public static OXFFeature create(SamplingPointDocument xb_saPointDoc) {

    SamplingPointType xb_samplingPoint = xb_saPointDoc.getSamplingPoint();

    String id = xb_samplingPoint.getId();

    // FeatureType of the feature:
    OXFSamplingPointType oxf_saPointType = new OXFSamplingPointType();

    OXFFeature feature = new OXFFeature(id, oxf_saPointType);

    // initialize the feature with the attributes from the XMLBean:
    oxf_saPointType.initializeFeature(feature, xb_samplingPoint);

    return feature;
  /** supports the Sampling specification of version 1.0: */
  public void initializeFeature(OXFFeature feature, SamplingPointType xb_saPoint) {
    super.initializeFeature(feature, xb_saPoint);

    // --- initialize the POSITION-attribute:

    if (xb_saPoint.getPosition() != null
        && xb_saPoint.getPosition().getPoint() != null
        && ((PointType) xb_saPoint.getPosition().getPoint()).getPos() != null) {

      PointType xb_point = xb_saPoint.getPosition().getPoint();

      DirectPositionType xb_pos = xb_point.getPos();

      List coordsList = xb_pos.getListValue();

      double x = (Double) coordsList.get(0);
      double y = (Double) coordsList.get(1);
      double z = Double.NaN;
      try {
        z = (Double) coordsList.get(2);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // no Exception -> 2D Point

      if (coordsList.size() > 2) {
        z = (Double) coordsList.get(2);

      Point point = new GeometryFactory().createPoint(new Coordinate(x, y, z));

      feature.setAttribute(POSITION, point);
      initializeFeaturesGeometry(feature, point);

    // check if the geometry-attribute is set: (could be set in this or the super class)
    if (feature.getGeometry() == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The geometry attribute could not be initialized.");