public void testEquals_immutableList() { Collection<String> c = ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c"); assertTrue(c.equals(ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c"))); assertFalse(c.equals(ImmutableList.of("a", "c", "b"))); assertFalse(c.equals(ImmutableList.of("a", "b"))); assertFalse(c.equals(ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c", "d"))); }
private void updateValueTypeFacet( RDFSNamedClass cls, Slot slot, OWLQuantifierRestriction restriction) { ValueType oldValueType = ((Cls) cls).getTemplateSlotValueType(slot); ValueType newValueType = oldValueType; Collection oldAllowedClses = ((Cls) cls).getTemplateSlotAllowedClses(slot); Collection newAllowedClses = oldAllowedClses; Collection oldAllowedValues = ((Cls) cls).getTemplateSlotAllowedValues(slot); Collection newAllowedValues = oldAllowedValues; RDFResource filler = restriction.getFiller(); if (filler instanceof RDFSClass) { RDFSClass quantifierClass = (RDFSClass) filler; if (RDFSNames.Cls.LITERAL.equals(quantifierClass.getName())) { newValueType = ValueType.ANY; } else { newValueType = ValueType.INSTANCE; newAllowedClses = getQuantifierClsClses(quantifierClass); } } else { if (filler instanceof OWLDataRange) { newAllowedValues = ((OWLDataRange) filler).getOneOf().getValues(); newValueType = ValueType.SYMBOL; } else { RDFSDatatype datatype = (RDFSDatatype) filler; if (datatype.equals(owlModel.getRDFXMLLiteralType())) { newValueType = ValueType.STRING; } else { String uri = XMLSchemaDatatypes.getXSDDatatype(datatype).getURI(); newValueType = XMLSchemaDatatypes.getValueType(uri); } } } if (oldValueType == newValueType) { if (newValueType == ValueType.INSTANCE && !oldAllowedClses.equals(newAllowedClses)) { setAllowedClses(cls, slot, newAllowedClses); } else if (newValueType == ValueType.SYMBOL && !oldAllowedValues.equals(newAllowedValues)) { setAllowedValues(cls, slot, newAllowedValues); } } else { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "+ Setting :VALUE-TYPE of " + cls.getName() + "." + slot.getName() + " to " + newValueType); } ((Cls) cls).setTemplateSlotValueType(slot, newValueType); if (newValueType == ValueType.INSTANCE) { setAllowedClses(cls, slot, newAllowedClses); } else if (newValueType == ValueType.SYMBOL) { setAllowedValues(cls, slot, newAllowedValues); } } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; BahmniObservation that = (BahmniObservation) o; if (conceptSortWeight != that.conceptSortWeight) return false; if (duration != null ? !duration.equals(that.duration) : that.duration != null) return false; if (encounterDateTime != null ? !encounterDateTime.equals(that.encounterDateTime) : that.encounterDateTime != null) return false; if (encounterTransactionObservation != null ? !encounterTransactionObservation.equals(that.encounterTransactionObservation) : that.encounterTransactionObservation != null) return false; if (groupMembers != null ? !groupMembers.equals(that.groupMembers) : that.groupMembers != null) return false; if (isAbnormal != null ? !isAbnormal.equals(that.isAbnormal) : that.isAbnormal != null) return false; if (providers != null ? !providers.equals(that.providers) : that.providers != null) return false; if (targetObsRelation != null ? !targetObsRelation.equals(that.targetObsRelation) : that.targetObsRelation != null) return false; if (type != null ? !type.equals(that.type) : that.type != null) return false; if (visitStartDateTime != null ? !visitStartDateTime.equals(that.visitStartDateTime) : that.visitStartDateTime != null) return false; return true; }
@Override public Collection<DynamicRecord> remove(long labelId, NodeStore nodeStore) { nodeStore.ensureHeavy(node, parseLabelsBody(labelField)); Collection<DynamicRecord> existingRecords = node.getDynamicLabelRecords(); long[] existingLabelIds = nodeStore.getDynamicLabelsArray(existingRecords); long[] newLabelIds = filter(existingLabelIds, labelId); if (new InlineNodeLabels(labelField, node) .tryInlineInNodeRecord(newLabelIds, existingRecords)) { setNotInUse(existingRecords); } else { Collection<DynamicRecord> newRecords = nodeStore.allocateRecordsForDynamicLabels( node.getId(), newLabelIds, existingRecords.iterator()); node.setLabelField(dynamicPointer(newRecords), existingRecords); if (!newRecords.equals( existingRecords)) { // One less dynamic record, mark that one as not in use for (DynamicRecord record : existingRecords) { if (!newRecords.contains(record)) { record.setInUse(false); record.setLength(0); // so that it will not be made heavy again... } } } } return existingRecords; }
