public static LinkedListTree parseRegexpLiteral(
     LinkedListToken startMarker, AS3Lexer lexer, CharStream cs, LinkedListTokenStream stream)
     throws RecognitionException {
   String tail = cs.substring(cs.index(), cs.size() - 1);
   int initialTailLength = tail.length();
   RegexSimpleParser parser;
   try {
     parser = regexpParserOn(new StringReader(tail), stream);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     // TODO: better exception type?
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
   LinkedListTree ast = AS3FragmentParser.tree(parser.regexpLiteral());
   tail = parser.getInputTail();
   // skip over the regexp in the original, underlying CharStream + (initialTailLength - tail.length()));
   LinkedListTokenSource source = (LinkedListTokenSource) stream.getTokenSource();
   stream.setTokenSource(source); // cause any remembered RegexpSimple state to be dropped
   stream.scrub(1); // erase the subsequent token that the RegexpSimple parser got from this stream
   return ast;
  private static RegexSimpleParser regexpParserOn(Reader in, LinkedListTokenStream stream)
      throws IOException {
    ANTLRReaderStream cs = new ANTLRReaderStream(in);
    RegexSimpleLexer lexer = new RegexSimpleLexer(cs);
    LinkedListTokenSource source = (LinkedListTokenSource) stream.getTokenSource();

    // The AS3 grammar will see the initial '/' as an DIV (divide)
    // token, and lookahead in the AS3Parser will have already
    // grabbed references to that token in order to make it the
    // startToken for various AST subtrees, so we can't just delete
    // it.  We therefore find the DIC token and change its type to
    // match the regexp vocabulary, and then rewind the token stream
    // so that this will be the first token that the
    // SinpleRegexpParser will see.
    LinkedListToken startMarker = (LinkedListToken) stream.LT(-1);
    startMarker.setType(RegexSimpleParser.REGEXP_DELIMITER); - 1);

    RegexSimpleParser parser = new RegexSimpleParser(stream);
    parser.setTreeAdaptor(new LinkedListTreeAdaptor());
    parser.setInput(lexer, cs);
    return parser;