/** * Test of Append_To_Response method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testAppendToResponse() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("appendToResponse"); String language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; String appendToResponse = appendToResponseBuilder(TVMethod.class); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { // Just test Waling Dead if (test.getTmdb() != 1402) { continue; } TVInfo result = instance.getTVInfo(test.getTmdb(), language, appendToResponse); TestSuite.test(result); TestSuite.testATR(result, TVMethod.class, null); TestSuite.test(result.getAlternativeTitles(), "Alt titles"); TestSuite.test(result.getContentRatings(), "Content Ratings"); TestSuite.test(result.getCredits()); TestSuite.test(result.getExternalIDs()); TestSuite.test(result.getImages(), "Images"); TestSuite.test(result.getKeywords(), "Keywords"); TestSuite.test(result.getVideos(), "Videos"); TestSuite.test(result.getTranslations(), "Translations"); TestSuite.test(result.getSimilarTV(), "Similar"); // There are rarely any changes, so skip this test } }
/** * Test of getTVCredits method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVCredits() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVCredits"); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { MediaCreditList result = instance.getTVCredits(test.getTmdb(), LANGUAGE_DEFAULT); assertNotNull(result); assertFalse(result.getCast().isEmpty()); boolean found = false; for (MediaCreditCast p : result.getCast()) { if (test.getOther().equals(p.getName())) { found = true; break; } } assertTrue(test.getOther() + " not found in cast!", found); // Only breaking bad has crew if (test.getTmdb() == 1396) { assertFalse(result.getCrew().isEmpty()); } break; } }
/** * Test of getTVTranslations method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVTranslations() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVTranslations"); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ResultList<Translation> result = instance.getTVTranslations(test.getTmdb()); TestSuite.test(result, "TV Translations"); } }
/** * Test of getTVAlternativeTitles method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVAlternativeTitles() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVAlternativeTitles"); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ResultList<AlternativeTitle> result = instance.getTVAlternativeTitles(test.getTmdb()); TestSuite.test(result, "TV Alt Titles"); } }
/** * Test of postTVRating method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testPostTVRating() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("postTVRating"); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { int rating = TestSuite.randomRating(); StatusCode result = instance.postTVRating(test.getTmdb(), rating, getSessionId(), null); assertEquals("failed to post rating", 12, result.getCode()); } }
/** * Test of getTVAccountState method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVAccountState() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVAccountState"); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { MediaState result = instance.getTVAccountState(test.getTmdb(), getSessionId()); assertNotNull("Null result", result); assertTrue("Invalid rating", result.getRated() > -2f); } }
/** * Test of getTVExternalIDs method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVExternalIDs() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVExternalIDs"); String language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ExternalID result = instance.getTVExternalIDs(test.getTmdb(), language); assertEquals("Wrong IMDB ID", test.getImdb(), result.getImdbId()); } }
/** * Test of getTVContentRatings method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVContentRatings() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVContentRatings"); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ResultList<ContentRating> result = instance.getTVContentRatings(test.getTmdb()); TestSuite.test(result, "TV Content Rating"); assertTrue("No language", StringUtils.isNotBlank(result.getResults().get(0).getCountry())); assertTrue("No rating", StringUtils.isNotBlank(result.getResults().get(0).getRating())); } }
/** * Test of getTVSimilar method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVSimilar() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVSimilar"); Integer page = null; String language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ResultList<TVInfo> result = instance.getTVSimilar(test.getTmdb(), page, language); TestSuite.test(result, "TV Similar"); } }
/** * Test of getTVInfo method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVInfo() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVInfo"); String language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; String[] appendToResponse = null; for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { TVInfo result = instance.getTVInfo(test.getTmdb(), language, appendToResponse); TestSuite.test(result); } }
/** * Test of getTVVideos method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVVideos() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVVideos"); String language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; boolean found = false; for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ResultList<Video> result = instance.getTVVideos(test.getTmdb(), language); found = found || !result.isEmpty(); } assertTrue("No videos", found); }
/** * Test of getTVImages method, of class TmdbTV. * * @throws com.omertron.themoviedbapi.MovieDbException */ @Test public void testGetTVImages() throws MovieDbException { LOG.info("getTVImages"); String language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; String[] includeImageLanguage = null; ArtworkResults results = new ArtworkResults(); for (TestID test : TV_IDS) { ResultList<Artwork> result = instance.getTVImages(test.getTmdb(), language, includeImageLanguage); TestSuite.test(result, "TV Images"); for (Artwork artwork : result.getResults()) { results.found(artwork.getArtworkType()); } // We should only have posters & backdrops results.validateResults(ArtworkType.POSTER, ArtworkType.BACKDROP); } }