private void sendPrepare() { String postT = parentObj.getString("Subject", ""); String postC = postContent.getText().toString(); if (postC.length() == 0) { postContent.requestFocus(); UI.toast("内容不能为空"); return; } File upload = null; /*if (frame.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { Bitmap bitmap = null; try { if (contentUri != null) { bitmap = resizeBitmap(getContentResolver(), contentUri, 400, 300); } else if (outputFileUri != null) { bitmap = resizeBitmap(outputFileUri, 400, 300); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {} if (bitmap == null) { UI.toast("图片已经不存在,请重新选择"); return; } upload = new File(MainApp.getOutCacheDir(), TEMP_IMAGE); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(upload); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, out); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ sendNow(postT, postC, upload); }
private void initAllData(Intent intent) { String obj = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_OBJ); try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj); parentObj = new JSONObjectExt(json); String subject = parentObj.getString("Subject", ""); mChildCount = parentObj.getInt("ChildCount", 0); mChildCount = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_CNT, mChildCount); title.setText(subject); } catch (JSONException e) { finish(); UI.toast("无法加载内容"); e.printStackTrace(); return; } mPID = intent.getLongExtra(EXTRA_PID, 0l); mCount = 12; mReachEnd = false; cachedData = new DataArray(null); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); onLoadMore(false); }
@Override public void onErr(int id, String err, int httpCode, Object... obj) { if (id != requestId) return; UI.toast(err); loadingEnd(); }
public void render() {; float delta =; // Draw skeleton origin lines. ShapeRenderer shapes = debugRenderer.getShapeRenderer(); if (state != null) { shapes.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); shapes.begin(ShapeType.Line); shapes.line(skeleton.x, -99999, skeleton.x, 99999); shapes.line(-99999, skeleton.y, 99999, skeleton.y); shapes.end(); } if (skeleton != null) { // Reload if skeleton file was modified. if (reloadTimer <= 0) { lastModifiedCheck -= delta; if (lastModifiedCheck < 0) { lastModifiedCheck = checkModifiedInterval; long time = skeletonFile.lastModified(); if (time != 0 && lastModified != time) reloadTimer = reloadDelay; } } else { reloadTimer -= delta; if (reloadTimer <= 0) { loadSkeleton(skeletonFile); ui.toast("Reloaded."); } } // Pose and render skeleton. state.getData().setDefaultMix(ui.mixSlider.getValue()); renderer.setPremultipliedAlpha(ui.premultipliedCheckbox.isChecked()); skeleton.setFlip(ui.flipXCheckbox.isChecked(), ui.flipYCheckbox.isChecked()); skeleton.setPosition(skeletonX, skeletonY); delta = Math.min(delta, 0.032f) * ui.speedSlider.getValue(); skeleton.update(delta); state.update(delta); state.apply(skeleton); skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); batch.begin(); renderer.draw(batch, skeleton); batch.end(); debugRenderer.setBones(ui.debugBonesCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setRegionAttachments(ui.debugRegionsCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setBoundingBoxes(ui.debugBoundingBoxesCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setMeshHull(ui.debugMeshHullCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setMeshTriangles(ui.debugMeshTrianglesCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setPaths(ui.debugPathsCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.draw(skeleton); } if (state != null) { // AnimationState status. status.setLength(0); for (int i = 0, n = state.getTracks().size; i < n; i++) { TrackEntry entry = state.getTracks().get(i); if (entry == null) continue; status.append(i); status.append(": [LIGHT_GRAY]"); status(entry); status.append("[WHITE]"); status.append(; status.append('\n'); } ui.statusLabel.setText(status); } // Render UI. ui.render(); // Draw indicator lines for animation and mix times. if (state != null) { TrackEntry entry = state.getCurrent(0); if (entry != null) { shapes.begin(ShapeType.Line); float percent = entry.getAnimationTime() / entry.getAnimationEnd(); float x = ui.window.getRight() + ( - ui.window.getRight()) * percent; shapes.setColor(Color.CYAN); shapes.line(x, 0, x, 12); percent = entry.getMixDuration() == 0 ? 1 : Math.min(1, entry.getMixTime() / entry.getMixDuration()); x = ui.window.getRight() + ( - ui.window.getRight()) * percent; shapes.setColor(Color.RED); shapes.line(x, 0, x, 12); shapes.end(); } } }
void loadSkeleton(final FileHandle skeletonFile) { if (skeletonFile == null) return; try { // Setup a texture atlas that uses a white image for images not found in the atlas. Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(32, 32, Format.RGBA8888); pixmap.setColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.33f)); pixmap.fill(); final AtlasRegion fake = new AtlasRegion(new Texture(pixmap), 0, 0, 32, 32); pixmap.dispose(); String atlasFileName = skeletonFile.nameWithoutExtension(); if (atlasFileName.endsWith(".json")) atlasFileName = new FileHandle(atlasFileName).nameWithoutExtension(); FileHandle atlasFile = skeletonFile.sibling(atlasFileName + ".atlas"); if (!atlasFile.exists()) atlasFile = skeletonFile.sibling(atlasFileName + ".atlas.txt"); TextureAtlasData data = !atlasFile.exists() ? null : new TextureAtlasData(atlasFile, atlasFile.parent(), false); TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas(data) { public AtlasRegion findRegion(String name) { AtlasRegion region = super.findRegion(name); if (region == null) { // Look for separate image file. FileHandle file = skeletonFile.sibling(name + ".png"); if (file.exists()) { Texture texture = new Texture(file); texture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); region = new AtlasRegion(texture, 0, 0, texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight()); = name; } } return region != null ? region : fake; } }; // Load skeleton data. String extension = skeletonFile.extension(); if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("json") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase("txt")) { SkeletonJson json = new SkeletonJson(atlas); json.setScale(ui.scaleSlider.getValue()); skeletonData = json.readSkeletonData(skeletonFile); } else { SkeletonBinary binary = new SkeletonBinary(atlas); binary.setScale(ui.scaleSlider.getValue()); skeletonData = binary.readSkeletonData(skeletonFile); if (skeletonData.getBones().size == 0) throw new Exception("No bones in skeleton data."); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); ui.toast("Error loading skeleton: " +; lastModifiedCheck = 5; return; } skeleton = new Skeleton(skeletonData); skeleton.setToSetupPose(); skeleton = new Skeleton(skeleton); // Tests copy constructors. skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); state = new AnimationState(new AnimationStateData(skeletonData)); state.addListener( new AnimationStateAdapter() { public void event(TrackEntry entry, Event event) { ui.toast(event.getData().getName()); } }); this.skeletonFile = skeletonFile; prefs.putString("lastFile", skeletonFile.path()); prefs.flush(); lastModified = skeletonFile.lastModified(); lastModifiedCheck = checkModifiedInterval; // Populate UI. ui.window.getTitleLabel().setText(; { Array<String> items = new Array(); for (Skin skin : skeletonData.getSkins()) items.add(skin.getName()); ui.skinList.setItems(items); } { Array<String> items = new Array(); for (Animation animation : skeletonData.getAnimations()) items.add(animation.getName()); ui.animationList.setItems(items); } ui.trackButtons.getButtons().first().setChecked(true); // Configure skeleton from UI. if (ui.skinList.getSelected() != null) skeleton.setSkin(ui.skinList.getSelected()); setAnimation(); // ui.animationList.clearListeners(); // state.setAnimation(0, "walk", true); }