Example #1
   * Create a deep clone of the heap and return it
   * @return
  public Heap deepClone() {
    Heap hp = new Heap();
    if (this.heap == null) {
      return hp;

    // set the clone global element

    Set<Location> keys = this.getKeySet();
    for (Location key : keys) {
      JSObject old_ov = this.get(key);
      // create a deep clone of the old object value
      JSObject new_ov = old_ov.deepClone();
      hp.put(key, new_ov);

    hp.setStrValueMap((HashMap<String, Location>) this.strValueMap.clone());
    hp.setDummyObjectMap((HashMap<String, Location>) this.dummyObjectMap.clone());

    return hp;