private void checkAssignment(AbstractElement object, String feature) { if (assignedFeatures.containsKey(feature)) { Collection<AbstractElement> sources = Lists.newArrayList(assignedFeatures.get(feature)); assignedFeatures.replaceValues(feature, Collections.<AbstractElement>emptyList()); if (sources != null && sources.equals(Collections.singletonList(object))) { if (getNestingLevel() == 0) acceptWarning( "The assigned value of feature '" + feature + "' will possibly override itself because it is used inside of a loop.", object, null); } else { if (sources != null) { if (getNestingLevel() == 0) for (AbstractElement source : sources) acceptWarning( "The possibly assigned value of feature '" + feature + "' may be overridden by subsequent assignments.", source, null); } if (getNestingLevel() == 0) acceptWarning( "This assignment will override the possibly assigned value of feature '" + feature + "'.", object, null); } } else { assignedFeatures.put(feature, object); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (!(obj instanceof LearnerEvaluationConfiguration)) return false; final LearnerEvaluationConfiguration other = (LearnerEvaluationConfiguration) obj; assert config != null && other.config != null; if (!config.equals(other.config)) return false; assert graph != null && other.graph != null; if (graph == null) { if (other.graph != null) return false; } else if (!graph.equals(other.graph)) return false; if (ifthenSequences == null) { if (other.ifthenSequences != null) return false; } else if (!ifthenSequences.equals(other.ifthenSequences)) return false; if (testSet == null) { if (other.testSet != null) return false; } else if (!testSet.equals(other.testSet)) return false; if (labelDetails == null) { if (other.labelDetails != null) return false; } else if (!labelDetails.equals(other.labelDetails)) return false; return true; }
public static void testSetAndGetWith5Seqnos() { SeqnoRange range = new SeqnoRange(10, 15); System.out.println("range=" + print(range)); assert range.size() == 6; assert range.getNumberOfMissingMessages() == 6; assert range.getNumberOfReceivedMessages() == 0; range.set(10); assert range.getNumberOfMissingMessages() == 5; assert range.getNumberOfReceivedMessages() == 1; assert range.get(10); range.set(13); assert range.size() == 6; assert range.getNumberOfMissingMessages() == 4; assert range.getNumberOfReceivedMessages() == 2; range.set(13); assert range.size() == 6; assert range.getNumberOfMissingMessages() == 4; assert range.getNumberOfReceivedMessages() == 2; System.out.println("range=" + print(range)); Collection<Range> xmits = range.getMessagesToRetransmit(); Collection<Range> cleared_bits = range.getBits(false); System.out.println("xmits = " + xmits); System.out.println("cleared_bits = " + cleared_bits); assert xmits.equals(cleared_bits); }
@Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (other == null) return false; if (other.getClass().equals(this.getClass())) { return typesRegExps.equals(((RegExpStageActivityTypes) other).typesRegExps); } return false; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if (object == this) { return true; } refreshIfEmpty(); return delegate.equals(object); }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { if (obj instanceof InPredicate) { InPredicate<?> that = (InPredicate<?>) obj; return target.equals(; } return false; }
public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof CollectionProperty) { if (value != null) { return value.equals(((JMeterProperty) o).getObjectValue()); } } return false; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof MultipleInBagConstraint) { MultipleInBagConstraint mibc = (MultipleInBagConstraint) o; return bag.equals(mibc.bag) && evaluables.equals(mibc.evaluables); } return false; }
/** @return The cached element type for this Collection or null if it is unknown. */ public Class<?> getCachedElementType(Collection c) { for (Entry<Collection, Class<?>> entry : collectionElementTypeCache.entrySet()) { Collection k = entry.getKey(); if (k == c || k.equals(c)) { return entry.getValue(); } } return null; }
