Example #1
  * returns the syntactic category of the tree as a list of the syntactic categories of the mother
  * and the daughters
 public static List<String> localTreeAsCatList(Tree t) {
   List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(t.children().length + 1);
   for (int i = 0; i < t.children().length; i++) {
   return l;
Example #2
  * Returns the index of <code>daughter</code> in <code>parent</code> by ==. Returns -1 if <code>
  * daughter</code> not found.
 public static int objectEqualityIndexOf(Tree parent, Tree daughter) {
   for (int i = 0; i < parent.children().length; i++) {
     if (daughter == parent.children()[i]) {
       return i;
   return -1;
   * Called by determineHead and may be overridden in subclasses if special treatment is necessary
   * for particular categories.
  protected Tree determineNonTrivialHead(Tree t, Tree parent) {
    Tree theHead = null;
    String motherCat = tlp.basicCategory(t.label().value());
    if (DEBUG) {
          "Looking for head of "
              + t.label()
              + "; value is |"
              + t.label().value()
              + "|, "
              + " baseCat is |"
              + motherCat
              + '|');
    // We know we have nonterminals underneath
    // (a bit of a Penn Treebank assumption, but).

    // Look at label.
    // a total special case....
    // first look for POS tag at end
    // this appears to be redundant in the Collins case since the rule already would do that
    //    Tree lastDtr = t.lastChild();
    //    if (tlp.basicCategory(lastDtr.label().value()).equals("POS")) {
    //      theHead = lastDtr;
    //    } else {
    String[][] how = nonTerminalInfo.get(motherCat);
    if (how == null) {
      if (DEBUG) {
            "Warning: No rule found for "
                + motherCat
                + " (first char: "
                + motherCat.charAt(0)
                + ')');
        System.err.println("Known nonterms are: " + nonTerminalInfo.keySet());
      if (defaultRule != null) {
        if (DEBUG) {
          System.err.println("  Using defaultRule");
        return traverseLocate(t.children(), defaultRule, true);
      } else {
        return null;
    for (int i = 0; i < how.length; i++) {
      boolean deflt = (i == how.length - 1);
      theHead = traverseLocate(t.children(), how[i], deflt);
      if (theHead != null) {
    if (DEBUG) {
      System.err.println("  Chose " + theHead.label());
    return theHead;
Example #4
 public FloatMatrix getWForNode(Tree node) {
   if (node.children().size() == 2) {
     String leftLabel = node.children().get(0).value();
     String leftBasic = basicCategory(leftLabel);
     String rightLabel = node.children().get(1).value();
     String rightBasic = basicCategory(rightLabel);
     return binaryTransform.get(leftBasic, rightBasic);
   } else if (node.children().size() == 1) {
     throw new AssertionError("No unary transform matrices, only unary classification");
   } else {
     throw new AssertionError("Unexpected tree children size of " + node.children().size());
Example #5
 protected Rule ltToRule(Tree lt) {
   if (lt.children().length == 1) {
     UnaryRule ur = new UnaryRule();
     ur.parent = stateNumberer.number(lt.label().value());
     ur.child = stateNumberer.number(lt.children()[0].label().value());
     return ur;
   } else {
     BinaryRule br = new BinaryRule();
     br.parent = stateNumberer.number(lt.label().value());
     br.leftChild = stateNumberer.number(lt.children()[0].label().value());
     br.rightChild = stateNumberer.number(lt.children()[1].label().value());
     return br;
  /* Checks whether the tree t is an existential constituent
   * There are two cases:
   * -- affirmative sentences in which "there" is a left sister of the VP
   * -- questions in which "there" is a daughter of the SQ.
  private boolean isExistential(Tree t, Tree parent) {
    if (DEBUG) {
      System.err.println("isExistential: " + t + ' ' + parent);
    boolean toReturn = false;
    String motherCat = tlp.basicCategory(t.label().value());
    // affirmative case
    if (motherCat.equals("VP") && parent != null) {
      // take t and the sisters
      Tree[] kids = parent.children();
      // iterate over the sisters before t and checks if existential
      for (Tree kid : kids) {
        if (!kid.value().equals("VP")) {
          List<Label> tags = kid.preTerminalYield();
          for (Label tag : tags) {
            if (tag.value().equals("EX")) {
              toReturn = true;
        } else {
    // question case
    else if (motherCat.startsWith("SQ") && parent != null) {
      // take the daughters
      Tree[] kids = parent.children();
      // iterate over the daughters and checks if existential
      for (Tree kid : kids) {
        if (!kid.value().startsWith("VB")) { // not necessary to look into the verb
          List<Label> tags = kid.preTerminalYield();
          for (Label tag : tags) {
            if (tag.value().equals("EX")) {
              toReturn = true;

