } if (ceylonDeclaration instanceof LazyValue) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyValue) ceylonDeclaration).classMirror; } if (ceylonDeclaration instanceof JavaBeanValue) { JavaBeanValue javaBeanValue = ((JavaBeanValue) ceylonDeclaration); Scope container = javaBeanValue.getContainer(); if (container instanceof LazyClass) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyClass) container).classMirror; } if (container instanceof LazyInterface) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyInterface) container).classMirror; } if (container instanceof LazyValue) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyValue) container).classMirror; } if (declarationMatched(javaType, mirror) != null) { try { for (IMethod javaMethod : javaType.getMethods()) { if (javaMethod.getElementName().equals(javaBeanValue.getGetterName())) { return javaMethod; } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return visit((IParent) javaType); } if (ceylonDeclaration instanceof FieldValue) { FieldValue fieldValue = ((FieldValue) ceylonDeclaration); Scope container = fieldValue.getContainer(); if (container instanceof LazyClass) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyClass) container).classMirror; } if (container instanceof LazyInterface) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyInterface) container).classMirror; } if (container instanceof LazyValue) { mirror = (IBindingProvider) ((LazyValue) container).classMirror; } if (declarationMatched(javaType, mirror) != null) { try { for (IField javaField : javaType.getFields()) { if (javaField.getElementName().equals(fieldValue.getRealName())) { return javaField; } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return visit((IParent) javaType); } IJavaElement result = declarationMatched(javaType, mirror); if (result != null) { return result; } return visit((IParent) javaType); }
@Override public List<ICompletionProposal> computeCompletionProposals( final ContentAssistInvocationContext context, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { final List<ICompletionProposal> list = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(); boolean extendContext = false; try { if (context instanceof JavaContentAssistInvocationContext) { final ITextViewer viewer = context.getViewer(); final List<ScriptVariable> scriptVariables = getScriptVariables(viewer); if (scriptVariables.isEmpty()) { return list; } final CompletionContext coreContext = ((JavaContentAssistInvocationContext) context).getCoreContext(); if (coreContext != null && !coreContext.isExtended()) { // must use reflection to set the fields ReflectionUtils.setPrivateField( InternalCompletionContext.class, "isExtended", coreContext, true); extendContext = true; } final ICompilationUnit unit = ((JavaContentAssistInvocationContext) context).getCompilationUnit(); if (unit instanceof GroovyCompilationUnit) { if (((GroovyCompilationUnit) unit).getModuleNode() == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final ContentAssistContext assistContext = new GroovyCompletionProposalComputer() .createContentAssistContext( (GroovyCompilationUnit) unit, context.getInvocationOffset(), context.getDocument()); CharSequence prefix = null; try { prefix = context.computeIdentifierPrefix(); } catch (final BadLocationException e) { BonitaStudioLog.error(e); } if (assistContext != null && assistContext.completionNode instanceof VariableExpression) { try { final VariableExpression expr = (VariableExpression) assistContext.completionNode; if (scriptVariables != null) { for (final ScriptVariable f : scriptVariables) { if (expr.getName().equals(f.getName())) { final IType type = javaProject.findType(f.getType()); if (type == null) { return list; } for (final IMethod m : type.getMethods()) { if (m.getElementName().startsWith(prefix.toString())) { final GroovyCompletionProposal proposal = new GroovyCompletionProposal( CompletionProposal.METHOD_REF, context.getInvocationOffset()); proposal.setName(m.getElementName().toCharArray()); proposal.setCompletion( m.getElementName().substring(prefix.length()).toCharArray()); proposal.setFlags(m.getFlags()); if (prefix.length() == m.getElementName().length()) { proposal.setReplaceRange( context.getInvocationOffset(), context.getInvocationOffset()); proposal.setReceiverRange(0, 0); } else { proposal.setReplaceRange( context.getInvocationOffset() - prefix.length(), context.getInvocationOffset()); proposal.setReceiverRange(prefix.length(), prefix.length()); } final char[][] parametersArray = new char[m.getParameterNames().length][256]; final List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); for (int i = 0; i < m.getParameterNames().length; i++) { parametersArray[i] = m.getParameterNames()[i].toCharArray(); parameters.add( new Parameter( ClassHelper.make( Signature.getSignatureSimpleName(m.getParameterTypes()[i])), m.getParameterNames()[i])); } final ClassNode classNode = ClassHelper.make(m.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName()); proposal.setDeclarationSignature( ProposalUtils.createTypeSignature(classNode)); proposal.setParameterNames(parametersArray); if (m.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName().equals(f.getType())) { proposal.setRelevance(100); } final MethodNode methodNode = new MethodNode( m.getElementName(), m.getFlags(), ClassHelper.make( Signature.getSignatureSimpleName(m.getReturnType())), parameters.toArray(new Parameter[parameters.size()]), new ClassNode[0], null); final char[] methodSignature = ProposalUtils.createMethodSignature(methodNode); proposal.setSignature(methodSignature); final GroovyJavaGuessingCompletionProposal groovyProposal = GroovyJavaGuessingCompletionProposal.createProposal( proposal, (JavaContentAssistInvocationContext) context, true, "Groovy", ProposalFormattingOptions.newFromOptions()); if (groovyProposal != null) { list.add(groovyProposal); } } } } } } } catch (final JavaModelException e) { BonitaStudioLog.error(e); } } } return list; } } finally { final CompletionContext coreContext = ((JavaContentAssistInvocationContext) context).getCoreContext(); if (extendContext && coreContext != null && coreContext.isExtended()) { // must use reflection to set the fields ReflectionUtils.setPrivateField( InternalCompletionContext.class, "isExtended", coreContext, false); } } return Collections.emptyList(); }