Example #1
 public long getBufferSize(GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker, int target, GL caller) {
   // See whether we know what buffer is currently bound to the given
   // state
   final int buffer = bufferStateTracker.getBoundBufferObject(target, caller);
   if (0 != buffer) {
     return getBufferSizeImpl(target, buffer, caller);
   // We don't know what's going on in this case; query the GL for an answer
   // FIXME: both functions return 'int' types, which is not suitable,
   // since buffer lenght is 64bit ?
   int[] tmp = new int[1];
   caller.glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL.GL_BUFFER_SIZE, tmp, 0);
   if (DEBUG) {
     System.err.println("GLBufferSizeTracker.getBufferSize(): no cached buffer information");
   return (long) tmp[0];
Example #2
 private long getBufferSizeImpl(int target, int buffer, GL caller) {
   // See whether we know the size of this buffer object; at this
   // point we almost certainly should if the application is
   // written correctly
   long sz = bufferSizeMap.get(buffer);
   if (0 > sz) {
     // For robustness, try to query this value from the GL as we used to
     // FIXME: both functions return 'int' types, which is not suitable,
     // since buffer lenght is 64bit ?
     int[] tmp = new int[1];
     if (0 == target) {
       // DirectState ..
       if (caller.isFunctionAvailable("glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT")) {
         caller.getGL2().glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, GL.GL_BUFFER_SIZE, tmp, 0);
       } else {
         throw new GLException(
             "Error: getDirectStateBufferSize called with unknown state and GL function 'glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT' n/a to query size");
     } else {
       caller.glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL.GL_BUFFER_SIZE, tmp, 0);
     if (tmp[0] == 0) {
       // Assume something is wrong rather than silently going along
       throw new GLException(
           "Error: buffer size returned by "
               + ((0 == target) ? "glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT" : "glGetBufferParameteriv")
               + " was zero; probably application error");
     // Assume we just don't know what's happening
     sz = (long) tmp[0];
     bufferSizeMap.put(buffer, sz);
     if (DEBUG) {
           "GLBufferSizeTracker.getBufferSize(): made slow query to cache size "
               + sz
               + " for buffer "
               + buffer);
   return sz;