Example #1
  private void parseFragment(
      JrdsElement fragment,
      HostInfo host,
      Map<String, Set<String>> collections,
      Map<String, String> properties)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
          InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {

    // Find the connection for this host
    // Will the registered latter, in the starter node, one for each timer
    for (ConnectionInfo cnx : makeConnexion(fragment, host)) {

    for (JrdsElement tagElem : fragment.getChildElementsByName("tag")) {
      try {
        logger.trace(Util.delayedFormatString("adding tag %s to %s", tagElem, host));
        setMethod(tagElem, host, "addTag");
      } catch (InstantiationException e) {

    for (JrdsElement collectionNode : fragment.getChildElementsByName("collection")) {
      String name = collectionNode.getAttribute("name");
      Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
      for (JrdsElement e : collectionNode.getChildElementsByName("element")) {
      collections.put(name, set);

    for (JrdsElement macroNode : fragment.getChildElementsByName("macro")) {
      String name = macroNode.getAttribute("name");
      Macro m = macrosMap.get(name);
      logger.trace(Util.delayedFormatString("Adding macro %s: %s", name, m));
      if (m != null) {
        Map<String, String> macroProps = makeProperties(macroNode);
        Map<String, String> newProps =
            new HashMap<String, String>(
                (properties != null ? properties.size() : 0) + macroProps.size());
        if (properties != null) newProps.putAll(properties);
        JrdsDocument hostdoc = (JrdsDocument) fragment.getOwnerDocument();
        // Make a copy of the document fragment
        JrdsNode newDf = JrdsNode.build(hostdoc.importNode(m.getDf(), true));
        JrdsElement macrodef = JrdsNode.build(newDf.getFirstChild());
        parseFragment(macrodef, host, collections, newProps);
      } else {
        logger.error("Unknown macro:" + name);

    for (JrdsElement forNode : fragment.getChildElementsByName("for")) {
      Map<String, String> forattr = forNode.attrMap();
      String iterprop = forattr.get("var");
      Collection<String> set = null;
      String name = forNode.attrMap().get("collection");
      if (name != null) set = collections.get(name);
      else if (forattr.containsKey("min")
          && forattr.containsKey("max")
          && forattr.containsKey("step")) {
        int min = Util.parseStringNumber(forattr.get("min"), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        int max = Util.parseStringNumber(forattr.get("max"), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        int step = Util.parseStringNumber(forattr.get("step"), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        if (min > max || step <= 0) {
          logger.error("invalid range from " + min + " to " + max + " with step " + step);
        set = new ArrayList<String>((max - min) / step + 1);
        for (int i = min; i <= max; i += step) {

      if (set != null) {
        logger.trace(Util.delayedFormatString("for using %s", set));

        for (String i : set) {
          Map<String, String> temp;
          if (properties != null) {
            temp = new HashMap<String, String>(properties.size() + 1);
            temp.put(iterprop, i);
          } else {
            temp = Collections.singletonMap(iterprop, i);
          parseFragment(forNode, host, collections, temp);
      } else {
        logger.error("Invalid host configuration, collection " + name + " not found");

    for (JrdsElement probeNode : fragment.getChildElements()) {
      if (!"probe".equals(probeNode.getNodeName()) && !"rrd".equals(probeNode.getNodeName()))
      try {
        makeProbe(probeNode, host, properties);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Probe creation failed for host " + host.getName() + ": ");
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(buffer));