    if (DEBUG) {
      System.err.println("decision " + toReturn);

    return toReturn;
Example #7
 private static void leafLabels(Tree t, List<Label> l) {
   if (t.isLeaf()) {
   } else {
     Tree[] kids = t.children();
     for (int j = 0, n = kids.length; j < n; j++) {
       leafLabels(kids[j], l);
Example #8
 private static void preTerminals(Tree t, List<Tree> l) {
   if (t.isPreTerminal()) {
   } else {
     Tree[] kids = t.children();
     for (int j = 0, n = kids.length; j < n; j++) {
       preTerminals(kids[j], l);
Example #9
	public static <A> void printTree(Tree<A> tree, PrintStream ps)
		ps.printf("(%s (", tree.value());
		for (Tree<A> t : tree.children())
			printTree(t, ps);
Example #10
   * Given a tree t, if this tree contains a QP of the form QP (RB IN CD|DT ...) well over, more
   * than QP (JJR IN CD|DT ...) fewer than QP (IN JJS CD|DT ...) at least QP (... CC ...) between 5
   * and 10 it will transform it
  private static void doTransform(Tree t) {

    if (t.value().startsWith("QP")) {
      // look at the children
      List<Tree> children = t.getChildrenAsList();
      if (children.size() >= 3 && children.get(0).isPreTerminal()) {
        // go through the children and check if they match the structure we want
        String child1 = children.get(0).value();
        String child2 = children.get(1).value();
        String child3 = children.get(2).value();
        if ((child3.startsWith("CD") || child3.startsWith("DT"))
            && (child1.startsWith("RB") || child1.startsWith("JJ") || child1.startsWith("IN"))
            && (child2.startsWith("IN") || child2.startsWith("JJ"))) {
          children = t.getChildrenAsList();
      // If the children include a CC, we split that into left and
      // right subtrees with the CC in the middle so the headfinders
      // have an easier time interpreting the tree later on
      if (children.size() >= 3) {
        boolean flat = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
          if (!children.get(i).isPreTerminal()) {
            flat = false;
        if (flat) {
          for (int i = 1; i < children.size() - 1; ++i) {
            if (children.get(i).value().startsWith("CC")) {
                  children.subList(0, i),
                  children.subList(i + 1, children.size()));
      /* --- to be written or deleted
      } else if (t.value().startsWith("NP")) {
        //look at the children
        List<Tree> children = t.getChildrenAsList();
        if (children.size() >= 3) {

