@Override public Element processTag(Book book, Key key, Element ele, Attributes attrs) { Element lb = OSISUtil.factory().createLB(); if (ele != null) { ele.addContent(lb); } return lb; }
@Override public Element processTag(Book book, Key key, Element ele, Attributes attrs) { Element img = OSISUtil.factory().createFigure(); img.setAttribute(OSISUtil.ATTRIBUTE_FIGURE_SRC, attrs.getValue("src")); if (ele != null) { ele.addContent(img); } return img; }
/** Sort the keys for a more meaningful presentation order. */ public Element toOSIS() { OSISUtil.OSISFactory factory = OSISUtil.factory(); Element ele = factory.createTable(); toOSIS(factory, ele, "BasicInfo", BASIC_INFO); toOSIS(factory, ele, "LangInfo", LANG_INFO); toOSIS(factory, ele, "LicenseInfo", COPYRIGHT_INFO); toOSIS(factory, ele, "FeatureInfo", FEATURE_INFO); toOSIS(factory, ele, "SysInfo", SYSTEM_INFO); toOSIS(factory, ele, "Extra", extra); return ele; }
public void testGetStrongs() throws NoSuchKeyException, BookException { Book book = Books.installed().getBook("KJV"); assertTrue( "Should have Strongs", book.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(FeatureType.STRONGS_NUMBERS)); Key key = book.getKey("Gen 1:1"); BookData data = new BookData(book, key); Element osis = data.getOsisFragment(); String strongsNumbers = OSISUtil.getStrongsNumbers(osis); assertTrue("No Strongs in KJV", strongsNumbers.length() > 0); }
/** * Customize something to display the Passage component * * @return The customized component */ public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list, Object value, int index, boolean selected, boolean focus) { if (selected) { label.setBackground(list.getSelectionBackground()); label.setForeground(list.getSelectionForeground()); } else { label.setBackground(list.getBackground()); label.setForeground(list.getForeground()); } if (value instanceof VerseRange) { try { VerseRange range = (VerseRange) value; String text = (String) hash.get(range); if (text == null) { BookData bdata = new BookData(bible, range); String simple = OSISUtil.getCanonicalText(bdata.getOsisFragment()); text = "<html><b>" + range.getName() + "</b> " + simple; hash.put(range, text); } label.setText(text); } catch (Exception ex) { Reporter.informUser(this, ex); // TRANSLATOR: Unexpected error condition. label.setText(Msg.gettext("Error")); } } else { label.setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString()); } label.setEnabled(list.isEnabled()); label.setFont(list.getFont()); label.setBorder(focus ? UIManager.getBorder("List.focusCellHighlightBorder") : border); return label; }