public void computeBranding() { if (brandings == null) { Builder brd = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCPVersionString()); brd.add("FML v" + Loader.instance().getFMLVersionString()); String forgeBranding = (String) callForgeMethod("getBrandingVersion"); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(forgeBranding)) { brd.add(forgeBranding); } if (sidedDelegate != null) { brd.addAll(sidedDelegate.getAdditionalBrandingInformation()); } try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("")); brd.add(props.getProperty("fmlbranding")); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore - no branding file found } int tModCount = Loader.instance().getModList().size(); int aModCount = Loader.instance().getActiveModList().size(); brd.add( String.format( "%d mod%s loaded, %d mod%s active", tModCount, tModCount != 1 ? "s" : "", aModCount, aModCount != 1 ? "s" : "")); brandings =; } }
public void handleWorldDataSave( SaveHandler handler, WorldInfo worldInfo, NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { for (ModContainer mc : Loader.instance().getModList()) { if (mc instanceof InjectedModContainer) { WorldAccessContainer wac = ((InjectedModContainer) mc).getWrappedWorldAccessContainer(); if (wac != null) { NBTTagCompound dataForWriting = wac.getDataForWriting(handler, worldInfo); tagCompound.func_74766_a(mc.getModId(), dataForWriting); } } } }
public void handleWorldDataLoad( SaveHandler handler, WorldInfo worldInfo, NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { if (getEffectiveSide() != Side.SERVER) { return; } if (handlerSet.contains(handler)) { return; } handlerSet.add(handler); Map<String, NBTBase> additionalProperties = Maps.newHashMap(); worldInfo.setAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties); for (ModContainer mc : Loader.instance().getModList()) { if (mc instanceof InjectedModContainer) { WorldAccessContainer wac = ((InjectedModContainer) mc).getWrappedWorldAccessContainer(); if (wac != null) { wac.readData( handler, worldInfo, additionalProperties, tagCompound.func_74775_l(mc.getModId())); } } } }
/** * The main class for non-obfuscated hook handling code * * <p>Anything that doesn't require obfuscated or client/server specific code should go in this * handler * * <p>It also contains a reference to the sided handler instance that is valid allowing for common * code to access specific properties from the obfuscated world without a direct dependency * * @author cpw */ public class FMLCommonHandler { /** The singleton */ private static final FMLCommonHandler INSTANCE = new FMLCommonHandler(); /** The delegate for side specific data and functions */ private IFMLSidedHandler sidedDelegate; private List<IScheduledTickHandler> scheduledClientTicks = Lists.newArrayList(); private List<IScheduledTickHandler> scheduledServerTicks = Lists.newArrayList(); private Class<?> forge; private boolean noForge; private List<String> brandings; private List<ICrashCallable> crashCallables = Lists.newArrayList(Loader.instance().getCallableCrashInformation()); private Set<SaveHandler> handlerSet = Sets.newSetFromMap(new MapMaker().weakKeys().<SaveHandler, Boolean>makeMap()); public void beginLoading(IFMLSidedHandler handler) { sidedDelegate = handler;"Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization"); callForgeMethod("initialize"); callForgeMethod("registerCrashCallable");"Completed early MinecraftForge initialization"); } public void rescheduleTicks(Side side) { TickRegistry.updateTickQueue( side.isClient() ? scheduledClientTicks : scheduledServerTicks, side); } public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> ticks, Side side, Object... data) { List<IScheduledTickHandler> scheduledTicks = side.isClient() ? scheduledClientTicks : scheduledServerTicks; if (scheduledTicks.size() == 0) { return; } for (IScheduledTickHandler ticker : scheduledTicks) { EnumSet<TickType> ticksToRun = EnumSet.copyOf(Objects.firstNonNull(ticker.ticks(), EnumSet.noneOf(TickType.class))); ticksToRun.removeAll(EnumSet.complementOf(ticks)); if (!ticksToRun.isEmpty()) { ticker.tickStart(ticksToRun, data); } } } public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> ticks, Side side, Object... data) { List<IScheduledTickHandler> scheduledTicks = side.isClient() ? scheduledClientTicks : scheduledServerTicks; if (scheduledTicks.size() == 0) { return; } for (IScheduledTickHandler ticker : scheduledTicks) { EnumSet<TickType> ticksToRun = EnumSet.copyOf(Objects.firstNonNull(ticker.ticks(), EnumSet.noneOf(TickType.class))); ticksToRun.removeAll(EnumSet.complementOf(ticks)); if (!ticksToRun.isEmpty()) { ticker.tickEnd(ticksToRun, data); } } } /** @return the instance */ public static FMLCommonHandler instance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Find the container that associates with the supplied mod object * * @param mod */ public ModContainer findContainerFor(Object mod) { return Loader.instance().getReversedModObjectList().get(mod); } /** * Get the forge mod loader logging instance (goes to the forgemodloader log file) * * @return The log instance for the FML log file */ public Logger getFMLLogger() { return FMLLog.getLogger(); } public Side getSide() { return sidedDelegate.getSide(); } /** * Return the effective side for the context in the game. This is dependent on thread analysis to * try and determine whether the code is running in the server or not. Use at your own risk */ public Side getEffectiveSide() { Thread thr = Thread.currentThread(); if ((thr instanceof ThreadMinecraftServer) || (thr instanceof ServerListenThread)) { return Side.SERVER; } return Side.CLIENT; } /** Raise an exception */ public void raiseException(Throwable exception, String message, boolean stopGame) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().throwing("FMLHandler", "raiseException", exception); if (stopGame) { getSidedDelegate().haltGame(message, exception); } } private Class<?> findMinecraftForge() { if (forge == null && !noForge) { try { forge = Class.forName("net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge"); } catch (Exception ex) { noForge = true; } } return forge; } private Object callForgeMethod(String method) { if (noForge) return null; try { return findMinecraftForge().getMethod(method).invoke(null); } catch (Exception e) { // No Forge installation return null; } } public void computeBranding() { if (brandings == null) { Builder brd = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCPVersionString()); brd.add("FML v" + Loader.instance().getFMLVersionString()); String forgeBranding = (String) callForgeMethod("getBrandingVersion"); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(forgeBranding)) { brd.add(forgeBranding); } if (sidedDelegate != null) { brd.addAll(sidedDelegate.getAdditionalBrandingInformation()); } try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("")); brd.add(props.getProperty("fmlbranding")); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore - no branding file found } int tModCount = Loader.instance().getModList().size(); int aModCount = Loader.instance().getActiveModList().size(); brd.add( String.format( "%d mod%s loaded, %d mod%s active", tModCount, tModCount != 1 ? "s" : "", aModCount, aModCount != 1 ? "s" : "")); brandings =; } } public List<String> getBrandings() { if (brandings == null) { computeBranding(); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(brandings); } public IFMLSidedHandler getSidedDelegate() { return sidedDelegate; } public void onPostServerTick() { tickEnd(EnumSet.of(TickType.SERVER), Side.SERVER); } /** Every tick just after world and other ticks occur */ public void onPostWorldTick(Object world) { tickEnd(EnumSet.of(TickType.WORLD), Side.SERVER, world); } public void onPreServerTick() { tickStart(EnumSet.of(TickType.SERVER), Side.SERVER); } /** Every tick just before world and other ticks occur */ public void onPreWorldTick(Object world) { tickStart(EnumSet.of(TickType.WORLD), Side.SERVER, world); } public void onWorldLoadTick(World[] worlds) { rescheduleTicks(Side.SERVER); for (World w : worlds) { tickStart(EnumSet.of(TickType.WORLDLOAD), Side.SERVER, w); } } public void handleServerStarting(MinecraftServer