Example #1
   * The subscription has been approved by a node owner. The subscription is now active so the
   * subscriber is now allowed to get event notifications.
  void approved() {
    if (state == State.subscribed) {
      // Do nothing
    state = State.subscribed;

    if (savedToDB) {
      // Update the subscription in the backend store
      PubSubPersistenceManager.saveSubscription(service, node, this, false);

    // Send last published item (if node is leaf node and subscription status is ok)
    if (node.isSendItemSubscribe() && isActive()) {
      PublishedItem lastItem = node.getLastPublishedItem();
      if (lastItem != null) {
Example #2
  void configure(DataForm options) {
    List<String> values;
    String booleanValue;

    boolean wasUsingPresence = !presenceStates.isEmpty();

    // Remove this field from the form
    // Process and remove specific collection node fields
    FormField collectionField = options.getField("pubsub#subscription_type");
    if (collectionField != null) {
      values = collectionField.getValues();
      if (values.size() > 0) {
        type = Type.valueOf(values.get(0));
    collectionField = options.getField("pubsub#subscription_depth");
    if (collectionField != null) {
      values = collectionField.getValues();
      depth = "all".equals(values.get(0)) ? 0 : 1;
    // If there are more fields in the form then process them and set that
    // the subscription has been configured
    for (FormField field : options.getFields()) {
      boolean fieldExists = true;
      if ("pubsub#deliver".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        values = field.getValues();
        booleanValue = (values.size() > 0 ? values.get(0) : "1");
        deliverNotifications = "1".equals(booleanValue);
      } else if ("pubsub#digest".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        values = field.getValues();
        booleanValue = (values.size() > 0 ? values.get(0) : "1");
        usingDigest = "1".equals(booleanValue);
      } else if ("pubsub#digest_frequency".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        values = field.getValues();
        digestFrequency = values.size() > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(values.get(0)) : 86400000;
      } else if ("pubsub#expire".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        values = field.getValues();
        synchronized (dateFormat) {
          try {
            expire = dateFormat.parse(values.get(0));
          } catch (ParseException e) {
            Log.error("Error parsing date", e);
      } else if ("pubsub#include_body".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        values = field.getValues();
        booleanValue = (values.size() > 0 ? values.get(0) : "1");
        includingBody = "1".equals(booleanValue);
      } else if ("pubsub#show-values".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        // Get the new list of presence states for which an entity wants to
        // receive notifications
        presenceStates = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String value : field.getValues()) {
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // Do nothing
      } else if ("x-pubsub#keywords".equals(field.getVariable())) {
        values = field.getValues();
        keyword = values.isEmpty() ? null : values.get(0);
      } else {
        fieldExists = false;
      if (fieldExists) {
        // Subscription has been configured so set the next state
        if (node.getAccessModel().isAuthorizationRequired() && !node.isAdmin(owner)) {
          state = State.pending;
        } else {
          state = State.subscribed;
    if (savedToDB) {
      // Update the subscription in the backend store
      PubSubPersistenceManager.saveSubscription(service, node, this, false);
    // Check if the service needs to subscribe or unsubscribe from the owner presence
    if (!node.isPresenceBasedDelivery() && wasUsingPresence != !presenceStates.isEmpty()) {
      if (presenceStates.isEmpty()) {
        service.presenceSubscriptionNotRequired(node, owner);
      } else {
        service.presenceSubscriptionRequired(node, owner);