private void setParameter(PreparedStatement stmt, List<Object> paramList) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) { Object param = paramList.get(i); if (param instanceof Arrays) { List<Object> list = Arrays.asList(param); for (Object obj : list) { if (obj instanceof String) { stmt.setString(i + 1, (String) paramList.get(i)); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { stmt.setInt(i + 1, (Integer) paramList.get(i)); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { stmt.setDouble(i + 1, (Double) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Long) { stmt.setLong(i + 1, (Long) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Float) { stmt.setFloat(i + 1, (Float) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Short) { stmt.setShort(i + 1, (Short) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Byte) { stmt.setByte(i + 1, (Byte) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Boolean) { stmt.setBoolean(i + 1, (Boolean) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Date) { stmt.setDate(i + 1, (Date) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Timestamp) { stmt.setTimestamp(i + 1, (Timestamp) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Object) { stmt.setObject(i + 1, (Object) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Arrays) { stmt.setObject(i + 1, (Object) paramList.get(i)); } } } if (param instanceof String) { stmt.setString(i + 1, (String) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Integer) { stmt.setInt(i + 1, (Integer) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Double) { stmt.setDouble(i + 1, (Double) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Long) { stmt.setLong(i + 1, (Long) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Float) { stmt.setFloat(i + 1, (Float) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Short) { stmt.setShort(i + 1, (Short) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Byte) { stmt.setByte(i + 1, (Byte) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Boolean) { stmt.setBoolean(i + 1, (Boolean) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Date) { stmt.setDate(i + 1, (Date) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Timestamp) { stmt.setTimestamp(i + 1, (Timestamp) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Object) { stmt.setObject(i + 1, (Object) paramList.get(i)); } else if (param instanceof Arrays) { stmt.setObject(i + 1, (Object) paramList.get(i)); } } }
public boolean insertHealthStatus(String personnelID, HealthStatus hs) { boolean check = true; PreparedStatement ps; if (dbc.connect()) { try { String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + HEALTH_STATUS + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = dbc.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlQuery); ps.setString(1, personnelID); if (hs.getHealDate() == null) { ps.setNull(2, java.sql.Types.DATE); } else { ps.setDate(2, hs.getHealDate()); } ps.setNString(3, hs.getHospital()); ps.setShort(4, hs.getHeight()); ps.setShort(5, hs.getWeight()); ps.setString(6, hs.getSight()); ps.setShort(7, hs.getBloodID()); ps.setShort(8, hs.getHealthStatusID()); ps.setNString(9, hs.getNote()); if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { check = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PersonnelDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return check; }
public boolean insertSkillInfo(String personnelID, Skill sk) { boolean check = true; PreparedStatement ps; if (dbc.connect()) { try { String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + SKILL_INFO + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = dbc.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlQuery); ps.setString(1, personnelID); ps.setShort(2, sk.getNameID()); ps.setShort(3, sk.getClassificationID()); ps.setNString(4, sk.getNote()); if (sk.getEffectiveDate() == null) { ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.DATE); } else { ps.setDate(5, sk.getEffectiveDate()); } if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { check = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PersonnelDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return check; }
public CFSecurityISOCountryLanguageBuff lockBuff( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOCountryLanguagePKey PKey) { final String S_ProcName = "lockBuff"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); short ISOCountryId = PKey.getRequiredISOCountryId(); short ISOLanguageId = PKey.getRequiredISOLanguageId(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_lock_iso_cntrylng( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtLockBuffByPKey == null) { stmtLockBuffByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtLockBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCountryId); stmtLockBuffByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOLanguageId); resultSet = stmtLockBuffByPKey.executeQuery(); if ( { CFSecurityISOCountryLanguageBuff buff = unpackISOCountryLanguageResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response"); } return (buff); } else { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void excuteBatch() throws BusinessException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement psmt = null; synchronized (vector) { try { conn = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(SessionFactoryUtils.getDataSource(sessionFactory)); conn.setAutoCommit(false); psmt = conn.prepareStatement(SqlFactory.getInstance().insertPolicyDevice()); for (PolicyDevice pd : vector) { psmt.setString(1, (String) new UUIDHexGenerator().generate(null, null)); psmt.setString(2, pd.getPolicyId()); psmt.setString(3, pd.getDeviceId()); psmt.setShort(4, pd.getType()); psmt.setShort(5, pd.getStatus()); psmt.addBatch(); } psmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); vector.clear(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { if (conn != null) { conn.