server) { Loader.instance().serverStarting(server); } public void handleServerStarted() { Loader.instance().serverStarted(); } public void handleServerStopping() { Loader.instance().serverStopping(); } public MinecraftServer getMinecraftServerInstance() { return sidedDelegate.getServer(); } public void showGuiScreen(Object clientGuiElement) { sidedDelegate.showGuiScreen(clientGuiElement); } public Entity spawnEntityIntoClientWorld( EntityRegistration registration, EntitySpawnPacket entitySpawnPacket) { return sidedDelegate.spawnEntityIntoClientWorld(registration, entitySpawnPacket); } public void adjustEntityLocationOnClient( EntitySpawnAdjustmentPacket entitySpawnAdjustmentPacket) { sidedDelegate.adjustEntityLocationOnClient(entitySpawnAdjustmentPacket); } public void onServerStart(DedicatedServer dedicatedServer) { FMLServerHandler.instance(); sidedDelegate.beginServerLoading(dedicatedServer); } public void onServerStarted() { sidedDelegate.finishServerLoading(); } public void onPreClientTick() { tickStart(EnumSet.of(TickType.CLIENT), Side.CLIENT); } public void onPostClientTick() { tickEnd(EnumSet.of(TickType.CLIENT), Side.CLIENT); } public void onRenderTickStart(float timer) { tickStart(EnumSet.of(TickType.RENDER), Side.CLIENT, timer); } public void onRenderTickEnd(float timer) { tickEnd(EnumSet.of(TickType.RENDER), Side.CLIENT, timer); } public void onPlayerPreTick(EntityPlayer player) { Side side = player instanceof EntityPlayerMP ? Side.SERVER : Side.CLIENT; tickStart(EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER), side, player); } public void onPlayerPostTick(EntityPlayer player) { Side side = player instanceof EntityPlayerMP ? Side.SERVER : Side.CLIENT; tickEnd(EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER), side, player); } public void registerCrashCallable(ICrashCallable callable) { crashCallables.add(callable); } public void enhanceCrashReport(CrashReport crashReport, CrashReportCategory category) { for (ICrashCallable call : crashCallables) { category.func_71500_a(call.getLabel(), call); } } public void handleTinyPacket(NetHandler handler, Packet131MapData mapData) { sidedDelegate.handleTinyPacket(handler, mapData); } public void handleWorldDataSave( SaveHandler handler, WorldInfo worldInfo, NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { for (ModContainer mc : Loader.instance().getModList()) { if (mc instanceof InjectedModContainer) { WorldAccessContainer wac = ((InjectedModContainer) mc).getWrappedWorldAccessContainer(); if (wac != null) { NBTTagCompound dataForWriting = wac.getDataForWriting(handler, worldInfo); tagCompound.func_74766_a(mc.getModId(), dataForWriting); } } } } public void handleWorldDataLoad( SaveHandler handler, WorldInfo worldInfo, NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { if (getEffectiveSide() != Side.SERVER) { return; } if (handlerSet.contains(handler)) { return; } handlerSet.add(handler); Map<String, NBTBase> additionalProperties = Maps.newHashMap(); worldInfo.setAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties); for (ModContainer mc : Loader.instance().getModList()) { if (mc instanceof InjectedModContainer) { WorldAccessContainer wac = ((InjectedModContainer) mc).getWrappedWorldAccessContainer(); if (wac != null) { wac.readData( handler, worldInfo, additionalProperties, tagCompound.func_74775_l(mc.getModId())); } } } } public boolean shouldServerBeKilledQuietly() { return sidedDelegate.shouldServerShouldBeKilledQuietly(); } public void disconnectIDMismatch( MapDifference<Integer, ItemData> serverDifference, NetHandler toKill, INetworkManager network) { sidedDelegate.disconnectIDMismatch(serverDifference, toKill, network); } }
public void handleServerStopping() { Loader.instance().serverStopping(); }
public void handleServerStarted() { Loader.instance().serverStarted(); }
public void handleServerStarting(MinecraftServer server) { Loader.instance().serverStarting(server); }
/** * Find the container that associates with the supplied mod object * * @param mod */ public ModContainer findContainerFor(Object mod) { return Loader.instance().getReversedModObjectList().get(mod); }