Example #1
 public static PyObject float_new(
     PyNewWrapper new_, boolean init, PyType subtype, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) {
   ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("float", args, keywords, new String[] {"x"}, 0);
   PyObject x = ap.getPyObject(0, null);
   if (x == null) {
     if (new_.for_type == subtype) {
       return new PyFloat(0.0);
     } else {
       return new PyFloatDerived(subtype, 0.0);
   } else {
     PyFloat floatObject = null;
     try {
       floatObject = x.__float__();
     } catch (PyException e) {
       if (e.match(Py.AttributeError)) {
         // Translate AttributeError to TypeError
         // XXX: We are using the same message as CPython, even if
         //      it is not strictly correct (instances of types
         //      that implement the __float__ method are also
         //      valid arguments)
         throw Py.TypeError("float() argument must be a string or a number");
       throw e;
     if (new_.for_type == subtype) {
       return floatObject;
     } else {
       return new PyFloatDerived(subtype, floatObject.getValue());
Example #2
 public void append_json_repr(StringBuffer buf, PyObject py_obj) throws JSONEncodeError {
   if (py_obj instanceof PyString) append_json_string_repr(buf, ((PyString) py_obj).toString());
   // Must test for PyBoolean before PyInteger because former is a subclass of latter.
   else if (py_obj instanceof PyBoolean)
     buf.append(((PyBoolean) py_obj).getBooleanValue() ? "true" : "false");
   else if (py_obj instanceof PyInteger)
     buf.append(Integer.toString(((PyInteger) py_obj).getValue()));
   else if (py_obj instanceof PyLong) {
     String repr = ((PyLong) py_obj).__repr__().toString();
     buf.append(repr.substring(0, repr.length() - 1));
   } else if (py_obj instanceof PyFloat)
     buf.append(Double.toString(((PyFloat) py_obj).getValue()));
   else if (py_obj instanceof PyStringMap) append_json_string_map_repr(buf, (PyStringMap) py_obj);
   else if (py_obj instanceof PyDictionary)
     append_json_dictionary_repr(buf, (PyDictionary) py_obj);
   else if (py_obj instanceof PySequence) append_json_sequence_repr(buf, (PySequence) py_obj);
   else if (py_obj instanceof PyNone) buf.append("null");
   else if (py_obj.__findattr__("__json__") != null
       && py_obj.__findattr__("__json__").isCallable())
     buf.append(((PyMethod) py_obj.__findattr__("__json__")).__call__().toString());
     throw new JSONEncodeError(
         "Python '"
             + ((PyType) py_obj.fastGetClass()).fastGetName()
             + "' object '"
             + py_obj.__repr__()
             + "' is not encodable in JSON");
Example #3
 protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
   PySystemState sys = Py.getSystemState();
   ClassLoader sysClassLoader = sys.getClassLoader();
   if (sysClassLoader != null) {
     // sys.classLoader overrides this class loader!
     return sysClassLoader.loadClass(name);
   // Search the sys.path for a .class file matching the named class.
   PyList path = sys.path;
   for (int i = 0; i < path.__len__(); i++) {
     byte[] buffer;
     PyObject entry = replacePathItem(sys, i, path);
     if (entry instanceof SyspathArchive) {
       SyspathArchive archive = (SyspathArchive) entry;
       buffer = getBytesFromArchive(archive, name);
     } else {
       if (!(entry instanceof PyUnicode)) {
         entry = entry.__str__();
       String dir = entry.toString();
       buffer = getBytesFromDir(dir, name);
     if (buffer != null) {
       return defineClass(name, buffer, 0, buffer.length);
   // couldn't find the .class file on sys.path
   throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
Example #4
 public static PyObject SyntaxError() {
   PyObject __dict__ = new PyStringMap();
   defineSlots(__dict__, "msg", "filename", "lineno", "offset", "text", "print_file_and_line");
   __dict__.__setitem__("__init__", bindStaticJavaMethod("__init__", "SyntaxError__init__"));
   __dict__.__setitem__("__str__", bindStaticJavaMethod("__str__", "SyntaxError__str__"));
   return __dict__;
 @ExposedMethod(type = MethodType.BINARY, doc = BuiltinDocs.list___rmul___doc)
 final synchronized PyObject list___rmul__(PyObject o) {
   if (!o.isIndex()) {
     return null;
   return repeat(o.asIndex(Py.OverflowError));
  @ExposedMethod(type = MethodType.BINARY, doc = BuiltinDocs.list___imul___doc)
  final synchronized PyObject list___imul__(PyObject o) {
    if (!o.isIndex()) {
      return null;
    int count = o.asIndex(Py.OverflowError);