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } throw new BusinessException( ErrorCode.DATABASE_ACCESS_ERROR, "Could not get database connnection"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { if (conn != null) { conn.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } throw new BusinessException(ErrorCode.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (psmt != null) { psmt.close(); psmt = null; } if (conn != null) { DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection( conn, SessionFactoryUtils.getDataSource(sessionFactory)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BusinessException( ErrorCode.DATABASE_ACCESS_ERROR, "Could not close database connnection"); } } } }
public CFSecurityISOCountryCurrencyBuff readBuff( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOCountryCurrencyPKey PKey) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuff"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); short ISOCountryId = PKey.getRequiredISOCountryId(); short ISOCurrencyId = PKey.getRequiredISOCurrencyId(); final String sql = "CALL sp_read_iso_cntryccy( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtReadBuffByPKey == null) { stmtReadBuffByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadBuffByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCountryId); stmtReadBuffByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCurrencyId); resultSet = stmtReadBuffByPKey.executeQuery(); if ( { CFSecurityISOCountryCurrencyBuff buff = unpackISOCountryCurrencyResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } return (buff); } else { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void deleteISOTimezoneByOffsetIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, short argTZHourOffset, short argTZMinOffset) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOTimezoneByOffsetIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "SELECT " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_delete_isotz_by_offsetidx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " ) as DeletedFlag"; if (stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx == null) { stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setShort(argIdx++, argTZHourOffset); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setShort(argIdx++, argTZMinOffset); resultSet = stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.executeQuery(); if ( { boolean deleteFlag = resultSet.getBoolean(1); if ( { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response"); } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected 1 record result set to be returned by delete, not 0 rows"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void deleteISOTimezoneByOffsetIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, short argTZHourOffset, short argTZMinOffset) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOTimezoneByOffsetIdx"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "exec sp_delete_isotz_by_offsetidx ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?"; if (stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx == null) { stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setShort(argIdx++, argTZHourOffset); stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.setShort(argIdx++, argTZMinOffset); Object stuff = null; boolean moreResults = stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.execute(); while (stuff == null) { try { moreResults = stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.getMoreResults(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } if (moreResults) { try { stuff = stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.getResultSet(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (-1 == stmtDeleteByOffsetIdx.getUpdateCount()) { break; } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff[] readBuffByOffsetIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, short TZHourOffset, short TZMinOffset) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuffByOffsetIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_read_isotz_by_offsetidx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx == null) { stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setShort(argIdx++, TZHourOffset); stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.setShort(argIdx++, TZMinOffset); resultSet = stmtReadBuffByOffsetIdx.executeQuery(); List<CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff> buffList = new LinkedList<CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff>(); while ( { CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff buff = unpackISOTimezoneResultSetToBuff(resultSet); buffList.add(buff); } int idx = 0; CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff[] retBuff = new CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff[buffList.size()]; Iterator<CFSecurityISOTimezoneBuff> iter = buffList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { retBuff[idx++] =; } return (retBuff); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public CFBamISOCountryCurrencyBuff readBuffByIdIdx( CFBamAuthorization