private Integer startTunnelSSH(Instance instance) throws InterruptedException { Instance tunnelInstance = runningInstances(tunnelResourceId).get(0); Integer localPort = Double.valueOf(Randoms.number(3000, 10000)).intValue(); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread tunnelThread = new Thread( () -> { Process process = null; try { Path keyPath = KeyPair.keyFile(tunnelInstance.getKeyName(), env); String userAndHost = "ubuntu@" + hostName(tunnelInstance); String portBinding = Strings.format("{}:{}:22", localPort, instance.getPrivateIpAddress()); List<String> command = tunnelCommand(keyPath, userAndHost, portBinding);"tunnel command => {}", String.join(" ", command)); process = new ProcessBuilder().command(command).start(); process.getInputStream().read(); // wait until there is output latch.countDown(); process.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } finally { if (process != null) process.destroy(); } }); tunnelThread.setDaemon(true); tunnelThread.start(); latch.await(); return localPort; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(new ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider()); Region usWest2 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2); ec2.setRegion(usWest2); List<String> instanceIds = new ArrayList<>(); String instanceid = null; DescribeInstancesRequest request = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); List<String> valuesT1 = new ArrayList<String>(); valuesT1.add("hz-nodes"); Filter filter = new Filter("tag-value", valuesT1); DescribeInstancesResult result = ec2.describeInstances(request.withFilters(filter)); List<Reservation> reservations = result.getReservations(); for (Reservation reservation : reservations) { List<Instance> instances = reservation.getInstances(); for (Instance instance : instances) { instanceid = instance.getInstanceId(); PrintManager.PrintMessage(instanceid); instanceIds.add(instanceid); List<Tag> abc = instance.getTags(); for (Tag aaa : abc) { PrintManager.PrintMessage(aaa.getKey() + " : " + aaa.getValue()); } } } instanceIds.remove("i-cb45adfc"); StopInstancesRequest stopReq = new StopInstancesRequest(instanceIds); ec2.stopInstances(stopReq); RebootInstancesRequest requestRe = new RebootInstancesRequest(instanceIds); ec2.rebootInstances(requestRe); }
/* * Much of the EC2 data is beyond our direct control, therefore we need to refresh it from time to time to ensure we * reflect the reality of the instances. */ protected void fetchLiveInstanceData(boolean force) throws AmazonClientException { /* * If we've grabbed the data recently, don't bother getting it again unless we are forced */ long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((lastFetchTime > 0) && (now - lastFetchTime < MIN_FETCH_TIME) && !force) { return; } if (getInstanceId() == null || getInstanceId() == "") { /* * The getInstanceId() implementation on EC2SpotSlave can return null if the spot request doesn't yet know * the instance id that it is starting. What happens is that null is passed to getInstanceId() which * searches AWS but without an instanceID the search returns some random box. We then fetch its metadata, * including tags, and then later, when the spot request eventually gets the instanceID correctly we push * the saved tags from that random box up to the new spot resulting in confusion and delay. */ return; } Instance i = getInstance(getInstanceId(), getCloud()); lastFetchTime = now; lastFetchInstance = i; if (i == null) return; publicDNS = i.getPublicDnsName(); privateDNS = i.getPrivateIpAddress(); createdTime = i.getLaunchTime().getTime(); tags = new LinkedList<EC2Tag>(); for (Tag t : i.getTags()) { tags.add(new EC2Tag(t.getKey(), t.getValue())); } }
@Override public void execute(Context context) throws Exception { RunInstancesRequest request = new RunInstancesRequest() .withKeyName(resource.keyPair.remoteKeyPair.getKeyName()) .withInstanceType(resource.instanceType) .withImageId(resource.ami.imageId()) .withMinCount(addedCount) .withMaxCount(addedCount) .withUserData(Base64.encodeBase64String(Strings.bytes(userData(context.env)))); if (resource.instanceProfile != null) request.withIamInstanceProfile( new IamInstanceProfileSpecification() .withName(resource.instanceProfile.remoteInstanceProfile.getInstanceProfileName())); String sgId = resource.securityGroup.remoteSecurityGroup.getGroupId(); request .getNetworkInterfaces() .add( new InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification() .withDeviceIndex(0) .withSubnetId(resource.subnet.firstRemoteSubnet().getSubnetId()) .withGroups(sgId) .withAssociatePublicIpAddress(resource.subnet.type == SubnetType.PUBLIC)); if (resource.ebs.rootVolumeSize != null) { request .getBlockDeviceMappings() .add( new