private String generateDDL(
     OracleUserAttributes userAttributes,
     Class<? extends SPIOperation> operation,
     UserRecord userRecord) {
   StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
   BuilderStatus status = new BuilderStatus();
   appendAuth(builder, userAttributes, operation, status, userRecord);
   if (userAttributes.getDefaultTableSpace() != null) {
     appendDefaultTableSpace(builder, userAttributes);
   if (userAttributes.getTempTableSpace() != null) {
     appendTemporaryTableSpace(builder, userAttributes);
   if (userAttributes.getDefaultTSQuota() != null) {
     appendDefaultTSQuota(builder, userAttributes, userRecord);
   if (userAttributes.getTempTSQuota() != null) {
     appendTempTSQuota(builder, userAttributes, userRecord);
   if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(userAttributes.getExpirePassword())) {
     if (status.passwordSet == null) {
       // If password is already not expired, just ignore attribute
       // that would not have any effect
       if (userRecord == null || OracleUserReader.isPasswordExpired(userRecord)) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
             cm.format(MSG_MUST_SPECIFY_PASSWORD_FOR_UNEXPIRE, null));
   if (status.forceExpirePassword || Boolean.TRUE.equals(userAttributes.getExpirePassword())) {
     // We can expire password only for LOCAL authentication
     if (OracleAuthentication.LOCAL.equals(status.currentAuth)) {
       appendExpirePassword(builder, userAttributes);
     } else {
       IllegalArgumentException e =
           new IllegalArgumentException(
       if (ExtraAttributesPolicy.FAIL.equals(
           extraAttributesPolicySetup.getPolicy(PASSWORD_EXPIRE, operation))) {
         throw e;
       } else {
         status.addIgnoredAttribute(PASSWORD_EXPIRE, e);"Ignoring extra password_expire attribute in operation [{0}]", operation);
   if (userAttributes.getEnable() != null) {
     appendEnabled(builder, userAttributes);
   if (userAttributes.getProfile() != null) {
     appendProfile(builder, userAttributes);
   if (builder.length() == 0 && !status.ignoredAttributes.isEmpty()) {
     // throw the fisrt exception
     throw status.ignoredAttributes.get(0).getSecond();
   return builder.toString();
 private void appendAuth(
     final StringBuilder builder,
     OracleUserAttributes userAttributes,
     Class<? extends SPIOperation> operation,
     BuilderStatus status,
     UserRecord userRecord) {
   status.currentAuth = userAttributes.getAuth();
   if (status.currentAuth == null) {
     if (CreateOp.class.equals(operation)) {
       status.currentAuth = OracleAuthentication.LOCAL;
     } else {
       status.currentAuth = OracleUserReader.resolveAuthentication(userRecord);
   boolean appendIdentified =
           || userAttributes.getAuth() != null
           || userAttributes.getPassword() != null
           || userAttributes.getGlobalName() != null;
   if (!appendIdentified) {
   if (userAttributes.getPassword() != null
       && !OracleAuthentication.LOCAL.equals(status.currentAuth)) {
     // Apply the extra attribute policy
     IllegalArgumentException e =
         new IllegalArgumentException(
     if (ExtraAttributesPolicy.FAIL.equals(
         extraAttributesPolicySetup.getPolicy(PASSWORD, operation))) {
       throw e;
     } else {"Ignoring extra password attribute in operation [{0}]", operation);
       status.addIgnoredAttribute(PASSWORD, e);
       // If only password was set, return
       if (userAttributes.getAuth() == null
           && userAttributes.getGlobalName() == null
           && UpdateOp.class.equals(operation)) {
         appendIdentified = false;
   if (userAttributes.getGlobalName() != null
       && !OracleAuthentication.GLOBAL.equals(status.currentAuth)) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
   if (!appendIdentified) {
   builder.append(" identified");
   if (OracleAuthentication.LOCAL.equals(status.currentAuth)) {
     builder.append(" by ");
     status.passwordSet = userAttributes.getPassword();
     if (status.passwordSet == null) {
       // Can we set password same as username ? , adapter did so
       if (CreateOp.class.equals(operation)) {
         // Set password to userName, it is already normalized
         status.passwordSet = new GuardedString(userAttributes.getUserName().toCharArray());
       } else {
         // no password for update and local authentication
         // some application can send update of authentication to
         // local and will not send password at the update
         // In this case we will rather set password to user name and
         // set (password_expired=true)
         // Other option would be to throw exception, but some
         // application could not have
         // possibility to send password
         status.passwordSet = new GuardedString(userAttributes.getUserName().toCharArray());
         status.forceExpirePassword = true;
         new GuardedString.Accessor() {
           public void access(char[] clearChars) {
             builder.append(cs.formatToken(PASSWORD, clearChars));
             Arrays.fill(clearChars, (char) 0);
   } else if (OracleAuthentication.EXTERNAL.equals(status.currentAuth)) {
     builder.append(" externally");
   } else if (OracleAuthentication.GLOBAL.equals(status.currentAuth)) {
     if (StringUtil.isBlank(userAttributes.getGlobalName())) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
     builder.append(" globally as ");
         cs.formatToken(OracleUserAttribute.GLOBAL_NAME, userAttributes.getGlobalName()));