private boolean collectionEqual(Collection<?> c1, Collection<?> c2) { Collection<?> bag1; Collection<?> bag2; if (mergeDuplicates) { bag1 = new HashSet<Object>(c1); bag2 = new HashSet<Object>(c2); } else { bag1 = new HashBag(c1); bag2 = new HashBag(c2); } return bag1.equals(bag2); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { try { readLock.lock(); if (obj == null) { return false; } if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof ConditionalCopySet) { return delegate.equals(((ConditionalCopySet<?>) obj).delegate); } if (obj instanceof Set) { return delegate.equals(obj); } return false; } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
// equals() and hashCode() @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; IssueType that = (IssueType) o; if (IssueTypeId != that.IssueTypeId) return false; if (Issue != null ? !Issue.equals(that.Issue) : that.Issue != null) return false; if (!IssueType.equals(that.IssueType)) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; MinedInformation other = (MinedInformation) obj; if (articleID_ != other.articleID_) return false; if (assertions_ == null) { if (other.assertions_ != null) return false; } else if (!assertions_.equals(other.assertions_)) return false; if (concreteAssertions_ == null) { if (other.concreteAssertions_ != null) return false; } else if (!concreteAssertions_.equals(other.concreteAssertions_)) return false; if (infoboxType_ == null) { if (other.infoboxType_ != null) return false; } else if (!infoboxType_.equals(other.infoboxType_)) return false; if (minedTypes_ != other.minedTypes_) return false; if (standing_ == null) { if (other.standing_ != null) return false; } else if (!standing_.equals(other.standing_)) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (this == object) { return true; } if (!(object instanceof DataStructureBuiltin)) { return false; } DataStructureBuiltin dataStructureBuiltin = (DataStructureBuiltin) object; return sort.equals(dataStructureBuiltin.sort) && baseTerms.equals(dataStructureBuiltin.baseTerms); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; HighlightData that = (HighlightData) o; if (block != that.block) return false; if (!key.equals(that.key)) return false; if (level != that.level) return false; if (values != null ? !values.equals(that.values) : that.values != null) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ApplyDeltaCommand)) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } ApplyDeltaCommand that = (ApplyDeltaCommand) o; return keys.equals(that.keys); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; OSPFServiceWrapper other = (OSPFServiceWrapper) obj; if (enabledState != other.enabledState) return false; if (ospfAreas == null) { if (other.ospfAreas != null) return false; } else if (!ospfAreas.equals(other.ospfAreas)) return false; if (routerId == null) { if (other.routerId != null) return false; } else if (!routerId.equals(other.routerId)) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; OrderDTO other = (OrderDTO) obj; if (created == null) { if (other.created != null) return false; } else if (!created.equals(other.created)) return false; if (customerId != other.customerId) return false; if (id != return false; if (positions == null) { if (other.positions != null) return false; } else if (!positions.equals(other.positions)) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof CategorieStoc)) return false; CategorieStoc that = (CategorieStoc) o; if (idCategorieStoc != that.idCategorieStoc) return false; if (codCategorie != null ? !codCategorie.equals(that.codCategorie) : that.codCategorie != null) return false; if (numeCategorie != null ? !numeCategorie.equals(that.numeCategorie) : that.numeCategorie != null) return false; if (parent != null ? !parent.equals(that.parent) : that.parent != null) return false; return !(children != null ? !children.equals(that.children) : that.children != null); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; NormalForm other = (NormalForm) obj; if (arguments_in_use == null) { if (other.arguments_in_use != null) return false; } else if (!arguments_in_use.equals(other.arguments_in_use)) return false; if (mapping == null) { if (other.mapping != null) return false; } else if (!mapping.equals(other.mapping)) return false; if (normal_form == null) { if (other.normal_form != null) return false; } else if (!normal_form.equals(other.normal_form)) return false; return true; }