BlockDeviceMapping() .withDeviceName("/dev/sda1") .withEbs(new EbsBlockDevice().withVolumeSize(resource.ebs.rootVolumeSize))); } List<> remoteInstances = AWS.ec2.runInstances(request, tags(context.env)); resource.remoteInstances.addAll(remoteInstances); for ( remoteInstance : remoteInstances) { String key = String.format("instance/%s/%s",, remoteInstance.getInstanceId()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("privateIP=").append(remoteInstance.getPrivateIpAddress()); if (resource.subnet == null || resource.subnet.type == SubnetType.PUBLIC) { builder.append(", publicDNS=").append(remoteInstance.getPublicDnsName()); } context.output(key, builder.toString()); } if (resource.elb != null) { List<String> instanceIds = remoteInstances .stream() .map( .collect(Collectors.toList()); AWS.elb.attachInstances( resource.elb.remoteELB.getLoadBalancerName(), instanceIds, waitUntilInService); } }
protected boolean isEc2ProvisionedAmiSlave(Instance i, String ami, String templateDesc) { // Check if the ami matches if (ami == null || StringUtils.equals(ami, i.getImageId())) { // Check if there is a ec2slave tag... for (Tag tag : i.getTags()) { if (StringUtils.equals(tag.getKey(), EC2Tag.TAG_NAME_JENKINS_SLAVE_TYPE)) { if (ami == null || templateDesc == null) { return true; } else if (StringUtils.equals(tag.getValue(), EC2Cloud.EC2_SLAVE_TYPE_DEMAND) || StringUtils.equals(tag.getValue(), EC2Cloud.EC2_SLAVE_TYPE_SPOT)) { // To handle cases where description is null and also upgrade cases for existing slave // nodes. return true; } else if (StringUtils.equals( tag.getValue(), getSlaveTypeTagValue(EC2Cloud.EC2_SLAVE_TYPE_DEMAND, templateDesc)) || StringUtils.equals( tag.getValue(), getSlaveTypeTagValue(EC2Cloud.EC2_SLAVE_TYPE_SPOT, templateDesc))) { return true; } else { return false; } } } return false; } return false; }
// Creates new AMI instances from pre-defined snapshot, // and returns launched instance IDs. public static List<String> createAmiFromSnapshot(AmazonEC2 ec2, int amount, String userData) {"Launching " + amount + " instances."); ArrayList<String> securityGroups = new ArrayList<String>(); securityGroups.add(securityGroup); RunInstancesRequest request = new RunInstancesRequest(); // Send launch request. request .withImageId(imageId) // Utils.imageId .withInstanceType(instanceType) .withUserData(userData) .withKeyName(keyName) .withSecurityGroups(securityGroups) .withMinCount(amount) .withMaxCount(amount); // Build instance id list. ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Instance instance : ec2.runInstances(request).getReservation().getInstances()) { ids.add(instance.getInstanceId()); } return ids; }
/** * Counts the number of instances in EC2 currently running that are using the specified image and * a template. * * @param ami If AMI is left null, then all instances are counted and template description is * ignored. * <p>This includes those instances that may be started outside Jenkins. * @param templateDesc */ public int countCurrentEC2Slaves(String ami, String templateDesc) throws AmazonClientException { int n = 0; for (Reservation r : connect().describeInstances().getReservations()) { for (Instance i : r.getInstances()) { if (isEc2ProvisionedAmiSlave(i, ami, templateDesc)) { InstanceStateName stateName = InstanceStateName.fromValue(i.getState().getName()); if (stateName == InstanceStateName.Pending || stateName == InstanceStateName.Running) { EC2AbstractSlave foundSlave = null; for (EC2AbstractSlave ec2Node : NodeIterator.nodes(EC2AbstractSlave.class)) { if (ec2Node.getInstanceId().equals(i.getInstanceId())) { foundSlave = ec2Node; break; } } // Don't count disconnected slaves as being used, we will connected them later is // required if (foundSlave != null && foundSlave.toComputer().isOffline()) continue; n++; } } } } // Count pending spot requests too for (SpotInstanceRequest sir : connect().describeSpotInstanceRequests().getSpotInstanceRequests()) { // Count Spot requests that are open and still have a // chance to be active. if (sir.getState().equals("open")) { n++; } } return n; }
