  public void update(Todo updated) {
    LOGGER.info("Updating todo: {}", updated);

    int updatedRowCount =
            .set(TODOS.DESCRIPTION, updated.getDescription())
            .set(TODOS.TITLE, updated.getTitle())

    LOGGER.debug("Updated {} rows.", updatedRowCount);

    LOGGER.info("Todo: {} was updated", updated);
  public void updateAndThrowException(Todo updated) {
    LOGGER.info("Updating todo: {}", updated);

    int updatedRowCount =
            .set(TODOS.DESCRIPTION, updated.getDescription())
            .set(TODOS.TITLE, updated.getTitle())

    LOGGER.debug("Updated {} rows.", updatedRowCount);

    LOGGER.info("Todo: {} was updated", updated);

    // This should throw a DataAccessException because the table 'foos' does not exist.
  @Transactional(readOnly = true)
  public Todo findById(Long id) {
    LOGGER.info("Finding todo by id: {}", id);

    TodosRecord queryResult = jooq.selectFrom(TODOS).where(TODOS.ID.equal(id)).fetchOne();

    LOGGER.debug("Got result: {}", queryResult);

    if (queryResult == null) {
      throw new NotFoundException("No todo found with id: " + id);

    return Todo.getBuilder(queryResult.getTitle())