  * Splits the given NTCIR query file into individual queries, converts each query into an XQuery
  * using XQueryGenerator, and returns the result as a list of NtcirPatterns for each individual
  * query.
  * @return List of NtcirPatterns for each query
  * @throws XPathExpressionException Thrown if xpaths fail to compile or fail to evaluate +
 public final List<NtcirPattern> extractPatterns() throws XPathExpressionException {
   final XPath xpath = XMLHelper.namespaceAwareXpath("t", NS_NII);
   final XPathExpression xNum = xpath.compile("./t:num");
   final XPathExpression xFormula = xpath.compile("./t:query/t:formula");
   final NonWhitespaceNodeList topicList =
       new NonWhitespaceNodeList(topics.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS_NII, "topic"));
   for (final Node node : topicList) {
     final String num = xNum.evaluate(node);
     final NonWhitespaceNodeList formulae =
         new NonWhitespaceNodeList((NodeList) xFormula.evaluate(node, XPathConstants.NODESET));
     for (final Node formula : formulae) {
       final String id = formula.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getTextContent();
       final Node mathMLNode = getFirstChild(formula);
       patterns.add(new NtcirPattern(num, id, queryGenerator.toString(), mathMLNode));
   return patterns;
 public final NtcirTopicReader setAddQvarMap(boolean addQvarMap) {
   return this;
 public final NtcirTopicReader setRestrictLength(boolean restrictLength) {
   return this;
 public final NtcirTopicReader setFindRootApply(boolean findRootApply) {
   return this;
 public final NtcirTopicReader setPathToRoot(String pathToRoot) {
   return this;
 public final NtcirTopicReader setNamespace(String namespace) {
   return this;
 public final NtcirTopicReader setReturnFormat(String returnFormat) {
   return this;