Example #1
  * Assigns a constant rectangle to the input Gray8Image, replacing values in the image.
  * @param image the input image (output replaces input).
  * @throws Error if the input is not a Gray8Image.
 public void push(Image image) throws Error {
   if (!(image instanceof Gray8Image)) {
     throw new Error(
         Error.PACKAGE.ALGORITHM, ErrorCodes.IMAGE_NOT_GRAY8IMAGE, image.toString(), null, null);
   Gray8Image input = (Gray8Image) image;
   byte[] data = input.getData();
   int nLimitY = Math.min(input.getHeight(), this.cY + this.nHeight);
   int nLimitX = Math.min(input.getWidth(), this.cX + this.nWidth);
   for (int i = this.cY; i < nLimitY; i++) {
     int nStart = i * image.getWidth();
     for (int j = this.cX; j < nLimitX; j++) {
       data[nStart + j] = this.bValue;