@Override public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) { mMap = googleMap; mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true); Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); float[] lats = {}, lngs = {}; String[] titles = {}, snippets = {}; int[] beers = {}; if (null != extras) { lats = extras.getFloatArray("Latitudes"); lngs = extras.getFloatArray("Longitudes"); titles = extras.getStringArray("Titles"); snippets = extras.getStringArray("Snippets"); beers = extras.getIntArray("Beers"); } googleMap.setInfoWindowAdapter(new CustomInfoWindowAdapter()); LatLng ll = null; for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { ll = new LatLng(lats[i], lngs[i]); MarkerOptions mark = new MarkerOptions().position(ll).title(titles[i]).snippet(snippets[i]); // Other color if beer has been drunk. // The argument to defaultMarker() takes a float between 0-360.0, // check BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_*. // It is possible to create a BitmapDescriptor from drawables etc. BitmapDescriptor icon; if (i < beers.length && 0 < beers[i]) { icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_GREEN); } else { icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } mark.icon(icon); // Add a marker and set the number of beers drunk Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(mark); beerMap.put(marker, (beers.length > i ? beers[i] : 0)); } /* Add propellern */ BitmapDrawable bd = (BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.proppeller); Bitmap b = bd.getBitmap(); Bitmap bhalfsize = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(b, b.getWidth() / 2, b.getHeight() / 2, false); MarkerOptions propellern = new MarkerOptions() .position(PROPELLERN) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bhalfsize)); mMap.addMarker(propellern); /* See zoom */ if (null == ll || 1 < titles.length) { // Zoom from far 2.0 (zoomed out) to close 21.0 (zoomed in) mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(PROPELLERN, 12.2f)); } else { mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(ll, 12.2f)); } }
public void loadInstanceState(Bundle bundle) { float[] locationX = bundle.getFloatArray(LOCATIONX); float[] locationY = bundle.getFloatArray(LOCATIONY); int[] weights = bundle.getIntArray(WEIGHT); PlayerTurn = bundle.getInt(Turn); player1Score = bundle.getInt(Score1); player2Score = bundle.getInt(Score2); int Turn = bundle.getInt(First); blocks = new ArrayList<Block>(); for (int i = 0; i < locationX.length - 1; i++) { if (Turn == 1) { blocks.add(new Block(red, weights[i], locationX[i], locationY[i])); Turn = 2; } else { Turn = 1; blocks.add(new Block(brown, weights[i], locationX[i], locationY[i])); } } yPositionTracker = locationY[locationY.length - 1]; if (PlayerTurn == 1) tempBlock = new Block( red, weights[weights.length - 1], locationX[locationY.length - 1], yPositionTracker); else tempBlock = new Block( brown, weights[weights.length - 1], locationX[locationY.length - 1], yPositionTracker); view.updateScore(String.valueOf(player1Score), String.valueOf(player2Score)); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); setContentView(R.layout.activity_map); /* ActionBar items */ try { getActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Toast.makeText(this, "Something went wrong. Try again.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } ICON_HEIGHT = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mapIconHeight); // Toast.makeText(this, "onCreate", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager(); /* Obtain a reference to the UI element */ MapFragment frag = (MapFragment) fm.findFragmentById(R.id.overworld); /* Obtain a reference to GoogleMap object associated with the fragment */ worldMap = frag.getMap(); mapClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this); mapClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this); ePrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); Boolean infoShown = ePrefs.getBoolean(infoDialoguePref, false); if (!infoShown) { String title = "Map Gallery"; String text = getResources().getString(R.string.mapInfo); new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(title) .setMessage(text) .setPositiveButton( android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }) .show(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = ePrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(infoDialoguePref, true); editor.commit(); } if (savedInstanceState != null) { zoomlevel = savedInstanceState.getFloat("zoom"); loaded = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("loaded"); currentLat = savedInstanceState.getDouble("lat"); currentLng = savedInstanceState.getDouble("lng"); fileToReload = savedInstanceState.getString("redo"); dataRestorer = new DataRestorer( savedInstanceState.getStringArrayList("allFiles"), savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList("allBitmaps"), savedInstanceState.getFloatArray("allLat"), savedInstanceState.getFloatArray("allLng")); } }