Authorization, short ISOCountryId, short ISOCurrencyId) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuffByIdIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_read_iso_cntryccy_by_ididx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtReadBuffByIdIdx == null) { stmtReadBuffByIdIdx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCountryId); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCurrencyId); resultSet = stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.executeQuery(); if ( { CFBamISOCountryCurrencyBuff buff = unpackISOCountryCurrencyResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response"); } return (buff); } else { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void deleteISOCountryCurrencyByIdIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, short argISOCountryId, short argISOCurrencyId) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOCountryCurrencyByIdIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); final String sql = "CALL sp_delete_iso_cntryccy_by_ididx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtDeleteByIdIdx == null) { stmtDeleteByIdIdx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setShort(argIdx++, argISOCountryId); stmtDeleteByIdIdx.setShort(argIdx++, argISOCurrencyId); resultSet = stmtDeleteByIdIdx.executeQuery(); if ( { int deleteFlag = resultSet.getInt(1); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected 1 record result set to be returned by delete, not 0 rows"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void deleteISOCountryLanguage( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOCountryLanguageBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOCountryLanguage"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); short ISOCountryId = Buff.getRequiredISOCountryId(); short ISOLanguageId = Buff.getRequiredISOLanguageId(); String sql = "call " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_delete_iso_cntrylng( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtDeleteByPKey == null) { stmtDeleteByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCountryId); stmtDeleteByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOLanguageId); stmtDeleteByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Buff.getRequiredRevision()); ; stmtDeleteByPKey.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void deleteISOCountryCurrency( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOCountryCurrencyBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOCountryCurrency"; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); short ISOCountryId = Buff.getRequiredISOCountryId(); short ISOCurrencyId = Buff.getRequiredISOCurrencyId(); String sql = "exec sp_delete_iso_cntryccy ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?"; if (stmtDeleteByPKey == null) { stmtDeleteByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCountryId); stmtDeleteByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCurrencyId); stmtDeleteByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Buff.getRequiredRevision()); ; Object stuff = null; boolean moreResults = stmtDeleteByPKey.execute(); while (stuff == null) { try { moreResults = stmtDeleteByPKey.getMoreResults(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } if (moreResults) { try { stuff = stmtDeleteByPKey.getResultSet(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (-1 == stmtDeleteByPKey.getUpdateCount()) { break; } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } }
/** * Inserts the given feature into BLOB table and returns the generated primary key. * * @param stmt * @param feature * @return primary key of the feature * @throws SQLException * @throws FeatureStoreException */ private int insertFeatureBlob(PreparedStatement stmt, Feature feature) throws SQLException, FeatureStoreException { LOG.debug("Inserting feature with id '" + feature.getId() + "' (BLOB)"); if (fs.getSchema().getFeatureType(feature.getName()) == null) { throw new FeatureStoreException( "Cannot insert feature '" + feature.getName() + "': feature type is not served by this feature store."); } ICRS crs = blobMapping.getCRS(); stmt.setString(1, feature.getId()); stmt.setShort(2, fs.getFtId(feature.getName())); byte[] bytes = encodeFeatureBlob(feature, crs); stmt.setBytes(3, bytes); LOG.debug("Feature blob size: " + bytes.length); Geometry bboxGeom = getFeatureEnvelopeAsGeometry(feature); blobGeomConverter.setParticle(stmt, bboxGeom, 4); stmt.execute(); int internalId = -1; // ResultSet rs = null; // try { // // TODO only supported for PostgreSQL >= 8.2 // rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); //; // internalId = rs.getInt( 1 ); // } finally { // if ( rs != null ) { // rs.close(); // } // } return internalId; }
public boolean insertFamilyDetails(String personnelID, FamilyDetails fd) { boolean check = true; PreparedStatement ps; if (dbc.connect()) { try { String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + FAMILY + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = dbc.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlQuery); ps.setString(1, personnelID); ps.setShort(2, fd.getRelationID()); ps.setNString(3, fd.getPerName()); if (fd.getPerBirth() == null) { ps.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.DATE); } else { ps.setDate(4, fd.getPerBirth()); } ps.setNString(5, fd.getPerJob()); ps.setNString(6, fd.getPerAdd()); ps.setString(7, fd.getPerPhone()); if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { check = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PersonnelDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return check; }
