Example #1
public interface RDouble extends RNumber {

  String TYPE_STRING = "double";
  long NA_LONGBITS = 0x7ff00000000007a2L; // R's NA is a special instance of IEEE's NaN
  double NA = Double.longBitsToDouble(NA_LONGBITS);
  double NaN = Double.NaN;
  double EPSILON = Math.pow(2.0, -52.0);

  DoubleImpl EMPTY = (DoubleImpl) RArrayUtils.markShared(RDoubleFactory.getUninitializedArray(0));
  ScalarDoubleImpl BOXED_ZERO =
      (ScalarDoubleImpl) RArrayUtils.markShared(RDoubleFactory.getScalar(0));
  ScalarDoubleImpl BOXED_NA =
      (ScalarDoubleImpl) RArrayUtils.markShared(RDoubleFactory.getScalar(NA));
  ScalarDoubleImpl BOXED_NEG_INF =
      (ScalarDoubleImpl) RArrayUtils.markShared(RDoubleFactory.getScalar(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
  ScalarDoubleImpl BOXED_POS_INF =
      (ScalarDoubleImpl) RArrayUtils.markShared(RDoubleFactory.getScalar(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));

  DoubleImpl EMPTY_NAMED_NA =
                  new double[] {}, null, Names.create(new RSymbol[] {RSymbol.NA_SYMBOL})));
  DoubleImpl NA_NAMED_NA =
                  new double[] {NA}, null, Names.create(new RSymbol[] {RSymbol.NA_SYMBOL})));

  RDouble set(int i, double val);

  double getDouble(int i);

  RDouble materialize();

  double[] getContent();

  public class RDoubleUtils {
    private static final boolean ARITH_NA_CHECKS = false;
    // should have explicit checks with floating point arithmetics to avoid NAs turning into NaNs?
    // NOTE: GNU-R does not have these checks

    public static boolean isNA(double d) {
      return ((int) Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)) == NA_LOWBITS;

    public static boolean arithIsNA(double d) {
      return ARITH_NA_CHECKS ? isNA(d) : false;

    public static boolean fitsRInt(double d) {
      return d >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && d <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    public static boolean isNAorNaN(double d) {
      return Double.isNaN(d);

    public static boolean isFinite(double d) {
      return !isNAorNaN(d) && !Double.isInfinite(d);

    public static RInt double2int(
        RDouble value, ConversionStatus warn) { // eager to keep error semantics eager
      int size = value.size();
      int[] content = new int[size];
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        double d = value.getDouble(i);
        content[i] = Convert.double2int(d, warn);
      return RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(content, value.dimensions(), value.names());

    public static RRaw doubleToRaw(
        RDouble value, ConversionStatus warn) { // eager to keep error semantics eager
      int size = value.size();
      byte[] content = new byte[size];
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        double dval = value.getDouble(i);
        content[i] = Convert.double2raw(dval, warn);
      return RRaw.RRawFactory.getFor(content, value.dimensions(), value.names());

    public static double[] copyAsDoubleArray(RDouble d) {
      int size = d.size();
      if (size == 1) {
        return new double[] {d.getDouble(0)};
      } else {
        double[] res = new double[size];

        if (d instanceof DoubleImpl) {
          System.arraycopy(((DoubleImpl) d).getContent(), 0, res, 0, size);
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            res[i] = d.getDouble(i);
        return res;

    public static boolean hasNAorNaN(RDouble d) {
      int size = d.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (isNAorNaN(d.getDouble(i))) {
          return true;
      return false;

    public static RDouble convertNAandNaNtoZero(RDouble d) {
      if (d instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
        ScalarDoubleImpl sd = (ScalarDoubleImpl) d;
        if (sd.isNAorNaN()) {
          return BOXED_ZERO;
        } else {
          return sd;
      } else {
        RDouble res = d.materialize();
        double[] content = res.getContent();
        for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
          if (isNAorNaN(content[i])) {
            content[i] = 0;
        return res;

  public class RDoubleFactory {
    public static ScalarDoubleImpl getScalar(double value) {
      return new ScalarDoubleImpl(value);

    public static RDouble getScalar(
        double value, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
      if (dimensions == null && names == null && attributes == null) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(value);
      } else {
        return getFor(new double[] {value}, dimensions, names, attributes);

    public static RDouble getArray(double... values) {
      if (values.length == 1) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(values[0]);
      return new DoubleImpl(values);

    public static RDouble getArray(double[] values, int[] dimensions) {
      if (dimensions == null && values.length == 1) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(values[0]);
      return new DoubleImpl(values, dimensions, null);

    public static RDouble getUninitializedArray(int size) {
      if (size == 1) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(0);
      return new DoubleImpl(size);

    public static RDouble getUninitializedNonScalarArray(int size) {
      return new DoubleImpl(size);

    public static RDouble getUninitializedArray(
        int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
      if (size == 1 && dimensions == null && names == null && attributes == null) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(0);
      return new DoubleImpl(new double[size], dimensions, names, attributes, false);

    public static RDouble getNAArray(int size) {
      return getNAArray(size, null);

    public static RDouble getNAArray(int size, int[] dimensions) {
      if (size == 1 && dimensions == null) {
        return BOXED_NA;
      double[] content = new double[size];
      Arrays.fill(content, NA);
      return new DoubleImpl(content, dimensions, null, null, false);

    public static DoubleImpl getMatrixFor(double[] values, int m, int n) {
      return new DoubleImpl(values, new int[] {m, n}, null, null, false);

    public static RDouble copy(RDouble d) {
      if (d.size() == 1 && d.dimensions() == null && d.names() == null && d.attributes() == null) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(d.getDouble(0));
      return new DoubleImpl(d, false);