      ---- */
    } else if (t.isPhrasal()) {
      for (Tree child : t.children()) {
  * Add -TMP when not present within an NP
  * @param tree The tree to add temporal info to.
 private void addTMP9(final Tree tree) {
   // do the head chain under it
   Tree ht = headFinder.determineHead(tree);
   // special fix for possessives! -- make noun before head
   if (ht.value().equals("POS")) {
     int j = tree.objectIndexOf(ht);
     if (j > 0) {
       ht = tree.getChild(j - 1);
   // Note: this next bit changes the tree label, rather
   // than creating a new tree node.  Beware!
   if (ht.isPreTerminal()
       || ht.value().startsWith("NP")
       || ht.value().startsWith("PP")
       || ht.value().startsWith("ADVP")) {
     if (!TmpPattern.matcher(ht.value()).matches()) {
       LabelFactory lf = ht.labelFactory();
       // System.err.println("TMP: Changing " + ht.value() + " to " +
       //                   ht.value() + "-TMP");
       ht.setLabel(lf.newLabel(ht.value() + "-TMP"));
     if (ht.value().startsWith("NP")
         || ht.value().startsWith("PP")
         || ht.value().startsWith("ADVP")) {
   // do the NPs under it (which may or may not be the head chain
   Tree[] kidlets = tree.children();
   for (int k = 0; k < kidlets.length; k++) {
     ht = kidlets[k];
     LabelFactory lf;
     if (tree.isPrePreTerminal() && !TmpPattern.matcher(ht.value()).matches()) {
       // System.err.println("TMP: Changing " + ht.value() + " to " +
       //                   ht.value() + "-TMP");
       lf = ht.labelFactory();
       // Note: this next bit changes the tree label, rather
       // than creating a new tree node.  Beware!
       ht.setLabel(lf.newLabel(ht.value() + "-TMP"));
     } else if (ht.value().startsWith("NP")) {
       // don't add -TMP twice!
       if (!TmpPattern.matcher(ht.value()).matches()) {
         lf = ht.labelFactory();
         // System.err.println("TMP: Changing " + ht.value() + " to " +
         //                   ht.value() + "-TMP");
         // Note: this next bit changes the tree label, rather
         // than creating a new tree node.  Beware!
         ht.setLabel(lf.newLabel(ht.value() + "-TMP"));
 public static Tree untransformTree(Tree tree) {
   TreeFactory tf = tree.treeFactory();
   if (tree.isPrePreTerminal()) {
     if (tree.firstChild().label().value().matches(".*_.")) {
       StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder();
       for (int i = 0; i < tree.children().length; i++) {
         Tree child = tree.children()[i];
       Tree newChild = tf.newLeaf(word.toString());
   } else {
     for (int i = 0; i < tree.children().length; i++) {
       Tree child = tree.children()[i];
   return tree;
Example #13
 private static void taggedLeafLabels(Tree t, List<CoreLabel> l) {
   if (t.isPreTerminal()) {
     CoreLabel fl = (CoreLabel) t.getChild(0).label();
     fl.set(TagLabelAnnotation.class, t.label());
   } else {
     Tree[] kids = t.children();
     for (int j = 0, n = kids.length; j < n; j++) {
       taggedLeafLabels(kids[j], l);
 private static boolean includesEmptyNPSubj(Tree t) {
   if (t == null) {
     return false;
   Tree[] kids = t.children();
   if (kids == null) {
     return false;
   boolean foundNullSubj = false;
   for (Tree kid : kids) {
     Tree[] kidkids = kid.children();
     if (NPSbjPattern.matcher(kid.value()).matches()) {
       if (kidkids != null && kidkids.length == 1 && kidkids[0].value().equals("-NONE-")) {
         // only set flag, since there are 2 a couple of times (errors)
         foundNullSubj = true;
   return foundNullSubj;
Example #15
   * This is the method to call for assigning labels and node vectors to the Tree. After calling
   * this, each of the non-leaf nodes will have the node vector and the predictions of their classes
   * assigned to that subtree's node.
  public void forwardPropagateTree(Tree tree) {
    FloatMatrix nodeVector;
    FloatMatrix classification;

    if (tree.isLeaf()) {
      // We do nothing for the leaves.  The preterminals will
      // calculate the classification for this word/tag.  In fact, the
      // recursion should not have gotten here (unless there are
      // degenerate trees of just one leaf)
      throw new AssertionError("We should not have reached leaves in forwardPropagate");
    } else if (tree.isPreTerminal()) {
      classification = getUnaryClassification(tree.label());
      String word = tree.children().get(0).value();
      FloatMatrix wordVector = getFeatureVector(word);
      if (wordVector == null) {
        wordVector = featureVectors.get(UNKNOWN_FEATURE);

      nodeVector = activationFunction.apply(wordVector);
    } else if (tree.children().size() == 1) {
      throw new AssertionError(
          "Non-preterminal nodes of size 1 should have already been collapsed");
    } else if (tree.children().size() == 2) {
      Tree left = tree.firstChild(), right = tree.lastChild();

