/** Adds options that get incorrect default values inside compiler code if not set explicitly. */
 private void handleOptionsWithSpecialValues(final Element rootElement) {
   for (final CompilerOptionInfo info : CompilerOptionInfo.getOptionsWithSpecialValues()) {
     final Pair<String, ValueSource> valueAndSource = getValueAndSource(info);
     final boolean themeForPureAS = myBC.isPureAs() && "compiler.theme".equals(info.ID);
     if (valueAndSource.second == ValueSource.GlobalDefault
         && (!valueAndSource.first.isEmpty() || themeForPureAS)) {
       // do not add empty preloader to Web/Desktop, let compiler take default itself
       // (mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar when -compatibility-version >= 4.0 and
       // mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar when -compatibility-version < 4.0)
       addOption(rootElement, info, valueAndSource.first);