    public static RDouble strip(RDouble v) {
      if (v.size() == 1) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(v.getDouble(0));
      return new DoubleImpl(v, true);

    public static RDouble stripKeepNames(RDouble v) {
      Names names = v.names();
      if (v.size() == 1 && names == null) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(v.getDouble(0));
      return new DoubleImpl(v, null, names, null);

    public static RDouble getFor(double[] values) { // re-uses values!
      return getFor(values, null, null);

    public static RDouble getFor(
        double[] values, int[] dimensions, Names names) { // re-uses values!
      if (values.length == 1 && dimensions == null && names == null) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(values[0]);
      return new DoubleImpl(values, dimensions, names, null, false);

    public static RDouble getFor(
        double[] values, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) { // re-uses values!
      if (values.length == 1 && dimensions == null && names == null && attributes == null) {
        return new ScalarDoubleImpl(values[0]);
      return new DoubleImpl(values, dimensions, names, attributes, false);

    public static RDouble getEmpty(boolean named) {
      return named ? EMPTY_NAMED_NA : EMPTY;

    public static RDouble getNA(boolean named) {
      return named ? NA_NAMED_NA : BOXED_NA;

    public static RDouble exclude(int excludeIndex, RDouble orig) {
      Names names = orig.names();
      if (names == null) {
        return new RDoubleExclusion(excludeIndex, orig);
      int size = orig.size();
      int nsize = size - 1;
      double[] content = new double[nsize];
      for (int i = 0; i < excludeIndex; i++) {
        content[i] = orig.getDouble(i);
      for (int i = excludeIndex; i < nsize; i++) {
        content[i] = orig.getDouble(i + 1);
      return RDoubleFactory.getFor(content, null, names.exclude(excludeIndex));

    public static RDouble subset(RDouble value, RInt index) {
      return new RDoubleSubset(value, index);

  public static class RStringView extends View.RStringProxy<RDouble> implements RString {

    public RStringView(RDouble orig) {

    public RComplex asComplex() {
      return orig.asComplex();

    public RDouble asDouble() {
      return orig;

    public RInt asInt() {
      return orig.asInt();

    public RRaw asRaw() {
      return orig.asRaw();

    public RComplex asComplex(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig.asComplex();

    public RDouble asDouble(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig;

    public RInt asInt(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig.asInt(warn);

    public RRaw asRaw(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig.asRaw(warn);

    public String getString(int i) {
      return Convert.double2string(orig.getDouble(i));

  public static class RComplexView extends View.RComplexProxy<RDouble> implements RComplex {

    public RComplexView(RDouble orig) {

    public RDouble asDouble() {
      return orig;

    public RInt asInt() {
      return orig.asInt();

    public RLogical asLogical() {
      return orig.asLogical();

    public RRaw asRaw() {
      return orig.asRaw();

    public RDouble asDouble(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig;

    public RInt asInt(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig.asInt(warn);

    public RLogical asLogical(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig.asLogical();

    public RRaw asRaw(ConversionStatus warn) {
      return orig.asRaw(warn);

    public double getReal(int i) {
      double d = orig.getDouble(i);
      if (RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(d)) {
        return RDouble.NA;
      } else {
        return d;

    public double getImag(int i) {
      double d = orig.getDouble(i);
      if (RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(d)) {
        return RDouble.NA;
      } else {
        return 0;

  public static class RIntView extends View.RIntProxy<RDouble> implements RInt {

    public RIntView(RDouble orig) {

    public int getInt(int i) {
      return Convert.double2int(orig.getDouble(i));

  public static class RLogicalView extends View.RLogicalProxy<RDouble> implements RLogical {

    public RLogicalView(RDouble orig) {

    public int getLogical(int i) {
      return Convert.double2logical(orig.getDouble(i));

  public static class RRawView extends View.RRawProxy<RDouble>
      implements RRaw { // FIXME: remove this? it breaks warnings

    public RRawView(RDouble orig) {

    public byte getRaw(int i) {
      return Convert.double2raw(orig.getDouble(i));

  public static class RDoubleExclusion extends View.RDoubleView implements RDouble {

    final RDouble orig;
    final int excludeIndex;
    final int size;

    public RDoubleExclusion(int excludeIndex, RDouble orig) {
      this.orig = orig;
      this.excludeIndex = excludeIndex;
      this.size = orig.size() - 1;

    public int size() {
      return size;

    public double getDouble(int i) {
      assert Utils.check(i < size, "bounds check");
      assert Utils.check(i >= 0, "bounds check");

      if (i < excludeIndex) {
        return orig.getDouble(i);
      } else {
        return orig.getDouble(i + 1);

    public boolean isSharedReal() {
      return orig.isShared();

    public void ref() {

    public boolean dependsOn(RAny value) {
      return orig.dependsOn(value);

  // indexes must all be positive
  //   but can be out of bounds ==> NA's are returned in that case
  public static class RDoubleSubset extends View.RDoubleView implements RDouble {

    final RDouble value;
    final int vsize;
    final RInt index;
    final int isize;

    public RDoubleSubset(RDouble value, RInt index) {
      this.value = value;
      this.index = index;
      this.isize = index.size();
      this.vsize = value.size();

    public int size() {
      return isize;

    public double getDouble(int i) {
      int j = index.getInt(i);
      assert Utils.check(j > 0);
      if (j > vsize) {
        return RDouble.NA;
      } else {
        return value.getDouble(j - 1);

    public boolean isSharedReal() {
      return value.isShared() || index.isShared();

    public void ref() {

    public boolean dependsOn(RAny v) {
      return value.dependsOn(v) || index.dependsOn(v);