@Override public void onResults(Bundle results) { lawg.d("[RecognitionListener] onResults()"); ArrayList<String> resultsArray = results.getStringArrayList(SpeechRecognizer.RESULTS_RECOGNITION); float[] confidenceScores = results.getFloatArray(SpeechRecognizer.CONFIDENCE_SCORES); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < resultsArray.size(); i++) { String word = resultsArray.get(i); sb.append(word); if (i != resultsArray.size() - 1) sb.append(", "); if (TextUtils.equals(word.toLowerCase(), "cheese")) { captureStillPicture(); } } lawg.d("Words detected: \n" + sb.toString()); mDisplayText1.setText(sb.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < resultsArray.size(); i++) { String word = resultsArray.get(i); addFloatingWord(word, confidenceScores[i]); } // repeat listen startListening(); }
@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { Bundle savedState = (Bundle) state; Parcelable superState = savedState.getParcelable(STATE_PARENT); super.onRestoreInstanceState(superState); setColor(Color.HSVToColor(savedState.getFloatArray(STATE_COLOR))); setOpacity(savedState.getInt(STATE_OPACITY)); }
@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { Bundle savedState = (Bundle) state; Parcelable superState = savedState.getParcelable(STATE_PARENT); super.onRestoreInstanceState(superState); setColor(Color.HSVToColor(savedState.getFloatArray(STATE_COLOR))); setSaturation(savedState.getFloat(STATE_SATURATION)); }
@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { if (state instanceof Bundle) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state; colorHSV = bundle.getFloatArray("color"); super.onRestoreInstanceState(bundle.getParcelable("super")); } else { super.onRestoreInstanceState(state); } }
@Override public void setAccelerometerValues(Message msg) { Bundle b = msg.getData(); float[] values = b.getFloatArray(AccelerometerListener.VALUES); float value = (float) (Math.pow(values[0], 1) + Math.pow(values[1], 1) + Math.pow(values[2], 1)); try { this.currentMeasure = 50 + (int) value; this.seekBar.setProgress(currentMeasure); this.currentEditText.setText("" + currentMeasure); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("", e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { Bundle savedState = (Bundle) state; Parcelable superState = savedState.getParcelable(STATE_PARENT); super.onRestoreInstanceState(superState); setColor(Color.HSVToColor(savedState.getFloatArray(STATE_COLOR))); if (savedState.containsKey(STATE_SATURATION)) { setSaturation(savedState.getFloat(STATE_SATURATION)); } else { setValue(savedState.getFloat(STATE_VALUE)); } mOrientation = savedState.getBoolean(STATE_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_DEFAULT); }
@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { if (state instanceof Bundle) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state; mBitmapAlpha = bundle.getFloatArray(STATUS_ALPHAS); mMessageNumber = bundle.getIntArray(STATUS_MESSAGENUMBER); mNews = bundle.getBooleanArray(STATUS_NEWS); for (int i = 0; i < mBitmapAlpha.length; i++) { mTabstrips.get(i).setBitmapAlpha(mBitmapAlpha[i]); mTabstrips.get(i).setNews(mNews[i]); mTabstrips.get(i).setMessageNumber(mMessageNumber[i]); } super.onRestoreInstanceState(bundle.getParcelable(INSTANCE_STATUS)); return; } super.onRestoreInstanceState(state); }
@Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { if (state instanceof Bundle) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state; normalizedScale = bundle.getFloat("saveScale"); m = bundle.getFloatArray("matrix"); prevMatrix.setValues(m); prevMatchViewHeight = bundle.getFloat("matchViewHeight"); prevMatchViewWidth = bundle.getFloat("matchViewWidth"); prevViewHeight = bundle.getInt("viewHeight"); prevViewWidth = bundle.getInt("viewWidth"); imageRenderedAtLeastOnce = bundle.getBoolean("imageRendered"); super.onRestoreInstanceState(bundle.getParcelable("instanceState")); return; } super.onRestoreInstanceState(state); }
