public void updateTransitionMatrices(
      Beagle beagle, int[] branchIndices, double[] edgeLength, int updateCount) {

    int[][] probabilityIndices = new int[eigenCount][updateCount];
    double[][] edgeLengths = new double[eigenCount][updateCount];

    int[] counts = new int[eigenCount];

    List<Deque<Integer>> convolutionList = new ArrayList<Deque<Integer>>();

    for (int i = 0; i < updateCount; i++) {

      BranchModel.Mapping mapping =
      int[] order = mapping.getOrder();
      double[] weights = mapping.getWeights();

      if (order.length == 1) {
        int k = order[0];
        probabilityIndices[k][counts[k]] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(branchIndices[i]);
        edgeLengths[k][counts[k]] = edgeLength[i];
      } else {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (double w : weights) {
          sum += w;

        if (getAvailableBufferCount() < order.length) {
          // too few buffers available, process what we have and continue...
          computeTransitionMatrices(beagle, probabilityIndices, edgeLengths, counts);
          convolveMatrices(beagle, convolutionList);

          // reset the counts
          for (int k = 0; k < eigenCount; k++) {
            counts[k] = 0;

        Deque<Integer> bufferIndices = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
        for (int j = 0; j < order.length; j++) {

          int buffer = popAvailableBuffer();

          if (buffer < 0) {
            // no buffers available
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Ran out of buffers for transition matrices - computing current list.");

          int k = order[j];
          probabilityIndices[k][counts[k]] = buffer;
          edgeLengths[k][counts[k]] = weights[j] * edgeLength[i] / sum;
          //                    edgeLengths[k][counts[k]] = weights[j] ;


      } // END: if convolution needed
    } // END: i loop

    computeTransitionMatrices(beagle, probabilityIndices, edgeLengths, counts);
    convolveMatrices(beagle, convolutionList);
  } // END: updateTransitionMatrices