  public String jobStatusFromResponse(Document cipresResponseDoc) {
    String status = "Status not available";

    Element element = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("terminalStage");
    if (element != null) {
      status = element.getText();
      if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(status)) return JOBCOMPLETED;
    element = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("messages");
    if (element == null) return status;

    List entries = element.elements("message");
    String reportedJobID = "";
    for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Element nextEntry = (Element) iter.next();
      if (nextEntry != null) status = nextEntry.elementText("stage");

    element = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("minPollIntervalSeconds");
    if (element != null) {
      minPollIntervalSeconds = MesquiteInteger.fromString(element.getText());
      if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(minPollIntervalSeconds) || minPollIntervalSeconds <= 0)
        minPollIntervalSeconds = defaultMinPollIntervalSeconds;

    if (JOBCOMPLETED.equalsIgnoreCase(status)) return JOBCOMPLETED;
    return status;
  public void reportError(Document doc, String noteToUser, boolean resetPassword) {
    if (doc == null) return;
    String displayMessage = doc.getRootElement().elementText("displayMessage");
    String message = doc.getRootElement().elementText("message");
    if (StringUtil.notEmpty(message)) {
      if ("Authentication Error".equalsIgnoreCase(displayMessage)) {
        if (resetPassword) password = "";
      } else {
        List paramErrors = doc.getRootElement().elements("paramError");
        if (paramErrors != null)
          for (Iterator iter = paramErrors.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            Element nextEntry = (Element) iter.next();
            String param = nextEntry.elementText("param");
            String error = nextEntry.elementText("error");
            ownerModule.logln("  " + param + ": " + error);

 public String[] getJobURLs(Document cipresResponseDoc) {
   String elementName = "jobstatus";
   Element jobs = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("jobs");
   if (jobs == null) return null;
   List tools = jobs.elements("jobstatus");
   int count = 0;
   for (Iterator iter = tools.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
     Element nextTool = (Element) iter.next();
   String[] url = new String[count];
   count = 0;
   for (Iterator iter = tools.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
     Element nextJob = (Element) iter.next();
     if (nextJob != null) {
       Element selfUriElement = nextJob.element("selfUri");
       if (selfUriElement != null) {
         String jobURL = selfUriElement.elementText("url");
         if (!StringUtil.blank(jobURL) && count < url.length) {
           url[count] = jobURL;
   return url;
 /** This method simply lists the tools available */
 public void listTools(HttpClient httpclient) {
   Document cipresResponseDoc = cipresQuery(httpclient, baseURL + "/tool", "tools");
   if (cipresResponseDoc != null) {
     String elementName = "tool";
     List tools = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().elements(elementName);
     int count = 0;
     for (Iterator iter = tools.iterator();
         iter.hasNext(); ) { // let's get a count as to how many tools there are.
       Element nextTool = (Element) iter.next();
     String[] toolName = new String[count];
     count = 0;
     for (Iterator iter = tools.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
       Element nextTool = (Element) iter.next();
       String name = nextTool.elementText("toolId");
       if (!StringUtil.blank(name) && count < toolName.length) {
       name = nextTool.elementText("toolName");
       if (!StringUtil.blank(name) && count < toolName.length) {
         ownerModule.logln("   " + name);
  public void processJobSubmissionResponse(Document cipresResponseDoc, MesquiteString jobURL) {

    Element element = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("selfUri");
    Element subelement = null;
    if (element != null) subelement = element.element("url");

    if ("false".equals(cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().elementText("failed"))) {

      element = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("metadata");
      List entries = element.elements("entry");
      String reportedJobID = "";
      for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        Element nextEntry = (Element) iter.next();
        if ("clientJobId".equals(nextEntry.elementText("key")))
          reportedJobID = nextEntry.elementText("value");

      ownerModule.logln("\nJob successfully submitted to CIPRes.");
      ownerModule.logln("  Job URL: " + subelement.getText());
      ownerModule.logln("  Job ID: " + reportedJobID + "\n");
      if (jobURL != null) jobURL.setValue(subelement.getText());
   * This processes information about the files contained in either the results or working directory
   * of a job.
  public CipresJobFile[] processFilesDocument(Document cipresResponseDoc) {
    Element jobfiles = cipresResponseDoc.getRootElement().element("jobfiles");
    if (jobfiles == null) return null;
    List tools = jobfiles.elements("jobfile");
    int count = 0;
    for (Iterator iter = tools.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Element nextTool = (Element) iter.next();
    if (count == 0) return null;
    CipresJobFile[] cipresJobFile = new CipresJobFile[count];
    count = 0;
    for (Iterator iter = tools.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Element nextJob = (Element) iter.next();
      if (nextJob != null) {
        if (cipresJobFile[count] == null) cipresJobFile[count] = new CipresJobFile();
        Element jobFileElement = nextJob.element("downloadUri");
        String fileInfo = null;
        if (jobFileElement != null) {
          fileInfo = jobFileElement.elementText("url");
          if (!StringUtil.blank(fileInfo) && count < cipresJobFile.length) {
          fileInfo = jobFileElement.elementText("title");
          if (!StringUtil.blank(fileInfo) && count < cipresJobFile.length) {
        fileInfo = nextJob.elementText("dateModified");
        if (!StringUtil.blank(fileInfo) && count < cipresJobFile.length) {
        fileInfo = nextJob.elementText("filename");
        if (!StringUtil.blank(fileInfo) && count < cipresJobFile.length) {
        fileInfo = nextJob.elementText("length");
        if (!StringUtil.blank(fileInfo) && count < cipresJobFile.length) {

    return cipresJobFile;