      String leftCategory = tree.children().get(0).label();
      String rightCategory = tree.children().get(1).label();
      FloatMatrix W = getBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory);
      classification = getBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory);

      FloatMatrix leftVector = tree.children().get(0).vector();
      FloatMatrix rightVector = tree.children().get(1).vector();

      FloatMatrix childrenVector = appendBias(leftVector, rightVector);

      if (useFloatTensors) {
        FloatTensor floatT = getBinaryFloatTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory);
        FloatMatrix floatTensorIn = FloatMatrix.concatHorizontally(leftVector, rightVector);
        FloatMatrix floatTensorOut = floatT.bilinearProducts(floatTensorIn);
        nodeVector = activationFunction.apply(W.mmul(childrenVector).add(floatTensorOut));
      } else nodeVector = activationFunction.apply(W.mmul(childrenVector));

    } else {
      throw new AssertionError("Tree not correctly binarized");

    FloatMatrix inputWithBias = appendBias(nodeVector);
    FloatMatrix preAct = classification.mmul(inputWithBias);
    FloatMatrix predictions = outputActivation.apply(preAct);

  public Tree transformTree(Tree tree) {
    TreeFactory tf = tree.treeFactory();
    String tag = tree.label().value();
    if (tree.isPreTerminal()) {
      String word = tree.firstChild().label().value();

