Example #1
   * Add item to the model.
   * <p>If the item has no color, this will define its color based on the model's next available
   * color.
   * <p>If the model is already 'running', the item will be 'start'ed.
   * @param item {@link ModelItem} to add
   * @throws RuntimeException if item is already in model
   * @throws Exception on error trying to start a PV Item that's added to a running model
  public void addItem(final ModelItem item) throws Exception {
    // A new item with the same PV name are allowed to be added in the
    // model. This way Data Browser can show the trend of the same PV
    // in different axes or with different waveform indexes. For example,
    // one may want to show the first element of epics://aaa:bbb in axis 1
    // while showing the third element of the same PV in axis 2 to compare
    // their trends in one chart.
    // if (getItem(item.getName()) != null)
    //        throw new RuntimeException("Item " + item.getName() + " already in Model");

    // But, if exactly the same instance of the given ModelItem already exists in this
    // model, it will not be added.
    if (items.indexOf(item) != -1)
      throw new RuntimeException("Item " + item.getName() + " already in Model");

    // Assign default color
    if (item.getColor() == null) item.setColor(getNextItemColor());

    // Force item to be on an axis
    if (item.getAxis() == null) {
      if (axes.size() == 0) addAxis(item.getDisplayName());
    // Check item axis
    if (!axes.contains(item.getAxis()))
      throw new Exception("Item " + item.getName() + " added with invalid axis " + item.getAxis());

    // Add to model
    if (is_running && item instanceof PVItem) ((PVItem) item).start(scanner);
    // Notify listeners of new item
    for (ModelListener listener : listeners) listener.itemAdded(item);