/** * Determines whether the AMI of the given instance matches the AMI of template and has the * required label (if requiredLabel is non-null) */ private boolean checkInstance( PrintStream logger, Instance existingInstance, Label requiredLabel, EC2AbstractSlave[] returnNode) { logProvision(logger, "checkInstance: " + existingInstance); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getIamInstanceProfile())) { if (existingInstance.getIamInstanceProfile() != null) { if (!existingInstance.getIamInstanceProfile().getArn().equals(getIamInstanceProfile())) { logProvision(logger, " false - IAM Instance profile does not match"); return false; } // Match, fall through } else { logProvision(logger, " false - Null IAM Instance profile"); return false; } } if (existingInstance .getState() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.Terminated.toString()) || existingInstance .getState() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.ShuttingDown.toString())) { logProvision(logger, " false - Instance is terminated or shutting down"); return false; } // See if we know about this and it has capacity for (EC2AbstractSlave node : NodeIterator.nodes(EC2AbstractSlave.class)) { if (node.getInstanceId().equals(existingInstance.getInstanceId())) { logProvision(logger, "Found existing corresponding Jenkins slave: " + node.getInstanceId()); if (!node.toComputer().isPartiallyIdle()) { logProvision(logger, " false - Node is not partially idle"); return false; } // REMOVEME - this was added to force provision to work, but might not allow // stopped instances to be found - need to investigate further else if (false && node.toComputer().isOffline()) { logProvision(logger, " false - Node is offline"); return false; } else if (requiredLabel != null && !requiredLabel.matches(node.getAssignedLabels())) { logProvision(logger, " false - we need a Node having label " + requiredLabel); return false; } else { logProvision(logger, " true - Node has capacity - can use it"); returnNode[0] = node; return true; } } } logProvision(logger, " true - Instance has no node, but can be used"); return true; }
public static String getPublicDns(String instanceId) { System.out.println("Retreiving public dns."); DescribeInstancesResult results = ec2.describeInstances(); List<Reservation> reservations = results.getReservations(); for (Reservation reservation : reservations) { for (Instance instance : reservation.getInstances()) { if (instance.getInstanceId().equals(instanceId)) return instance.getPublicDnsName(); } } return "NA"; }
/** Query amazon to get ASG name. Currently not available as part of instance info api. */ private String populateASGName(String region, String instanceId) { AmazonEC2 client = new AmazonEC2Client(provider.getCredentials()); client.setEndpoint("ec2." + region + ""); DescribeInstancesRequest desc = new DescribeInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(instanceId); DescribeInstancesResult res = client.describeInstances(desc); for (Reservation resr : res.getReservations()) { for (Instance ins : resr.getInstances()) { for ( tag : ins.getTags()) { if (tag.getKey().equals("aws:autoscaling:groupName")) return tag.getValue(); } } } return null; }
private void createTag(AmazonEC2Client ec2, Instance instance) { // Create Tags Tag tag = new Tag("Project", "2.3"); CreateTagsRequest createTagsRequest = new CreateTagsRequest(); createTagsRequest.withResources(instance.getInstanceId()).withTags(tag); ec2.createTags(createTagsRequest); }
@Override public String retriableCall() throws IllegalStateException { DescribeInstancesRequest desc = new DescribeInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(instanceId); DescribeInstancesResult res = client.describeInstances(desc); for (Reservation resr : res.getReservations()) { for (Instance ins : resr.getInstances()) { for ( tag : ins.getTags()) { if (tag.getKey().equals("aws:autoscaling:groupName")) return tag.getValue(); } } } logger.warn("Couldn't determine ASG name"); throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't determine ASG name"); }
/* * Sets tags on an instance. This will not clear existing tag data, so call clearLiveInstancedata if needed */ protected void pushLiveInstancedata() throws AmazonClientException { Instance inst = getInstance(getInstanceId(), getCloud()); /* Now that we have our instance, we can set tags on it */ if (inst != null && tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { HashSet<Tag> inst_tags = new HashSet<Tag>(); for (EC2Tag t : tags) { inst_tags.add(new Tag(t.getName(), t.getValue())); } CreateTagsRequest tag_request = new CreateTagsRequest(); tag_request.withResources(inst.getInstanceId()).setTags(inst_tags); getCloud().connect().createTags(tag_request); } }
protected boolean isAlive(boolean force) { fetchLiveInstanceData(force); if (lastFetchInstance == null) return false; if (lastFetchInstance.getState().getName().equals(InstanceStateName.Terminated.toString())) return false; return true; }
private Instance locateInstanceToSSH(List<Instance> instances) { for (int i = 0; i < instances.size(); i++) { remoteInstance = instances.get(i); "index={}, instanceId={}, state={}, publicDNS={}, privateDNS={}", i, remoteInstance.getInstanceId(), remoteInstance.getState().getName(), remoteInstance.getPublicDnsName(), remoteInstance.getPrivateDnsName()); } Asserts.isTrue( instances.size() == 1 || instanceIndex != null, "more than one remoteInstance, use --{} to specify index", Param.INSTANCE_INDEX.key); return instances.size() == 1 ? instances.get(0) : instances.get(instanceIndex); }