      List<Tree> newPreterms = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int i = 0, size = word.length(); i < size; i++) {
        String singleCharLabel = new String(new char[] {word.charAt(i)});
        Tree newLeaf = tf.newLeaf(singleCharLabel);
        String suffix;
        if (useTwoCharTags) {
          if (word.length() == 1 || i == 0) {
            suffix = "_S";
          } else {
            suffix = "_M";
        } else {
          if (word.length() == 1) {
            suffix = "_S";
          } else if (i == 0) {
            suffix = "_B";
          } else if (i == word.length() - 1) {
            suffix = "_E";
          } else {
            suffix = "_M";
        newPreterms.add(tf.newTreeNode(tag + suffix, Collections.<Tree>singletonList(newLeaf)));
      return tf.newTreeNode(tag, newPreterms);
    } else {
      List<Tree> newChildren = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int i = 0; i < tree.children().length; i++) {
        Tree child = tree.children()[i];
      return tf.newTreeNode(tag, newChildren);
Example #17
 private static int treeToLatexHelper(
     Tree t, StringBuilder c, StringBuilder h, int n, int nextN, int indent) {
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) sb.append("  ");
       .append(t.isLeaf() ? "" : "n")
   if (!t.isLeaf()) {
     for (int k = 0; k < t.children().length; k++) {
       h.append(", ");
       nextN = treeToLatexHelper(t.children()[k], c, h, nextN, nextN + 1, indent + 1);
   return nextN;
Example #18
 protected void tallyTree(Tree t, LinkedList<String> parents) {
   // traverse tree, building parent list
   String str = t.label().value();
   boolean strIsPassive = (str.indexOf('@') == -1);
   if (strIsPassive) {
   if (!t.isLeaf()) {
     if (!t.children()[0].isLeaf()) {
       tallyInternalNode(t, parents);
       for (int c = 0; c < t.children().length; c++) {
         Tree child = t.children()[c];
         tallyTree(child, parents);
     } else {
   if (strIsPassive) {
Example #19
	// TODO all this is very memory inefficient and will lead to stack overflows for very deep trees
	public static ObjectNode toJsonTree(ObjectMapper objectMapper, Tree<? extends JsonNode> tree)
		final ObjectNode node = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
		node.put("_value", tree.value());
		final ArrayNode children = objectMapper.createArrayNode();
		for (Tree<? extends JsonNode> child : tree.children())
			children.add(toJsonTree(objectMapper, child));
		node.put("_children", children);
		return node;
 private static <E> void dependencyObjectifyHelper(
     Tree t, Tree root, HeadFinder hf, Collection<E> c, DependencyTyper<E> typer) {
   if (t.isLeaf() || t.isPreTerminal()) {
   Tree headDtr = hf.determineHead(t);
   for (Tree child : t.children()) {
     dependencyObjectifyHelper(child, root, hf, c, typer);
     if (child != headDtr) {
       c.add(typer.makeDependency(headDtr, child, root));
Example #21
 static Tree getPreTerminal(Tree tree, MutableInteger i, int n) {
   if (i.intValue() == n) {
     if (tree.isPreTerminal()) {
       return tree;
     } else {
       return getPreTerminal(tree.children()[0], i, n);
   } else {
     if (tree.isPreTerminal()) {
       i.set(i.intValue() + tree.yield().size());
       return null;
     } else {
       Tree[] kids = tree.children();
       for (int j = 0; j < kids.length; j++) {
         Tree result = getPreTerminal(kids[j], i, n);
         if (result != null) {
           return result;
       return null;
Example #22
  * traceTo() values that are contained in the tree are assigned to new objects. traceTo() values
  * that are not contained in the tree are given the old value.
 public static void fixEmptyTreeLeafs(Tree t, Map<Tree, Tree> newToOld, Map<Tree, Tree> oldToNew) {
   Tree[] kids = t.children();
   for (int i = 0, n = kids.length; i < n; i++) {
     fixEmptyTreeLeafs(kids[i], newToOld, oldToNew);
   if (t instanceof EmptyTreeLeaf) {
     EmptyTreeLeaf oldT = (EmptyTreeLeaf) newToOld.get(t);
     ((EmptyTreeLeaf) t).setEmptyType(oldT.emptyType());
     Tree oldTraceTo = oldT.traceTo();
     Tree newTraceTo = oldToNew.get(oldTraceTo);
     if (newTraceTo != null) ((EmptyTreeLeaf) t).setTraceTo(newTraceTo);
     else ((EmptyTreeLeaf) t).setTraceTo(oldTraceTo);
Example #23
 /** replaces all instances (by ==) of node with node1. Doesn't affect the node t itself */
 public static void replaceNode(Tree node, Tree node1, Tree t) {
   if (t.isLeaf()) return;
   Tree[] kids = t.children();
   List<Tree> newKids = new ArrayList<Tree>(kids.length);
   for (int i = 0, n = kids.length; i < n; i++) {
     if (kids[i] != node) {
       replaceNode(node, node1, kids[i]);
     } else {
Example #24
 private static int treeToLatexEvenHelper(
     Tree t,
     StringBuilder c,
     StringBuilder h,
     int n,
     int nextN,
     int indent,
     int curDepth,
     int maxDepth) {
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) sb.append("  ");
   int tDepth = t.depth();
   if (tDepth == 0 && tDepth + curDepth < maxDepth) {
     for (int pad = 0; pad < maxDepth - tDepth - curDepth; pad++) {
       h.append("{\\ntnode{pad}{}, ");
   if (!t.isLeaf()) {
     for (int k = 0; k < t.children().length; k++) {
       h.append(", ");
       nextN =
               t.children()[k], c, h, nextN, nextN + 1, indent + 1, curDepth + 1, maxDepth);
   if (tDepth == 0 && tDepth + curDepth < maxDepth) {
     for (int pad = 0; pad < maxDepth - tDepth - curDepth; pad++) {
   return nextN;
  public static ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedWord>> getPhrases(Tree parse, int phraseSizeLimit) {
    ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedWord>> newList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedWord>>();
    List<Tree> leaves = parse.getLeaves();

