   * Method used for performing the search and displaying the results. This method is called every
   * time a letter is introduced in the search field.
   * @param query Query used for performing the search
  private void displayResults(String query) {

    Cursor cursor = mDbHelper.searchByInputText((query != null ? query : "@@@@"));

    if (cursor != null) {

      String[] from = new String[] {SearchHelper.COLUMN_NAME};

      // Specify the view where we want the results to go
      int[] to = new int[] {R.id.search_result_text_view};

      // Create a simple cursor adapter to keep the search data
      SimpleCursorAdapter cursorAdapter =
          new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.result_search_item, cursor, from, to);

      // Click listener for the searched item that was selected
          new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {

              // Get the cursor, positioned to the corresponding row in the result set
              Cursor cursor = (Cursor) myList.getItemAtPosition(position);

              // Get the state's capital from this row in the database.
              String selectedName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("name"));
              Toast.makeText(SearchableActivity.this, selectedName, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

              // Set the default adapter

              // Find the position for the original list by the selected name from search
              for (int pos = 0; pos < nameList.size(); pos++) {
                if (nameList.get(pos).equals(selectedName)) {
                  position = pos;

              // Create a handler. This is necessary because the adapter has just been set on the
              // list again and
              // the list might not be finished setting the adapter by the time we perform
              // setSelection.
              Handler handler = new Handler();
              final int finalPosition = position;
                  new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {


              searchView.setQuery("", true);
  protected void onDestroy() {

    if (mDbHelper != null) {
Example #3
  public String startSearch(String search) {
    if (search.equals("-status-")) {
      if (searchHelper.done) return "done";
      return "";
    if (search.equals("-results-")) {
      return searchHelper.results;

    searchHelper = new SearchHelper(search);
    return "";
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true);


    nameList = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String>[] childList = new ArrayList[3];
    String[] headersS = this.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.header_items);
    String[][] childrenS = new String[3][3];
    childrenS[0] = this.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.child_1);
    childrenS[1] = this.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.child_2);
    childrenS[2] = this.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.child_3);

    /*for (int i=0; i<headersS.length; i++) {
        nameList.add(i, headersS[i]);
        childList[i] = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int j=0; j<childrenS[i].length; j++)
            childList[i].add(j, childrenS[i][j]);


    int cont = childrenS[0].length + childrenS[1].length + childrenS[2].length;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < cont) {
      for (int k = 0; k < headersS.length; k++) {
        childList[k] = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int j = 0; j < childrenS[k].length; j++) {
          childList[k].add(j, childrenS[k][j]);
          nameList.add(i, childrenS[k][j]);


    // for simplicity we will add the same name for 20 times to populate the nameList view
    /*for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        nameList.add("Probando " + i);

    // relate the listView from java to the one created in xml
    myList = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.list);

    // show the ListView on the screen
    // The adapter MyCustomAdapter is responsible for maintaining the data backing this nameList and
    // for producing
    // a view to represent an item in that data set.
    defaultAdapter = new MyCustomAdapter(SearchableActivity.this, nameList);

    // prepare the SearchView
    /*searchView = (android.support.v7.widget.SearchView) findViewById(R.id.search);

    //Sets the default or resting state of the search field. If true, a single search icon is shown by default and
    // expands to show the text field and other buttons when pressed. Also, if the default state is iconified, then it
    // collapses to that state when the close button is pressed. Changes to this property will take effect immediately.
    //The default value is true.


    mDbHelper = new SearchHelper(this);

    // Clear all names

    // Create the list of names which will be displayed on search
    for (String name : nameList) {
Example #5
  * Prepare a search helper with all required information, ready to execute the query implied by
  * the related request parameters and cookies.
  * <p>NOTE: One should check the {@link SearchHelper#errorMsg} as well as {@link
  * SearchHelper#redirect} and take the appropriate action before executing the prepared query or
  * continue processing.
  * <p>This method stops populating fields as soon as an error occurs.
  * @return a search helper.
 public SearchHelper prepareSearch() {
   SearchHelper sh = new SearchHelper();
   sh.dataRoot = getDataRoot(); // throws Exception if none-existent
   List<SortOrder> sortOrders = getSortOrder();
   sh.order = sortOrders.isEmpty() ? SortOrder.RELEVANCY : sortOrders.get(0);
   if (getRequestedProjects().isEmpty() && getEnv().hasProjects()) {
     sh.errorMsg = "You must select a project!";
     return sh;
   sh.builder = getQueryBuilder();
   if (sh.builder.getSize() == 0) {
     // Entry page show the map
     sh.redirect = req.getContextPath() + '/';
     return sh;
   sh.start = getSearchStart();
   sh.maxItems = getSearchMaxItems();
   sh.contextPath = req.getContextPath();
   // jel: this should be IMHO a config param since not only core dependend
   sh.parallel = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > 1;
   sh.isCrossRefSearch = getPrefix() == Prefix.SEARCH_R;
   sh.compressed = env.isCompressXref();
   sh.desc = getEftarReader();
   sh.sourceRoot = new File(getSourceRootPath());
   sh.lastEditedDisplayMode = isLastEditedDisplayMode();
   return sh;