protected boolean hasCompatibleTypes(Collection<?> inputs, Collection<?> outputs) { MappingRoot typeMappingRoot = getTypeMappingRoot(); if (typeMappingRoot != null) { Collection<Object> inputTypes = getTypeClassifiers(inputs); Collection<Object> outputTypes = getTypeClassifiers(outputs); if (inputTypes.equals(outputTypes)) return true; if (inputTypes.size() != inputs.size() || outputTypes.size() != outputs.size()) return false; if (getTypeMappings(inputTypes, outputTypes).isEmpty() && hasTypeMappings(inputTypes) && hasTypeMappings(outputTypes)) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * @param expVer Expected topology version. * @param curVer Current topology version. * @return {@code True} if cache affinity changed and operation should be remapped. */ protected final boolean needRemap( AffinityTopologyVersion expVer, AffinityTopologyVersion curVer) { if (expVer.equals(curVer)) return false; Collection<ClusterNode> cacheNodes0 = ctx.discovery().cacheAffinityNodes(, expVer); Collection<ClusterNode> cacheNodes1 = ctx.discovery().cacheAffinityNodes(, curVer); if (!cacheNodes0.equals(cacheNodes1) || ctx.affinity().affinityTopologyVersion().compareTo(curVer) < 0) return true; try { List<List<ClusterNode>> aff1 = ctx.affinity().assignments(expVer); List<List<ClusterNode>> aff2 = ctx.affinity().assignments(curVer); return !aff1.equals(aff2); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return true; } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!super.equals(obj)) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Empregado other = (Empregado) obj; if (competencia == null) { if (other.competencia != null) return false; } else if (!competencia.equals(other.competencia)) return false; if (dataAdmissao == null) { if (other.dataAdmissao != null) return false; } else if (!dataAdmissao.equals(other.dataAdmissao)) return false; if (dataDesligamento == null) { if (other.dataDesligamento != null) return false; } else if (!dataDesligamento.equals(other.dataDesligamento)) return false; if (matricula == null) { if (other.matricula != null) return false; } else if (!matricula.equals(other.matricula)) return false; if (situacao != other.situacao) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof GitRepository)) { return false; } final GitRepository that = (GitRepository) o; if (alias != null ? !alias.equals(that.alias) : that.alias != null) { return false; } if (!environment.equals(that.environment)) { return false; } if (!publicURIs.equals(that.publicURIs)) { return false; } if (roles != null ? !roles.equals(that.roles) : that.roles != null) { return false; } if (root != null ? !root.equals(that.root) : that.root != null) { return false; } if (currentBranch != null ? !currentBranch.equals(that.currentBranch) : that.currentBranch != null) { return false; } if (branches != null ? !branches.equals(that.branches) : that.branches != null) { return false; } return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!super.equals(obj)) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; OAuth2Request other = (OAuth2Request) obj; if (approved != other.approved) return false; if (authorities == null) { if (other.authorities != null) return false; } else if (!authorities.equals(other.authorities)) return false; if (extensions == null) { if (other.extensions != null) return false; } else if (!extensions.equals(other.extensions)) return false; if (redirectUri == null) { if (other.redirectUri != null) return false; } else if (!redirectUri.equals(other.redirectUri)) return false; if (resourceIds == null) { if (other.resourceIds != null) return false; } else if (!resourceIds.equals(other.resourceIds)) return false; if (responseTypes == null) { if (other.responseTypes != null) return false; } else if (!responseTypes.equals(other.responseTypes)) return false; return true; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return collection.equals(o); }