@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle inState) { float[] data = inState.getFloatArray("Pressure"); if (data != null) { pressureHistory.clear(); for (float f : data) { pressureHistory.add((double) f); } } data = inState.getFloatArray("Pressure Smoothing Window"); if (data != null) { pressureSmoothingWin.clear(); for (float f : data) { pressureSmoothingWin.push((double) f); } } data = inState.getFloatArray("Altitude"); if (data != null) { altitudeHistory.clear(); for (float f : data) { altitudeHistory.add((double) f); } } data = inState.getFloatArray("Altitude Smoothing Window"); if (data != null) { altitudeSmoothingWin.clear(); for (float f : data) { altitudeSmoothingWin.push((double) f); } } data = inState.getFloatArray("Temperature"); if (data != null) { tempHistory.clear(); for (float f : data) { tempHistory.add((double) f); } } data = inState.getFloatArray("Temperature Smoothing Window"); if (data != null) { tempSmoothingWin.clear(); for (float f : data) { tempSmoothingWin.push((double) f); } } plotLongHistory(); }
@SmallTest @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testAllTypes() { Bundle originalBundle = new Bundle(); putBoolean(BOOLEAN_KEY, originalBundle); putBooleanArray(BOOLEAN_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putByte(BYTE_KEY, originalBundle); putByteArray(BYTE_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putShort(SHORT_KEY, originalBundle); putShortArray(SHORT_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putInt(INT_KEY, originalBundle); putIntArray(INT_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putLong(LONG_KEY, originalBundle); putLongArray(LONG_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putFloat(FLOAT_KEY, originalBundle); putFloatArray(FLOAT_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putDouble(DOUBLE_KEY, originalBundle); putDoubleArray(DOUBLE_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putChar(CHAR_KEY, originalBundle); putCharArray(CHAR_ARRAY_KEY, originalBundle); putString(STRING_KEY, originalBundle); putStringList(STRING_LIST_KEY, originalBundle); originalBundle.putSerializable(SERIALIZABLE_KEY, AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB); ensureApplicationContext(); SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy cache = new SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy(getContext()); cache.save(originalBundle); SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy cache2 = new SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy(getContext()); Bundle cachedBundle = cache2.load(); Assert.assertEquals( originalBundle.getBoolean(BOOLEAN_KEY), cachedBundle.getBoolean(BOOLEAN_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getBooleanArray(BOOLEAN_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getBooleanArray(BOOLEAN_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getByte(BYTE_KEY), cachedBundle.getByte(BYTE_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getByteArray(BYTE_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getByteArray(BYTE_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getShort(SHORT_KEY), cachedBundle.getShort(SHORT_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getShortArray(SHORT_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getShortArray(SHORT_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getInt(INT_KEY), cachedBundle.getInt(INT_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getIntArray(INT_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getIntArray(INT_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getLong(LONG_KEY), cachedBundle.getLong(LONG_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getLongArray(LONG_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getLongArray(LONG_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getFloat(FLOAT_KEY), cachedBundle.getFloat(FLOAT_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getFloatArray(FLOAT_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getFloatArray(FLOAT_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getDouble(DOUBLE_KEY), cachedBundle.getDouble(DOUBLE_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getDoubleArray(DOUBLE_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getDoubleArray(DOUBLE_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getChar(CHAR_KEY), cachedBundle.getChar(CHAR_KEY)); assertArrayEquals( originalBundle.getCharArray(CHAR_ARRAY_KEY), cachedBundle.getCharArray(CHAR_ARRAY_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals(originalBundle.getString(STRING_KEY), cachedBundle.getString(STRING_KEY)); assertListEquals( originalBundle.getStringArrayList(STRING_LIST_KEY), cachedBundle.getStringArrayList(STRING_LIST_KEY)); Assert.assertEquals( originalBundle.getSerializable(SERIALIZABLE_KEY), cachedBundle.getSerializable(SERIALIZABLE_KEY)); }
/** * Retrieve extended data from the request. * * @param name The name of the desired item. * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra() or null if no float array * value was found. * @see #putExtra(String, float[]) */ public float[] getFloatArrayExtra(String name) { return mExtras == null ? null : mExtras.getFloatArray(name); }