public static void addNewVehicle(String reg, String make, String model, short yom) { // add vehicle to database try { // create a mysql database connection Connection conn = Utills.openDb(); // Item table mysql insert statement String query = " insert into vehicle (reg_num, make, model, yom)" + " values (?, ?, ?, ?)"; // Item table mysql insert preparedstatement PreparedStatement preparedStmt = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(query); preparedStmt.setString(1, reg); preparedStmt.setString(2, make); preparedStmt.setString(3, model); preparedStmt.setShort(4, yom); System.out.print(preparedStmt); // execute the preparedstatement preparedStmt.execute(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Got an exception!"); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } }
public boolean updateContractList(Contract con) { boolean check = true; PreparedStatement ps; if (dbc.connect()) { try { String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + getCONTRACT_CB() + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = dbc.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlQuery); ps.setNString(1, con.getName()); ps.setShort(2, con.getMonth()); if (con.isBHXH()) { ps.setBoolean(3, con.isBHXH()); ps.setFloat(4, con.getPercent()); } else { ps.setBoolean(3, con.isBHXH()); ps.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.FLOAT); } ps.setBytes(5, con.getTemplate()); ps.setString(6, con.getExtension()); if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { check = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PersonnelDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return check; }
public boolean insertDocumentDetails(String personnelID, DocumentsDetails doc) { boolean check = true; PreparedStatement ps; if (dbc.connect()) { try { String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + DOC_INFO + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = dbc.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlQuery); ps.setString(1, personnelID); ps.setNString(2, doc.getName()); if (doc.getSaveDate() == null) { ps.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.DATE); } else { ps.setDate(3, doc.getSaveDate()); } ps.setBytes(4, doc.getFile()); ps.setString(5, doc.getExtension()); ps.setShort(6, doc.getKindID()); if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { check = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PersonnelDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return check; }
public void setShort(int idx, short sht) throws SQLException { try { addMementoEntry("setShort", new Class[] {Short.TYPE}, idx, sht); wrapped.setShort(idx, sht); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UcanaccessSQLException(e); } }
public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException { checkOpen(); try { _stmt.setShort(parameterIndex, x); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void deleteAuditAction( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityAuditActionBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteAuditAction"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); ICFSecuritySchema.AuditActionEnum AuditActionId = Buff.getRequiredAuditActionId(); final String sql = "CALL sp_delete_auditaction( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtDeleteByPKey == null) { stmtDeleteByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, (short) AuditActionId.ordinal()); stmtDeleteByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Buff.getRequiredRevision()); ; resultSet = stmtDeleteByPKey.executeQuery(); if ( { int deleteFlag = resultSet.getInt(1); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected 1 record result set to be returned by delete, not 0 rows"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException { Profiler profiler = _profilerPoint.start(); try { _preparedStatement.setShort(parameterIndex, x); } finally { profiler.finish(); } }
public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException { String methodCall = "setShort(" + parameterIndex + ", " + x + ")"; argTraceSet(parameterIndex, "(short)", new Short(x)); try { realPreparedStatement.setShort(parameterIndex, x); } catch (SQLException s) { reportException(methodCall, s); throw s; } reportReturn(methodCall); }
protected long addLayoutSet( long layoutSetId, long companyId, long groupId, long layoutSetPrototypeId, UserGroupTemplateInfo userGroupTemplateInfo) throws Exception { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DataAccess.getConnection(); StringBundler sb = new StringBundler(5); sb.append("insert into LayoutSet (layoutSetId, groupId, "); sb.append("companyId, privateLayout, logo, logoId, themeId, "); sb.append("colorSchemeId, wapThemeId, wapColorSchemeId, css, "); sb.append("pageCount, settings_, layoutSetPrototypeId) values "); sb.append("(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); String sql = sb.toString(); ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setLong(1, layoutSetId); ps.setLong(2, groupId); ps.setLong(3, companyId); ps.setBoolean(4, userGroupTemplateInfo.isPrivateLayout()); ps.setShort(5, userGroupTemplateInfo.getLogo()); ps.setLong(6, userGroupTemplateInfo.getLogoId()); ps.setString(7, userGroupTemplateInfo.getThemeId()); ps.setString(8, userGroupTemplateInfo.getColorSchemeId()); ps.setString(9, userGroupTemplateInfo.getWapThemeId()); ps.setString(10, userGroupTemplateInfo.getWapColorSchemeId()); ps.setString(11, userGroupTemplateInfo.getCss()); ps.setLong(12, userGroupTemplateInfo.getPageCount()); ps.setString(13, userGroupTemplateInfo.getSettings()); ps.setLong(14, layoutSetPrototypeId); ps.execute(); return layoutSetId; } finally { DataAccess.cleanUp(con, ps, rs); } }
