   * Roll back to old snapshot at the block pool level
   * If previous directory exists:
   * <ol>
   * <li>Rename <SD>/current/<bpid>/current to removed.tmp</li>
   * <li>Rename * <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous to current</li>
   * <li>Remove removed.tmp</li>
   * </ol>
   * Do nothing if previous directory does not exist.
   * @param bpSd Block pool storage directory at <SD>/current/<bpid>
  void doRollback(StorageDirectory bpSd, NamespaceInfo nsInfo) throws IOException {
    File prevDir = bpSd.getPreviousDir();
    // regular startup if previous dir does not exist
    if (!prevDir.exists()) return;
    // read attributes out of the VERSION file of previous directory
    BlockPoolSliceStorage prevInfo = new BlockPoolSliceStorage();

    // We allow rollback to a state, which is either consistent with
    // the namespace state or can be further upgraded to it.
    // In another word, we can only roll back when ( storedLV >= software LV)
    // && ( DN.previousCTime <= NN.ctime)
    if (!(prevInfo.getLayoutVersion() >= HdfsConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION
        && prevInfo.getCTime() <= nsInfo.getCTime())) { // cannot rollback
      throw new InconsistentFSStateException(
          "Cannot rollback to a newer state.\nDatanode previous state: LV = "
              + prevInfo.getLayoutVersion()
              + " CTime = "
              + prevInfo.getCTime()
              + " is newer than the namespace state: LV = "
              + HdfsConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION
              + " CTime = "
              + nsInfo.getCTime());

        "Rolling back storage directory "
            + bpSd.getRoot()
            + ".\n   target LV = "
            + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion()
            + "; target CTime = "
            + nsInfo.getCTime());
    File tmpDir = bpSd.getRemovedTmp();
    assert !tmpDir.exists() : "removed.tmp directory must not exist.";
    // 1. rename current to tmp
    File curDir = bpSd.getCurrentDir();
    assert curDir.exists() : "Current directory must exist.";
    rename(curDir, tmpDir);

    // 2. rename previous to current
    rename(prevDir, curDir);

    // 3. delete removed.tmp dir
    LOG.info("Rollback of " + bpSd.getRoot() + " is complete");