/** Test of getMaster method, of class HadoopCluster. */ @Test public void testGetMaster() { System.out.println("getMaster"); ClusterInstance result = cluster.getMaster(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(cluster.getMasterGroupName(), result.getSecurityGroups().get(0)); Instance slaveInstance = result.getInstance(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\t"); sb.append(slaveInstance.getInstanceId()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(slaveInstance.getInstanceType()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(slaveInstance.getLaunchTime().toString()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(slaveInstance.getImageId()); out.println(sb.toString()); }
private List<Instance> listInstance(AmazonEC2Client ec2) { List<Instance> testInstances = new ArrayList<Instance>(); List<Reservation> reservations = ec2.describeInstances().getReservations(); int reservationCount = reservations.size(); for (int i = 0; i < reservationCount; i++) { List<Instance> instances = reservations.get(i).getInstances(); int instanceCount = instances.size(); // Print the instance IDs of every instance in the reservation. for (int j = 0; j < instanceCount; j++) { Instance instance = instances.get(j); if (instance.getState().getName().equals("running")) { testInstances.add(instance); } } } return testInstances; }
@Override public List<Instance> launchNodes( String uuid, Platform platform, String browser, String hubHostName, int nodeCount, int maxSessions) { if (throwException) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't start nodes"); } this.nodesLaunched = true; this.numberLaunched = nodeCount; this.browser = browser; Instance instance = new Instance(); instance.setInstanceId("instanceId"); return Arrays.asList(instance); }
private static void putCache() throws CacheException { if (amazon == null) amazon = JCS.getInstance("Instances"); synchronized (AmazonService.class) { amazon.clear(); DescribeInstancesResult result = amazonClient.describeInstances(); for (Reservation r : result.getReservations()) { for (Instance i : r.getInstances()) { amazon.putInGroup(i.getInstanceId(), "Instances", i); } } DescribeImagesRequest ir = new DescribeImagesRequest().withOwners("self"); DescribeImagesResult images = amazonClient.describeImages(ir); for (Image r : images.getImages()) { amazon.putInGroup(r.getImageId(), "AMIs", r); } log.debug("put cache finished"); } }
private String getHostName(EC2Computer computer) throws AmazonClientException, InterruptedException { Instance instance; instance = computer.updateInstanceDescription(); String vpc_id = instance.getVpcId(); String host; if (computer.getNode().usePrivateDnsName) { host = instance.getPrivateDnsName(); } else { /* VPC hosts don't have public DNS names, so we need to use an IP address instead */ if (vpc_id == null || vpc_id.equals("")) { host = instance.getPublicDnsName(); } else { host = instance.getPrivateIpAddress(); } } return host; }
private void ssh(Instance instance, Integer tunnelPort) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Path keyPath = KeyPair.keyFile(instance.getKeyName(), env); String userAndHost; if (tunnelPort != null) userAndHost = "ubuntu@localhost"; else userAndHost = "ubuntu@" + hostName(instance); List<String> command = command(keyPath, userAndHost, tunnelPort);"command => {}", String.join(" ", command)); Process process = new ProcessBuilder().inheritIO().command(command).start(); process.waitFor();"session disconnected"); }
/** Test of getSlaves method, of class HadoopCluster. */ @Test public void testGetSlaves() { out.println("getSlaves"); List<ClusterInstance> result = cluster.getSlaves(); out.println("found " + result.size() + " slaves for group " + TEST_GROUP); assertNotNull(result); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\t"); for (ClusterInstance slave : result) { assertEquals(cluster.getGroupName(), slave.getSecurityGroups().get(0)); Instance slaveInstance = slave.getInstance(); if (sb.length() > 1) sb.delete(1, sb.length()); sb.append(slaveInstance.getInstanceId()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(slaveInstance.getInstanceType()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(slaveInstance.getLaunchTime().toString()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(slaveInstance.getImageId()); out.println(sb.toString()); } }
protected EC2OndemandSlave newOndemandSlave(Instance inst) throws FormException, IOException { return new EC2OndemandSlave( inst.getInstanceId(), description, remoteFS, getNumExecutors(), labels, mode, initScript, tmpDir, remoteAdmin, jvmopts, stopOnTerminate, idleTerminationMinutes, inst.getPublicDnsName(), inst.getPrivateDnsName(), EC2Tag.fromAmazonTags(inst.getTags()),, usePrivateDnsName, useDedicatedTenancy, getLaunchTimeout(), amiType); }
