  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) return true;
    if (obj == null) return false;

    if (obj instanceof CreatePipelineRequest == false) return false;
    CreatePipelineRequest other = (CreatePipelineRequest) obj;

    if (other.getName() == null ^ this.getName() == null) return false;
    if (other.getName() != null && other.getName().equals(this.getName()) == false) return false;
    if (other.getInputBucket() == null ^ this.getInputBucket() == null) return false;
    if (other.getInputBucket() != null
        && other.getInputBucket().equals(this.getInputBucket()) == false) return false;
    if (other.getOutputBucket() == null ^ this.getOutputBucket() == null) return false;
    if (other.getOutputBucket() != null
        && other.getOutputBucket().equals(this.getOutputBucket()) == false) return false;
    if (other.getRole() == null ^ this.getRole() == null) return false;
    if (other.getRole() != null && other.getRole().equals(this.getRole()) == false) return false;
    if (other.getNotifications() == null ^ this.getNotifications() == null) return false;
    if (other.getNotifications() != null
        && other.getNotifications().equals(this.getNotifications()) == false) return false;
    return true;
Example #2
  public cfData execute(cfSession _session, cfArgStructData argStruct) throws cfmRunTimeException {
    AmazonKey amazonKey = getAmazonKey(_session, argStruct);
    AmazonElasticTranscoder et = getAmazonElasticTranscoder(amazonKey);

    CreatePipelineRequest cpr = new CreatePipelineRequest();

    cpr.setName(getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "name", null));
    if (cpr.getName() == null || cpr.getName().isEmpty() || cpr.getName().length() > 40)
      throwException(_session, "please provide a valid name (40chars or less)");

    cpr.setInputBucket(getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "inputbucket", null));
    if (cpr.getInputBucket() == null || cpr.getInputBucket().isEmpty())
      throwException(_session, "please provide a valid inputbucket");

    cpr.setRole(getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "role", null));
    if (cpr.getRole() == null || cpr.getRole().isEmpty())
      throwException(_session, "please provide a valid role");

    cpr.setAwsKmsKeyArn(getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "awskey", null));
    if (cpr.getAwsKmsKeyArn() == null || cpr.getAwsKmsKeyArn().isEmpty())
      throwException(_session, "please provide a valid awskey");

    if (getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "outputbucket", null) != null) {

      cpr.setOutputBucket(getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "outputbucket", null));
      if (cpr.getOutputBucket().isEmpty())
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'contentconfig' or a 'outputbucket'");

    } else {

      // Handle the ContentConfig
      cfStructData cc = getNamedStructParam(_session, argStruct, "contentconfig", null);
      if (cc == null)
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'contentconfig' or a 'outputbucket'");

      PipelineOutputConfig contentConfig = new PipelineOutputConfig();

      if (contentConfig.getBucket() == null || contentConfig.getBucket().isEmpty())
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'contentconfig.bucket'");

      if (contentConfig.getStorageClass() == null || contentConfig.getStorageClass().isEmpty())
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'contentconfig.storageclass'");

      Collection<Permission> permissions = getPermissions(_session, cc);
      if (!permissions.isEmpty()) contentConfig.setPermissions(permissions);


      // Handle the thumbnailconfig
      cc = getNamedStructParam(_session, argStruct, "thumbnailconfig", null);
      if (cc == null)
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'thumbnailconfig' or a 'outputbucket'");

      contentConfig = new PipelineOutputConfig();

      if (contentConfig.getBucket() == null || contentConfig.getBucket().isEmpty())
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'thumbnailconfig.bucket'");

      if (contentConfig.getStorageClass() == null || contentConfig.getStorageClass().isEmpty())
        throwException(_session, "please provide a 'thumbnailconfig.storageclass'");

      permissions = getPermissions(_session, cc);
      if (!permissions.isEmpty()) contentConfig.setPermissions(permissions);


    // Now after collection all that; create the actual pipeline
    try {
      CreatePipelineResult cpres = et.createPipeline(cpr);
      return new cfStringData(cpres.getPipeline().getId());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throwException(_session, "AmazonElasticTranscoder: " + e.getMessage());
      return cfBooleanData.TRUE;