    int size = size();
    if (size == 0 || count == 1) {
      return this;

    if (count < 1) {
      return this;

    if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE / count) {
      throw Py.MemoryError("");

    int newSize = size * count;
    if (list instanceof ArrayList) {
      ((ArrayList) list).ensureCapacity(newSize);
    List<PyObject> oldList = new ArrayList<PyObject>(list);
    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
    gListAllocatedStatus = __len__(); // now omit?
    return this;
 public void __del_derived__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__del__");
   if (impl != null) {
     impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
Example #8
  * Initialize all __slots__ arguments in the specified dict to None.
  * @param self a PyObject dict
 private static void initSlots(PyObject self) {
   for (PyObject name : self.__findattr__("__slots__").asIterable()) {
     if (!(name instanceof PyString)) {
     self.__setattr__((PyString) name, Py.None);
Example #9
 public PyObject __iter__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__iter__");
   if (impl != null) return impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
   impl = self_type.lookup("__getitem__");
   if (impl == null) return super.__iter__();
   return new PySequenceIter(this);
 public PyObject __call__(PyObject args[], String keywords[]) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__call__");
   if (impl != null) {
     return impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(args, keywords);
   return super.__call__(args, keywords);
Example #11
 private static PyObject buildClass(
     PyObject dict, String classname, String superclass, PyObject classDict, String doc) {
   classDict.__setitem__("__doc__", Py.newString(doc));
   PyType type =
       (PyType) Py.makeClass("exceptions." + classname, dict.__finditem__(superclass), classDict);
   type.builtin = true;
   dict.__setitem__(classname, type);
   return type;
Example #12
 public static PyObject EnvironmentError() {
   PyObject dict = new PyStringMap();
   defineSlots(dict, "errno", "strerror", "filename");
   dict.__setitem__("__init__", bindStaticJavaMethod("__init__", "EnvironmentError__init__"));
   dict.__setitem__("__str__", bindStaticJavaMethod("__str__", "EnvironmentError__str__"));
       "__reduce__", bindStaticJavaMethod("__reduce__", "EnvironmentError__reduce__"));
   return dict;
Example #13
 public void __delete__(PyObject obj) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__delete__");
   if (impl != null) {
     impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(obj);
Example #14
 public void __delitem__(PyObject key) { // ???
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__delitem__");
   if (impl != null) {
     impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(key);
 public int __len__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__len__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
     return res.asInt();
   return super.__len__();
Example #16
 public void __delattr__(String name) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__delattr__");
   if (impl != null) {
     impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(PyString.fromInterned(name));
 @ExposedMethod(doc = BuiltinDocs.list_count_doc)
 final synchronized int list_count(PyObject o) {
   int count = 0;
   for (PyObject item : list) {
     if (item.equals(o)) {
   return count;
Example #18
  public static void SystemExit__init__(PyObject self, PyObject[] args, String[] kwargs) {
    PyBaseException.TYPE.invoke("__init__", self, args, kwargs);