// Returns pending/running instance ID list. public static ArrayList<String> getInstanceIdsByTag(AmazonEC2 ec2, String key, String value) { logger.fine("Requesting instances by tag " + key + "=" + value); // Create tag request. DescribeInstancesRequest instanceReq = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); Filter managerFilter = new Filter("tag:" + key).withValues(value), activeFilter = new Filter("instance-state-code").withValues("0", "16"); // 0||16 == pending||running // Send request. DescribeInstancesResult result = ec2.describeInstances(instanceReq.withFilters(managerFilter, activeFilter)); // Build instance ID list. ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Reservation reservation : result.getReservations()) { for (Instance instance : reservation.getInstances()) { ids.add(instance.getInstanceId()); } } logger.fine(ids.size() + " instances found with tag " + key + "=" + value); return ids; }
@Override public void run() { // set up new data center RunInstancesRequest dataCenterRequest = createDataCenterRequest(); RunInstancesResult runDataCenterResult = ec2.runInstances(dataCenterRequest); Instance dataCenterInstance = runDataCenterResult.getReservation().getInstances().get(0); String dataCenterId = dataCenterInstance.getInstanceId(); createTag(ec2, dataCenterInstance); // wait for 1 min for the data center running try { Thread.sleep(60 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // wait for data center ready for the web server String testSentence = null; while (testSentence == null) { System.out.println("RunInstance Thread: Waiting for data center ready"); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List<Instance> allInstances = listInstance(ec2); for (Instance inst : allInstances) { if (inst.getInstanceId().equals(dataCenterId)) { dataCenterInstance = inst; break; } } String randomUserUrl = "http://" + dataCenterInstance.getPublicDnsName() + "/lookup/random"; try { testSentence = sendGet(randomUserUrl); } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing } } String newDataCenterUrl = "http://" + dataCenterInstance.getPublicDnsName(); // update the data center to in-service instances for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (instances[i].getUrl() == null) { instances[i].changeUrl(newDataCenterUrl); isHealthy[i] = true; updataHealthCount(); } } // complete adding instance isAddingInstance = false; }
// Gives fresh copy of instance public static Instance updatedInstance(Instance ins) { int i, j; List<Reservation> reserveList = ec2.describeInstances().getReservations(); for (i = 0; i < reserveList.size(); i++) { List<Instance> instanceList = reserveList.get(i).getInstances(); for (j = 0; j < instanceList.size(); j++) { if (instanceList.get(j).getInstanceId().equalsIgnoreCase(ins.getInstanceId())) { return instanceList.get(j); } } } return null; }
public String toString() { String ret = "\n"; while (true) { if (amazon == null) try { amazon = JCS.getInstance("Instances"); } catch (CacheException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } synchronized (AmazonService.class) { for (Object key : amazon.getGroupKeys("Instances")) { Instance i = (Instance) amazon.getFromGroup(key, "Instances"); if (i == null) continue; ret += (i.getInstanceId() + " " + i.getImageId() + " " + i.getImageId() + " " + i.getArchitecture() + " " + i.getPrivateDnsName() + " " + i.getState().getName()) + "\n"; } for (Object key : amazon.getGroupKeys("AMIs")) { Image r = (Image) amazon.getFromGroup(key, "AMIs"); ; if (r == null) continue; ret += (r.getImageId() + " " + r.getDescription() + " " + r.getState()) + "\n"; } } if (ret.length() > 10) break; else { try { Thread.sleep(1000 * 5); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } continue; } } return ret; }
// Allocates new elastic IP addresses. public static Instance allocateElasticIP(Instance ins) { // allocate AllocateAddressResult elasticResult = ec2.allocateAddress(); String elasticIp = elasticResult.getPublicIp(); System.out.println("New elastic IP: " + elasticIp); // associate AssociateAddressRequest aar = new AssociateAddressRequest(); aar.setInstanceId(ins.getInstanceId()); aar.setPublicIp(elasticIp); ec2.associateAddress(aar); ins = updatedInstance(ins); return ins; }
private String hostName(Instance remoteInstance) { String publicDNS = remoteInstance.getPublicDnsName(); return publicDNS != null ? publicDNS : remoteInstance.getPrivateDnsName(); }
