Example #1
  * Returns the color for the specified string or {@code null}.
  * @param string string string
  * @return color
 static String color(final byte[] string) {
   for (final Object[] color : COLORS) {
     final int cl = color.length;
     for (int c = 1; c < cl; c++) {
       final Object o = color[c];
       final byte[] col =
           o instanceof byte[]
               ? (byte[]) o
               : Token.token(o instanceof Class ? Util.className((Class<?>) o) : o.toString());
       if (Token.eq(col, string)) return color[0].toString();
   return null;
Example #2
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final DialogExport dialog = new DialogExport(gui);
      if (!dialog.ok()) return;

      final IOFile root = new IOFile(dialog.path());

      // check if existing files will be overwritten
      if (root.exists()) {
        IO file = null;
        boolean overwrite = false;
        final Data d = gui.context.data();
        final IntList il = d.resources.docs();
        final int is = il.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < is; i++) {
          file = root.merge(Token.string(d.text(il.get(i), true)));
          if (file.exists()) {
            if (overwrite) {
              // more than one file will be overwritten; check remaining tests
              file = null;
            overwrite = true;
        if (overwrite) {
          // show message for overwriting files or directories
          final String msg = file == null ? FILES_REPLACE_X : FILE_EXISTS_X;
          if (file == null) file = root;
          if (!BaseXDialog.confirm(gui, Util.info(msg, file))) return;
      DialogProgress.execute(gui, new Export(root.path()));
Example #3
  * Notifies all views of a focus change.
  * @param pre focused pre value
  * @param vw the calling view
 public void focus(final int pre, final View vw) {
   if (gui.context.focused == pre) return;
   gui.context.focused = pre;
   for (final View v : view) if (v != vw && v.visible()) v.refreshFocus();
   if (pre != -1) {
     gui.status.setText(Token.string(ViewData.path(gui.context.data(), pre)));
Example #4
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   final int pre = gui.context.marked.pres[0];
   final byte[] txt = ViewData.path(gui.context.data(), pre);
   // copy path to clipboard
   final Clipboard clip = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
   clip.setContents(new StringSelection(Token.string(txt)), null);
Example #5
   * Calculates the text offset and writes the text value.
   * @param value value to be inlined
   * @param text text/attribute flag
   * @return inline value or text position
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  private long textOff(final byte[] value, final boolean text) throws IOException {
    // inline integer values...
    final long v = Token.toSimpleInt(value);
    if (v != Integer.MIN_VALUE) return v | IO.OFFNUM;

    // store text
    final DataOutput store = text ? xout : vout;
    final long off = store.size();
    final byte[] val = COMP.get().pack(value);
    return val == value ? off : off | IO.OFFCOMP;
Example #6
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final Nodes n = gui.context.marked;
      final DialogInsert insert = new DialogInsert(gui);
      if (!insert.ok()) return;

      final StringList sl = insert.result;
      final NodeType type = ANode.type(insert.kind);
      String item = Token.string(type.string()) + " { " + quote(sl.get(0)) + " }";

      if (type == NodeType.ATT || type == NodeType.PI) {
        item += " { " + quote(sl.get(1)) + " }";
      } else if (type == NodeType.ELM) {
        item += " { () }";

      gui.context.copied = null;
      gui.execute(new XQuery("insert node " + item + " into " + openPre(n, 0)));
Example #7
  * Checks if the specified string is "no", "false" or "off".
  * @param string string to be checked
  * @return result of check
 public static boolean no(final String string) {
   return Token.eqic(string, NO, FALSE, OFF, INFOOFF);
Example #8
  * Checks if the specified string is "yes", "true" or "on".
  * @param string string to be checked
  * @return result of check
 public static boolean yes(final String string) {
   return Token.eqic(string, YES, TRUE, ON, INFOON);
Example #9
  * Returns a string and replaces all % characters by the specified extensions (see {@link
  * TokenBuilder#addExt} for details).
  * @param str string to be extended
  * @param ext text text extensions
  * @return extended string
 public static String info(final Object str, final Object... ext) {
   return Token.string(inf(str, ext));
Example #10
  * Prints a string to standard output, followed by a newline.
  * @param str output string
  * @param ext text optional extensions
 public static void outln(final Object str, final Object... ext) {
   out((str instanceof byte[] ? Token.string((byte[]) str) : str) + NL, ext);