  * Executes an action and returns the next.
 public WorkflowActionConfig doState(
     Context c,
     EPerson user,
     HttpServletRequest request,
     int workflowItemId,
     Workflow workflow,
     WorkflowActionConfig currentActionConfig)
     throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException, MessagingException, WorkflowException {
   try {
     XmlWorkflowItem wi = xmlWorkflowItemService.find(c, workflowItemId);
     Step currentStep = currentActionConfig.getStep();
     if (currentActionConfig.getProcessingAction().isAuthorized(c, request, wi)) {
       ActionResult outcome =
           currentActionConfig.getProcessingAction().execute(c, wi, currentStep, request);
       return processOutcome(
           c, user, workflow, currentStep, currentActionConfig, outcome, wi, false);
     } else {
       throw new AuthorizeException("You are not allowed to to perform this task.");
   } catch (WorkflowConfigurationException e) {
             "error while executing state",
             "workflow:  "
                 + workflow.getID()
                 + " action: "
                 + currentActionConfig.getId()
                 + " workflowItemId: "
                 + workflowItemId),
     WorkflowUtils.sendAlert(request, e);
     throw new WorkflowException(e);