    if (leaves.size() <= phraseSizeLimit) {
      // ArrayList<TaggedWord> phraseElements = PreprocessPhrase(parse.taggedYield());
      ArrayList<TaggedWord> phraseElements = Preprocess(parse.taggedYield());
      if (phraseElements.size() > 0) newList.add(phraseElements);
    } else {
      Tree[] childrenNodes = parse.children();
      for (int i = 0; i < childrenNodes.length; i++) {
        Tree currentParse = childrenNodes[i];
        newList.addAll(getPhrases(currentParse, phraseSizeLimit));
    return newList;
Example #26
 static boolean rightEdge(Tree t, Tree t1, MutableInteger i) {
   if (t == t1) {
     return true;
   } else if (t1.isLeaf()) {
     int j = t1.yield().size(); // so that empties don't add size
     i.set(i.intValue() - j);
     return false;
   } else {
     Tree[] kids = t1.children();
     for (int j = kids.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
       if (rightEdge(t, kids[j], i)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Example #27
 public static Tree copyHelper(Tree t, Map<Tree, Tree> newToOld, Map<Tree, Tree> oldToNew) {
   Tree[] kids = t.children();
   Tree[] newKids = new Tree[kids.length];
   for (int i = 0, n = kids.length; i < n; i++) {
     newKids[i] = copyHelper(kids[i], newToOld, oldToNew);
   TreeFactory tf = t.treeFactory();
   if (kids.length == 0) {
     Tree newLeaf = tf.newLeaf(t.label());
     newToOld.put(newLeaf, t);
     oldToNew.put(newLeaf, t);
     return newLeaf;
   Tree newNode = tf.newTreeNode(t.label(), Arrays.asList(newKids));
   newToOld.put(newNode, t);
   oldToNew.put(t, newNode);
   return newNode;
Example #28
	 * Map a function over a tree
	 * @param fn Function
	 * @param tree Tree of {@code A}'s
	 * @return Tree of {@code B}'s
	public static <A,B> Tree<B> map(final Function<A,B> fn, Tree<A> tree)
		final B value = fn.apply(tree.value());
		if (isLeaf(tree))
            return new ImmutableTree<B>(value);

			final Function<Tree<A>,Tree<B>> tmap = new Function<Tree<A>,Tree<B>>()
					public Tree<B> apply(Tree<A> tree)
						return map(fn, tree);
			final Iterable<Tree<B>> tb = Iterables.transform(tree.children(), tmap);
			return new ImmutableTree<B>(value, tb);
Example #29
  /* Is the tree t a WH-question?
   *  At present this is only true if the tree t is a SQ having a WH.* sister
   *  and headed by a SBARQ.
   * (It was changed to looser definition in Feb 2006.)
  private static boolean isWHQ(Tree t, Tree parent) {
    if (t == null) return false;
    boolean toReturn = false;
    if (t.value().startsWith("SQ")) {
      if (parent != null && parent.value().equals("SBARQ")) {
        Tree[] kids = parent.children();
        for (Tree kid : kids) {
          // looks for a WH.*
          if (kid.value().startsWith("WH")) {
            toReturn = true;

    if (DEBUG) {
      System.err.println("in isWH, decision: " + toReturn + " for node " + t);

    return toReturn;
Example #30
 public FloatMatrix getClassWForNode(Tree node) {
   if (combineClassification) {
     return unaryClassification.get("");
   } else if (node.children().size() == 2) {
     String leftLabel = node.children().get(0).value();
     String leftBasic = basicCategory(leftLabel);
     String rightLabel = node.children().get(1).value();
     String rightBasic = basicCategory(rightLabel);
     return binaryClassification.get(leftBasic, rightBasic);
   } else if (node.children().size() == 1) {
     String unaryLabel = node.children().get(0).value();
     String unaryBasic = basicCategory(unaryLabel);
     return unaryClassification.get(unaryBasic);
   } else {
     throw new AssertionError("Unexpected tree children size of " + node.children().size());