public Instance unmarshall(StaxUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { Instance instance = new Instance(); int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; if (context.isStartOfDocument()) targetDepth += 1; while (true) { XMLEvent xmlEvent = context.nextEvent(); if (xmlEvent.isEndDocument()) return instance; if (xmlEvent.isAttribute() || xmlEvent.isStartElement()) { if (context.testExpression("instanceId", targetDepth)) { instance.setInstanceId(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("imageId", targetDepth)) { instance.setImageId(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("instanceState", targetDepth)) { instance.setState(InstanceStateStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("privateDnsName", targetDepth)) { instance.setPrivateDnsName(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("dnsName", targetDepth)) { instance.setPublicDnsName(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("reason", targetDepth)) { instance.setStateTransitionReason( StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("keyName", targetDepth)) { instance.setKeyName(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("amiLaunchIndex", targetDepth)) { instance.setAmiLaunchIndex(IntegerStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("productCodes/item", targetDepth)) { instance.withProductCodes(ProductCodeStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("instanceType", targetDepth)) { instance.setInstanceType(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("launchTime", targetDepth)) { instance.setLaunchTime(DateStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("placement", targetDepth)) { instance.setPlacement(PlacementStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("kernelId", targetDepth)) { instance.setKernelId(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("ramdiskId", targetDepth)) { instance.setRamdiskId(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("platform", targetDepth)) { instance.setPlatform(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("monitoring", targetDepth)) { instance.setMonitoring(MonitoringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("subnetId", targetDepth)) { instance.setSubnetId(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("vpcId", targetDepth)) { instance.setVpcId(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("privateIpAddress", targetDepth)) { instance.setPrivateIpAddress(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("ipAddress", targetDepth)) { instance.setPublicIpAddress(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("stateReason", targetDepth)) { instance.setStateReason(StateReasonStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("architecture", targetDepth)) { instance.setArchitecture(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("rootDeviceType", targetDepth)) { instance.setRootDeviceType(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("rootDeviceName", targetDepth)) { instance.setRootDeviceName(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("blockDeviceMapping/item", targetDepth)) { instance.withBlockDeviceMappings( InstanceBlockDeviceMappingStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("virtualizationType", targetDepth)) { instance.setVirtualizationType(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("instanceLifecycle", targetDepth)) { instance.setInstanceLifecycle(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("spotInstanceRequestId", targetDepth)) { instance.setSpotInstanceRequestId( StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("clientToken", targetDepth)) { instance.setClientToken(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("tagSet/item", targetDepth)) { instance.withTags(TagStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("groupSet/item", targetDepth)) { instance.withSecurityGroups( GroupIdentifierStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("sourceDestCheck", targetDepth)) { instance.setSourceDestCheck(BooleanStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("hypervisor", targetDepth)) { instance.setHypervisor(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("networkInterfaceSet/item", targetDepth)) { instance.withNetworkInterfaces( InstanceNetworkInterfaceStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("iamInstanceProfile", targetDepth)) { instance.setIamInstanceProfile( IamInstanceProfileStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("ebsOptimized", targetDepth)) { instance.setEbsOptimized(BooleanStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } if (context.testExpression("sriovNetSupport", targetDepth)) { instance.setSriovNetSupport(StringStaxUnmarshaller.getInstance().unmarshall(context)); continue; } } else if (xmlEvent.isEndElement()) { if (context.getCurrentDepth() < originalDepth) { return instance; } } } }