    if (args.length == 1) {
      self.__setattr__("code", args[0]);
    } else if (args.length > 1) {
      self.__setattr__("code", new PyTuple(args));
Example #19
 public PyObject __ixor__(PyObject other) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__ixor__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(other);
     if (res == Py.NotImplemented) return null;
     return res;
   return super.__ixor__(other);
Example #20
 public PyObject __int__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__int__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
     if (res instanceof PyInteger || res instanceof PyLong) return res;
     throw Py.TypeError("__int__" + " should return an integer");
   return super.__int__();
Example #21
 // Return value >= 0 is the index where the sequences differs.
 // -1: reached the end of o1 without a difference
 // -2: reached the end of both seqeunces without a difference
 // -3: reached the end of o2 without a difference
 private static int cmp(PyObject o1, int ol1, PyObject o2, int ol2) {
   if (ol1 < 0) ol1 = o1.__len__();
   if (ol2 < 0) ol2 = o2.__len__();
   int i = 0;
   for (; i < ol1 && i < ol2; i++) {
     if (!o1.__getitem__(i)._eq(o2.__getitem__(i)).__nonzero__()) return i;
   if (ol1 == ol2) return -2;
   return (ol1 < ol2) ? -1 : -3;
Example #22
  final void file_writelines(PyObject a) {
    PyObject iter = Py.iter(a, "writelines() requires an iterable argument");

    PyObject item = null;
    while ((item = iter.__iternext__()) != null) {
      if (!(item instanceof PyString))
        throw Py.TypeError("writelines() argument must be a " + "sequence of strings");
Example #23
 public PyObject __get__(PyObject obj, PyObject type) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__get__");
   if (impl != null) {
     if (obj == null) obj = Py.None;
     if (type == null) type = Py.None;
     return impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(obj, type);
   return super.__get__(obj, type);
Example #24
 public int __len__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__len__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
     if (res instanceof PyInteger) return ((PyInteger) res).getValue();
     throw Py.TypeError("__len__ should return a int");
   return super.__len__();
 public void setDict(PyObject newDict) {
   if (newDict instanceof PyStringMap || newDict instanceof PyDictionary) {
     dict = newDict;
     if (dict.__finditem__(PyString.fromInterned("__del__")) != null
         && !JyAttribute.hasAttr(this, JyAttribute.FINALIZE_TRIGGER_ATTR)) {
   } else {
     throw Py.TypeError("__dict__ must be set to a Dictionary " + newDict.getClass().getName());
Example #26
 public PyFloat __float__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__float__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
     if (res instanceof PyFloat) return (PyFloat) res;
     throw Py.TypeError(
         "__float__" + " returned non-" + "float" + " (type " + res.getType().fastGetName() + ")");
   return super.__float__();
Example #27
 public static void UnicodeTranslateError__init__(
     PyObject self, PyObject[] args, String[] kwargs) {
   PyBaseException.TYPE.invoke("__init__", self, args, kwargs);
   ArgParser ap =
       new ArgParser(
           "__init__", args, kwargs, new String[] {"object", "start", "end", "reason"}, 4);
   self.__setattr__("object", ap.getPyObjectByType(0, PyUnicode.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("start", ap.getPyObjectByType(1, PyInteger.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("end", ap.getPyObjectByType(2, PyInteger.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("reason", ap.getPyObjectByType(3, PyString.TYPE));
 public void __setattr__(String name, PyObject value) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__setattr__");
   if (impl != null) {
     impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(PyString.fromInterned(name), value);
     // CPython does not support instance-acquired finalizers.
     // So we don't check for __del__ here.
   super.__setattr__(name, value);
Example #29
 public PyUnicode __unicode__() {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__unicode__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__();
     if (res instanceof PyUnicode) return (PyUnicode) res;
     if (res instanceof PyString) return new PyUnicode((PyString) res);
     throw Py.TypeError("__unicode__" + " should return a " + "unicode");
   return super.__unicode__();
Example #30
 public Object __coerce_ex__(PyObject o) {
   PyType self_type = getType();
   PyObject impl = self_type.lookup("__coerce__");
   if (impl != null) {
     PyObject res = impl.__get__(this, self_type).__call__(o);
     if (res == Py.NotImplemented) return Py.None;
     if (!(res instanceof PyTuple)) throw Py.TypeError("__coerce__ didn't return a 2-tuple");
     return ((PyTuple) res).getArray();
   return super.__coerce_ex__(o);