protected void processData(final Context context, Bundle dataBundle) { if (dataBundle.containsKey(ContinuousProbe.EVENT_TIMESTAMP) && dataBundle.containsKey("X") && dataBundle.containsKey("Y") && dataBundle.containsKey("Z")) { double[] incomingTimes = dataBundle.getDoubleArray(ContinuousProbe.EVENT_TIMESTAMP); float[] incomingX = dataBundle.getFloatArray("X"); float[] incomingY = dataBundle.getFloatArray("Y"); float[] incomingZ = dataBundle.getFloatArray("Z"); this.appendValues(incomingX, incomingY, incomingZ, incomingTimes); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String key = this.featureKey(); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); long updateInterval = Long.parseLong( prefs.getString( "config_probe_" + key + "_frequency", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY)) * 1000; if (now - this._lastUpdate > updateInterval) // add last updated // check for config { this._lastUpdate = now; LinearInterpolator interpolator = new LinearInterpolator(); double[] xs = _xValues; double[] ys = _yValues; double[] zs = _zValues; double[] ts = _timestamps; if (this._currentIndex < BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { xs = Arrays.copyOfRange(_xValues, 0, this._currentIndex); ys = Arrays.copyOfRange(_yValues, 0, this._currentIndex); zs = Arrays.copyOfRange(_zValues, 0, this._currentIndex); ts = Arrays.copyOfRange(_timestamps, 0, this._currentIndex); } // Log.e("PR", "FIRST RAW TIME: " + ts[0] + " LAST RAW TIME: " + // ts[ts.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "RAW TIME[0]: " + ts[0]); // Log.e("PR", "RAW TIME[1]: " + ts[1]); PolynomialSplineFunction fX = interpolator.interpolate(ts, xs); PolynomialSplineFunction fY = interpolator.interpolate(ts, ys); PolynomialSplineFunction fZ = interpolator.interpolate(ts, zs); // double lowFreq = 0.6; // double highFreq = 7.0; double durationOffset = ts[0]; double bufferDuration = ts[ts.length - 1] - durationOffset; double interval = 1.0 / 120.0; // Log.e("PR", "TS/0: " + ts[0] + " -- TS/-1: " + ts[ts.length - // 1] + " -- LEN TS: " + ts.length); // Log.e("PR", "BD: " + bufferDuration + " INT: " + interval); int twoPow = ts.length == 0 ? 0 : (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(ts.length - 1)); int bufferSize = (int) Math.pow(2, twoPow); // Log.e("PR", "BUFF SIZE: " + bufferSize); final double[] _interX = new double[bufferSize]; final double[] _interY = new double[bufferSize]; final double[] _interZ = new double[bufferSize]; Arrays.fill(_interX, 0.0); Arrays.fill(_interY, 0.0); Arrays.fill(_interZ, 0.0); interTimes = new double[bufferSize]; for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { interTimes[i] = durationOffset + (i * interval); // Log.e("PR", "TIME REQUEST: " + time); // Log.e("PR", "TIME DIFFERENCE: " + (oldTime - time)); if (interTimes[i] > ts[ts.length - 1]) // If the current // timestamp is // greater than the // last recorded // timestamp, set it // to the last // timestamp interTimes[i] = ts[ts.length - 1]; _interX[i] = fX.value(interTimes[i]); _interY[i] = fY.value(interTimes[i]); _interZ[i] = fZ.value(interTimes[i]); } // double timeDifference = interTimes[bufferSize - 1] - // interTimes[0]; // Log.e("PR", "INTERP TIME: " + timeDifference + // " BUFFER SIZE: " + bufferSize); // Log.e("PR", "FIRST INTERP TIME: " + interTimes[0] + // " LAST INTERP TIME: " + interTimes[interTimes.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "INTERP SAMPLE: " + interX[bufferSize - 1] + // " - " + interY[bufferSize - 1] + " - " + interZ[bufferSize - // 1]); final double[] _dynamicX = new double[_interX.length]; final double[] _dynamicY = new double[_interY.length]; final double[] _dynamicZ = new double[_interZ.length]; final double[] _staticX = new double[_interX.length]; final double[] _staticY = new double[_interY.length]; final double[] _staticZ = new double[_interZ.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _interX.length; i++) { if (i < 2) { _dynamicX[i] = 0; _dynamicY[i] = 0; _dynamicZ[i] = 0; _staticX[i] = 0; _staticY[i] = 0; _staticZ[i] = 0; } else { if (i == _dynamicX.length - 1) { _dynamicX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interX, this._xBPHistory, i, "X"); _dynamicY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interY, this._yBPHistory, i, "Y"); _dynamicZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interZ, this._zBPHistory, i, "Z"); _staticX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interX, this._xLPHistory, i, "X"); _staticY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interY, this._yLPHistory, i, "Y"); _staticZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interZ, this._zLPHistory, i, "Z"); } else { _dynamicX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interX, this._xBPHistory, i, null); _dynamicY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interY, this._yBPHistory, i, null); _dynamicZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interZ, this._zBPHistory, i, null); _staticX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interX, this._xLPHistory, i, null); _staticY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interY, this._yLPHistory, i, null); _staticZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interZ, this._zLPHistory, i, null); } this._xBPHistory[1] = this._xBPHistory[0]; this._xBPHistory[0] = _dynamicX[i]; this._yBPHistory[1] = this._yBPHistory[0]; this._yBPHistory[0] = _dynamicY[i]; this._zBPHistory[1] = this._zBPHistory[0]; this._zBPHistory[0] = _dynamicZ[i]; this._xLPHistory[1] = this._xLPHistory[0]; this._xLPHistory[0] = _staticX[i]; this._yLPHistory[1] = this._yLPHistory[0]; this._yLPHistory[0] = _staticY[i]; this._zLPHistory[1] = this._zLPHistory[0]; this._zLPHistory[0] = _staticZ[i]; } } // Log.e("PR", "Inter Sample: " + _interX[_interX.length - 1] + // " - " + _interY[_interX.length - 1] + " - " + // _interZ[_interX.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "DY Sample: " + _dynamicX[_dynamicX.length - 1] + // " - " + _dynamicY[_dynamicX.length - 1] + " - " + // _dynamicZ[_interX.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "GR Sample: " + _staticX[_staticX.length - 1] + // " - " + _staticY[_staticY.length - 1] + " - " + // _staticZ[_staticZ.length - 1]); double observedFreq = _interX.length / bufferDuration; // (((double) // this._currentIndex) // / // bufferDuration); // Log.e("PR", "IL: + " + _interX.length + " / BD: " + // bufferDuration); // Log.e("PR", "OBS HZ: " + observedFreq); FastFourierTransformer fft = new FastFourierTransformer(DftNormalization.STANDARD); Complex[] xFFT = fft.transform(_dynamicX, TransformType.FORWARD); Complex[] yFFT = fft.transform(_dynamicY, TransformType.FORWARD); Complex[] zFFT = fft.transform(_dynamicZ, TransformType.FORWARD); double[] frequencies = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.calculateFreqArray(_interX.length, observedFreq); final double[] _xMaxFreqPowPair = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.findPeakFrequency(xFFT, frequencies); final double[] _yMaxFreqPowPair = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.findPeakFrequency(yFFT, frequencies); final double[] _zMaxFreqPowPair = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.findPeakFrequency(zFFT, frequencies); // Log.e("PR", "FREQS & GEEKS: x:" + _xMaxFreqPowPair[0] + " - " // + _xMaxFreqPowPair[1] + " y:" + _yMaxFreqPowPair[0] + " - " + // _yMaxFreqPowPair[1] + " z:" + _zMaxFreqPowPair[0] + " - " + // _zMaxFreqPowPair[1] ); final XYZBasicFrequencyFeature me = this; Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putDouble("TIMESTAMP", now / 1000); data.putString("PROBE", me.name(context)); boolean incInterpolated = prefs.getBoolean( "config_probe_" + key + "_interpolated_enabled", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.INTERPOLATED_ENABLED); boolean incBandpass = prefs.getBoolean( "config_probe_" + key + "_bandpass_enabled", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.BANDPASS_ENABLED); boolean incLowpass = prefs.getBoolean( "config_probe_" + key + "_lowpass_enabled", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.LOWPASS_ENABLED); if (incInterpolated || incBandpass || incLowpass) { Bundle sensorData = new Bundle(); synchronized (me) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTERP_TIMESTAMPS", interTimes); if (incInterpolated) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTER_X", _interX); sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTER_Y", _interY); sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTER_Z", _interZ); } if (incBandpass) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("DYNAMIC_X", _dynamicX); sensorData.putDoubleArray("DYNAMIC_Y", _dynamicY); sensorData.putDoubleArray("DYNAMIC_Z", _dynamicZ); } if (incLowpass) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("STATIC_X", _staticX); sensorData.putDoubleArray("STATIC_Y", _staticY); sensorData.putDoubleArray("STATIC_Z", _staticZ); } data.putBundle("CALCULATIONS", sensorData); } } data.putDouble("WINDOW_TIMESTAMP", interTimes[0]); data.putDouble("POWER_X", _xMaxFreqPowPair[1]); data.putDouble("POWER_Y", _yMaxFreqPowPair[1]); data.putDouble("POWER_Z", _zMaxFreqPowPair[1]); data.putDouble("FREQ_X", _xMaxFreqPowPair[0]); data.putDouble("FREQ_Y", _yMaxFreqPowPair[0]); data.putDouble("FREQ_Z", _zMaxFreqPowPair[0]); me.transmitData(context, data); } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); } } }