/** Test of insert method, of class TranspositionTable. */
  public void testInsert() throws ChessParseError {
    TranspositionTable tt = new TranspositionTable(16);
    Position pos = TextIO.readFEN(TextIO.startPosFEN);
    String[] moves = {
      "e4", "e5", "Nf3", "Nc6", "Bb5", "a6", "Ba4", "b5", "Bb3", "Nf6", "O-O", "Be7", "Re1"
    UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo();
    for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
      Move m = TextIO.stringToMove(pos, moves[i]);
      pos.makeMove(m, ui);
      int score = i * 17 + 3;
      m.score = score;
      int type = TranspositionTable.TTEntry.T_EXACT;
      int ply = i + 1;
      int depth = i * 2 + 5;
      tt.insert(pos.historyHash(), m, type, ply, depth, score * 2 + 3);

    pos = TextIO.readFEN(TextIO.startPosFEN);
    for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
      Move m = TextIO.stringToMove(pos, moves[i]);
      pos.makeMove(m, ui);
      TranspositionTable.TTEntry ent = tt.probe(pos.historyHash());
      assertEquals(TranspositionTable.TTEntry.T_EXACT, ent.type);
      int score = i * 17 + 3;
      int ply = i + 1;
      int depth = i * 2 + 5;
      assertEquals(score, ent.getScore(ply));
      assertEquals(depth, ent.getDepth());
      assertEquals(score * 2 + 3, ent.evalScore);
      Move tmpMove = new Move(0, 0, 0);
      assertEquals(m, tmpMove);
Example #2
 /** Some nodes may have their biases updated. */
 public void descend(McRunnable runnable) {
   SearchNode node = getRoot();
   assert node != null : "Fancy hash code: " + board.getFancyHash();
   while (runnable.getBoard().getPasses() < 2) {
     selectAndPlayMove(node, runnable);
     final SearchNode child = table.findIfPresent(runnable.getBoard().getFancyHash());
     if (child == null) {
       return; // No child
     if (child.getTotalRuns() > biasDelay && !child.biasUpdated()) {
     node = child;
Example #3
 public void fakeDescend(McRunnable runnable, short... moves) {
   final SearchNode node = getRoot();
   assert node != null : "Fancy hash code: " + board.getFancyHash();
   for (final short move : moves) {
     System.out.println("Passing " + move + " to runnable");
     final SearchNode child = table.findIfPresent(runnable.getBoard().getFancyHash());
     if (child == null) {
       return; // No child
     if (child.getTotalRuns() > biasDelay && !child.biasUpdated()) {
Example #4
 /** Returns the root node (creating it if necessary). */
 SearchNode getRoot() {
   return table.findOrAllocate(board.getFancyHash());
Example #5
   * Negamax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.
   * @param s the root of this subtree
   * @param depth the depth to which the subtree below this node will be searched
   * @param alpha alpha (lower) bound
   * @param beta beta (upper) bound
   * @param color the negamax "color", signifying which player's turn it is
   * @param startTime system time at which the iterative deepening cycle started
   * @return
  protected Move alphaBeta(State s, int depth, long alpha, long beta, int color, long startTime) {
    Iterative deepening time limit has run out
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime >= timeLimit * 1000) {
      return new TimeOutMove();
    boolean insufficientDepth = false;
    highestForcedSearchDepth = Math.max(depth, highestForcedSearchDepth);
    long origAlpha = alpha;
    Move ttMove = null;
    TranspositionTable.TableCheckResultTypes ttentryflag = tt.checkTable(s);

    /* storedEntry is the entry returned by checking the transposition table.
    If the primary hash key was not present in the table, storedEntry is a new
    table entry with default values except for its hash code. */
    TableEntry storedEntry = tt.getCachedEntry();
    if (ttentryflag == TranspositionTable.TableCheckResultTypes.VALID) {
      /* This value had already been stored in TT. Check searched depth */
      if (storedEntry.getSearchDepth() >= this.iterationSearchDepth - depth) {
        Exact value for this state was stored in TT at an appropriate
        search depth. Adapt current search bounds according to stored values.
        if (storedEntry.getValueFlag() == TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes.EXACT) {
          /* No need to adapt bounds: already have exact value for this state */
          return new NullMove(storedEntry.getStateValue());
        } else if (storedEntry.getValueFlag() == TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes.LOWER) {
          Stored value is a lower bound and exceeds lower bound in this
          search line: adapt current alpha accordingly.
          alpha = Math.max(alpha, storedEntry.getStateValue());
        } else if (storedEntry.getValueFlag() == TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes.UPPER) {
          Stored value is an upper bound and is lower than upper bound
          in this search line: adapt current beta accordingly.
          beta = Math.min(beta, storedEntry.getStateValue());
        if (alpha >= beta) {
          By looking at the stored bounds for this nodes, we have
          determined an exact value for this node. Return this value.
          return new NullMove(storedEntry.getStateValue());
      Can't use retrieved value directly: node in table has not been
      investigated as deeply as current search line. Need to search using current
      parameters. However, can use stored best move as first try.
      insufficientDepth = true;
      ttMove = storedEntry.getBestMove();
    long score = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    List<Move> moves = this.negamaxMoveGeneration(s, depth);
    Move bestMove = null;
    if (insufficientDepth) {
      int removeIndex = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < moves.size(); i++) {
        if (moves.get(i).hashCode() == ttMove.hashCode()) {
          removeIndex = i;
      moves.add(0, ttMove);

    // Don't perform search if there is only one legal move
    if (depth == 0 && moves.size() == 1) {
      iterationSearchDepth = IDNegamax.maxSearchDepth;
      Move m = moves.iterator().next();
      return m;

    // No legal moves in this state, current player loses game
    if (moves.isEmpty()) {
      return new NullMove(color * Integer.MIN_VALUE);

    // Opponent has no more moves, win for current player.
    if (s.getOpponentPieces().isEmpty()) {
      return new NullMove(color * Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // Leaf node reached, return evaluation of current state
    if (depth >= iterationSearchDepth) {
      return new NullMove(color * evaluator.evaluate(s));
    } else {
      for (Move m : moves) {
        Move to next layer of tree by executing this move on copy of
        current state and performing alpha-beta search on new state.
        State copyState = new State(s);

        Move valueMove = alphaBeta(copyState, depth + 1, -beta, -alpha, -color, startTime);
        if (valueMove instanceof TimeOutMove) {
          return valueMove;
        For iterative deepening, save root moves for ordering in next
        if (depth == 0) this.disposeOfRootMove(m);

        Update bounds and perform cutoff.
        if (-valueMove.getValue() > score) {
          bestMove = m;
          score = -valueMove.getValue();
        if (score > alpha) alpha = score;
        if (score >= beta) break;
    /* TODO: need to check when this situation occurs */
    if (bestMove instanceof NullMove || bestMove == null) {
      bestMove = moves.iterator().next();
      bestMove.setValue(color * Integer.MIN_VALUE);

    /* Precompute some values to be stored in transposition table entry */
    TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes entryFlag = null;
    if (bestMove.getValue() <= origAlpha) {
      entryFlag = TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes.UPPER;
    } else if (bestMove.getValue() >= beta) {
      entryFlag = TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes.LOWER;
    } else {
      entryFlag = TranspositionTable.TableValueFlagTypes.EXACT;

    final int entryDepth = iterationSearchDepth - depth;


    return bestMove;