  * The runtimePrimitivesSeen set contains primitive values seen during generation/execution and is
  * used to determine new values that should be added to the component set. The component set
  * initially contains a set of primitive sequences; this method puts those primitives in this set.
 private void initializeRuntimePrimitivesSeen() {
   for (Sequence s : componentManager.getAllPrimitiveSequences()) {
     ExecutableSequence es = new ExecutableSequence(s);
     NormalExecution e = (NormalExecution) es.getResult(0);
     Object runtimeValue = e.getRuntimeValue();
  private void checkBinary(ExecutableSequence s, ObjectContract c, Set<Integer> values, int idx) {
    for (Integer i : values) {
      for (Integer j : values) {

        ExecutionOutcome result1 = s.getResult(i);
        assert result1 instanceof NormalExecution : s;

        ExecutionOutcome result2 = s.getResult(j);
        assert result2 instanceof NormalExecution : s;

        if (Log.isLoggingOn())
          Log.logLine("Checking contract " + c.getClass() + " on " + i + ", " + j);

        ExecutionOutcome exprOutcome =
                ((NormalExecution) result1).getRuntimeValue(),
                ((NormalExecution) result2).getRuntimeValue());

        Check obs = null;

        if (exprOutcome instanceof NormalExecution) {
          NormalExecution e = (NormalExecution) exprOutcome;
          if (e.getRuntimeValue().equals(true)) {
            if (Log.isLoggingOn()) Log.logLine("Contract returned true.");
            continue; // Behavior ok.
          } else {
            if (Log.isLoggingOn())
              Log.logLine("Contract returned false. Will add ExpressionEqFalse check");
            // Create an check that records the actual value
            // returned by the expression, marking it as invalid
            // behavior.
            obs = new ObjectCheck(c, i, s.sequence.getVariable(i), s.sequence.getVariable(j));
            s.addCheck(idx, obs, false);
        } else {
          if (Log.isLoggingOn()) Log.logLine("Contract threw exception.");
          // Execution of contract resulted in exception. Do not create
          // a contract-violation decoration.
          assert exprOutcome instanceof ExceptionalExecution;
  private void checkUnary(ExecutableSequence s, ObjectContract c, Set<Integer> values, int idx) {

    for (Integer i : values) {

      ExecutionOutcome result = s.getResult(i);
      assert result instanceof NormalExecution : s;

      ExecutionOutcome exprOutcome =
          ObjectContractUtils.execute(c, ((NormalExecution) result).getRuntimeValue());

      if (exprOutcome instanceof NormalExecution) {
        NormalExecution e = (NormalExecution) exprOutcome;
        if (e.getRuntimeValue().equals(true)) {
          continue; // Behavior ok.
      } else {
        // Execution of contract resulted in exception. Do not create
        // a contract-violation decoration.
        assert exprOutcome instanceof ExceptionalExecution;
        ExceptionalExecution e = (ExceptionalExecution) exprOutcome;
        if (e.getException().equals(BugInRandoopException.class)) {
          throw new BugInRandoopException(e.getException());
        if (!c.evalExceptionMeansFailure()) {
          // Exception thrown, but not considered a failure.
          // Will not record behavior.

      // If we get here, either the contract returned false or resulted
      // in an exception that is considered a failure. Add
      // a contract violation check.
      // Create an check that records the actual value
      // returned by the expression, marking it as invalid
      // behavior.
      Check obs = new ObjectCheck(c, i, s.sequence.getVariable(i));
      s.addCheck(idx, obs, false);
   * Determines what indices in the given sequence are active. An active index i means that the i-th
   * method call creates an interesting/useful value that can be used as an input to a larger
   * sequence; inactive indices are never used as inputs. The effect of setting active/inactive
   * indices is that the SequenceCollection to which the given sequences is added only considers the
   * active indices when deciding whether the sequence creates values of a given type.
   * <p>In addition to determining active indices, this method determines if any primitive values
   * created during execution of the sequence are new values not encountered before. Such values are
   * added to the component manager so they can be used during subsequent generation attempts.
  public void processSequence(ExecutableSequence seq) {
    if (GenInputsAbstract.offline) {
      if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
            "Making all indices active (offline generation specified; sequences are not executed).");
    Tracer.trace("NOT offline@processSequence");

    if (seq.hasNonExecutedStatements()) {
      if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
            "Making all indices inactive (sequence has non-executed statements, so judging it inadequate for further extension).");

    if (seq.hasFailure()) {
      if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
            "Making all indices inactive (sequence reveals a failure, so judging it inadequate for further extension)");

    if (!seq.isNormalExecution()) {
      if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
            "Making all indices inactive (exception thrown, or failure revealed during execution).");

    // If runtime value is a primitive value, clear active flag, and
    // if the value is new, add a sequence corresponding to that value.
    for (int i = 0; i < seq.sequence.size(); i++) {

      // type ensured by isNormalExecution clause ealier in this method.
      NormalExecution e = (NormalExecution) seq.getResult(i);
      Object runtimeValue = e.getRuntimeValue();
      if (runtimeValue == null) {
        if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
          Log.logLine("Making index " + i + " inactive (value is null)");

      Class<?> objectClass = runtimeValue.getClass();

      if (PrimitiveTypes.isBoxedOrPrimitiveOrStringType(objectClass)) {
        if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
          Log.logLine("Making index " + i + " inactive (value is a primitive)");

        boolean looksLikeObjToString =
            (runtimeValue instanceof String)
                && PrimitiveTypes.looksLikeObjectToString((String) runtimeValue);
        boolean tooLongString =
            (runtimeValue instanceof String)
                && !PrimitiveTypes.stringLengthOK((String) runtimeValue);
        if (!looksLikeObjToString && !tooLongString && runtimePrimitivesSeen.add(runtimeValue)) {
          // Have not seen this value before; add it to the component set.
      } else if (GenInputsAbstract.use_object_cache) {
        objectCache.setActiveFlags(seq, i);
      } else {
        if (Log.isLoggingOn()) {
          Log.logLine("Making index " + i + " active.");