private void updateUnsignedTable(Connection conn, double data) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPSERT INTO " + unsignedTableName + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); stmt.setString(1, KEY); Double d = Double.valueOf(data); stmt.setDouble(2, d.doubleValue()); stmt.setFloat(3, d.floatValue()); stmt.setInt(4, d.intValue()); stmt.setLong(5, d.longValue()); stmt.setShort(6, d.shortValue()); stmt.setByte(7, d.byteValue()); stmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); }
/** * The setup creates a Connection to the database, and also creates a table with one row. Then it * creates an updatable ResultSet which is positioned on the row. * * @exception Exception any exception will cause test to fail with error. */ public void setUp() throws Exception { Connection con = getConnection(); try { con.setAutoCommit(false); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); String createTableString = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + "F01 SMALLINT," + "F02 INTEGER," + "F03 BIGINT," + "F04 REAL," + "F05 FLOAT," + "F06 DOUBLE," + "F07 DECIMAL," + "F08 NUMERIC," + "F09 CHAR(100)," + "F10 VARCHAR(256) )"; println(createTableString); stmt.executeUpdate(createTableString); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into " + TABLE_NAME + " values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setShort(1, (short) 1); ps.setInt(2, 1); ps.setLong(3, 1L); ps.setFloat(4, 1.0f); ps.setDouble(5, 1.0); ps.setDouble(6, 1.0); // Use setString instead of setBigDecimal to // allow most of the test cases to run under J2ME ps.setString(7, "1"); ps.setString(8, "1"); ps.setString(9, "1"); ps.setString(10, "1"); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { con.rollback(); throw e; } }
public CFSecurityAuditActionBuff readBuffByIdIdx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, ICFSecuritySchema.AuditActionEnum AuditActionId) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuffByIdIdx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); final String sql = "CALL sp_read_auditaction_by_ididx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtReadBuffByIdIdx == null) { stmtReadBuffByIdIdx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.setShort(argIdx++, (short) AuditActionId.ordinal()); resultSet = stmtReadBuffByIdIdx.executeQuery(); if ( { CFSecurityAuditActionBuff buff = unpackAuditActionResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } return (buff); } else { return (null); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public boolean insertEducationInfo(String personnelID, Education edu) { boolean check = true; PreparedStatement ps; if (dbc.connect()) { try { String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + EDUCATION + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = dbc.getConnection().prepareStatement(sqlQuery); ps.setString(1, personnelID); ps.setShort(2, edu.getKindID()); ps.setShort(3, edu.getGraduationID()); ps.setNString(4, edu.getCourseName()); ps.setNString(5, edu.getSchoolName()); ps.setShort(6, edu.getFromYear()); ps.setShort(7, edu.getToYear()); if (ps.executeUpdate() < 1) { check = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PersonnelDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return check; }
@Test public void colNameAccess() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("select ? as col1, ? as col2, ? as bingo;"); prep.setNull(1, 0); prep.setFloat(2, Float.MIN_VALUE); prep.setShort(3, Short.MIN_VALUE); prep.executeQuery(); ResultSet rs = prep.executeQuery(); assertTrue(; assertNull(rs.getString("col1")); assertTrue(rs.wasNull()); assertEquals(Float.MIN_VALUE, rs.getFloat("col2")); assertEquals(Short.MIN_VALUE, rs.getShort("bingo")); rs.close(); prep.close(); }
// create/split item stack private ItemStack getSplitItemStack( int itemRowId, int itemId, short itemDamage, int qty, String enchStr) { ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(itemId, qty, itemDamage); int maxSize = stack.getMaxStackSize(); // split stack if (qty > maxSize) { Connection conn = WebAuctionPlus.dataQueries.getConnection(); PreparedStatement st = null; while (qty > maxSize) { try { if (WebAuctionPlus.isDebug()) "WA Query: getSplitItemStack qty:" + Integer.toString(qty) + " max:" + Integer.toString(maxSize)); st = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `" + WebAuctionPlus.dataQueries.dbPrefix() + "Items` ( " + "`playerName`, `itemId`, `itemDamage`, `qty`, `enchantments` )VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"); st.setString(1, playerName); st.setInt(2, itemId); st.setShort(3, itemDamage); st.setInt(4, maxSize); st.setString(5, enchStr); st.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { WebAuctionPlus.log.warning( WebAuctionPlus.logPrefix + "Unable to insert new item to inventory!"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { WebAuctionPlus.dataQueries.closeResources(st, null); } qty -= maxSize; } stack.setAmount(qty); WebAuctionPlus.dataQueries.closeResources(conn); } // add enchantments if (enchStr != null && !enchStr.isEmpty()) DataQueries.decodeEnchantments(Bukkit.getPlayer(playerName), stack, enchStr); return stack; }