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Uber-fast, ultra-lightweight Java classpath scanner.

What is classpath scanning? Classpath scanning involves scanning directories and jar/zip files on the classpath to find files (especially classfiles) that meet certain criteria. In many ways, classpath scanning offers the inverse of the Java reflection API: the reflection API can tell you the superclass of a given class, but classpath scanning can find all classes that extend a given superclass. The Java reflection API can give you the list of annotations on a given class, but classpath scanning can find all classes that are annotated with a given annotation.

FastClasspathScanner is able to:

  1. find classes that subclass a given class or one of its subclasses;
  2. find interfaces that extend a given interface or one of its subinterfaces;
  3. find classes that implement an interface or one of its subinterfaces, or whose superclasses implement the interface or one of its subinterfaces;
  4. find classes that have a specific class annotation or meta-annotation;
  5. find the constant literal initializer value in a classfile's constant pool for a specified static final field;
  6. find files (even non-classfiles) anywhere on the classpath that have a path that matches a given string or regular expression;
  7. perform the actual classpath scan;
  8. detect changes to the files within the classpath since the first time the classpath was scanned, or alternatively, calculate the MD5 hash of classfiles while scanning, in case using timestamps is insufficiently rigorous for change detection;
  9. return a list of the names of all classes and interfaces on the classpath (after whitelist and blacklist filtering).
  10. return a list of all directories and files on the classpath (i.e. all classpath elements) as a list of File objects, with the list deduplicated and filtered to include only classpath directories and files that actually exist, saving you the trouble of parsing and filtering the classpath; and

FastClasspathScanner parses the classfile binary format directly, rather than by using reflection, which makes it particularly fast. (Reflection causes the classloader to load each class, which can take an order of magnitude more time than parsing the classfile directly, and can lead to unexpected behavior due to static initializer blocks of classes being called on class load.) FastClasspathScanner does not depend on any classfile/bytecode parsing or manipulation libraries like Javassist or ObjectWeb ASM, which makes it lightweight.


There are two different mechanisms for using FastClasspathScanner. (The two mechanisms can be used together.)

Mechanism 1: Create a FastClasspathScanner instance, listing package prefixes to scan within, then add one or more MatchProcessor instances to the FastClasspathScanner by calling the FastClasspathScanner's .match...() methods, followed by calling .scan() to start the scan. This is the pattern shown in the following example: (Note: Java 8 lambda expressions are used below to implicitly create the appropriate type of MatchProcessor corresponding to each .match...() method, but see Tips below for the Java 7 equivalent of Mechanism 1; in particular, you might want to use the Java 7 syntax to avoid the 30-40ms startup cost incurred by the first encountered usage of lambda expressions in Java 8.)

// Package prefixes to scan are listed in the constructor. (See section
// "Constructor" for info on whitelisting/blacklisting packages and/or jars)
new FastClasspathScanner("", "")  
        // c is a subclass of Widget or a descendant subclass.
        // This lambda expression is of type SubclassMatchProcessor.
        c -> System.out.println("Subclass of Widget: " + c.getName()))
        // c is an interface that extends the interface Tweakable.
        // This lambda expression is of type SubinterfaceMatchProcessor.
        c -> System.out.println("Subinterface of Tweakable: " + c.getName()))
        // c is a class that implements the interface Changeable; more precisely,
        // c or one of its superclasses implements the interface Changeable, or
        // implements an interface that is a descendant of Changeable.
        // This lambda expression is of type InterfaceMatchProcessor.
        c -> System.out.println("Implements Changeable: " + c.getName()))
        // c is a class annotated with BindTo.
        // This lambda expression is of type AnnotationMatchProcessor.
        c -> System.out.println("Has a BindTo class annotation: " + c.getName()))
        // The following method is called when any static final fields with
        // names matching one of the above fully-qualified names are
        // encountered, as long as those fields are initialized to constant
        // values. The value returned is the value in the classfile, not the
        // value that would be returned by reflection, so this can be useful
        // in hot-swapping of changes.
        // This lambda expression is of type StaticFinalFieldMatchProcessor.
        (String className, String fieldName, Object fieldConstantValue) ->
            System.out.println("Static field " + fieldName + " in class "
            + className + " " + " currently has constant literal value "
            + fieldConstantValue + " in the classfile"))
        // relativePath is the section of the matching path relative to the
        // classpath element it is contained in; fileContentBytes is the content
        // of the file.
        // This lambda expression is of type FileMatchContentProcessor.
        (relativePath, fileContentBytes) ->
            registerTemplate(relativePath, new String(fileContentBytes, "UTF-8")))
    .verbose()  // Optional, in case you want to debug any issues with scanning
    .scan();    // Actually perform the scan

// [...Some time later...]
// See if any timestamps on the classpath are more recent than the time of the
// previous scan. Much faster than standard classpath scanning, because
// only timestamps are checked, and jarfiles don't have to be opened.
boolean classpathContentsModified =

Mechanism 2: Create a FastClasspathScanner instance, potentially without adding any MatchProcessors, then call scan() to scan the classpath, then call .getNamesOf...() methods to find classes and interfaces of interest without actually calling the classloader on any matching classes. The .getNamesOf...() methods return lists of strings, rather than lists of Class<?> references, and scanning is done by reading the classfile directly, so the classloader does not need to be called for these methods to return their results. This can be useful if the static initializer code for matching classes would trigger unwanted side effects if run during a classpath scan. An example of this usage pattern is:

List<String> subclassesOfWidget = new FastClasspathScanner("")
    // No need to add any MatchProcessors, just create a new scanner and then call
    // .scan() to parse the class hierarchy of all classfiles on the classpath.
    // Get the names of all subclasses of Widget on the classpath,
    // again without calling the classloader:

Note that Mechanism 2 only works with class and interface matches; there are no corresponding .getNamesOf...() methods for filename pattern or static field matches, since these methods are only looking at the DAG of whitelisted classes and interfaces encountered during the scan.


Calling from Java 7: The usage examples above use lambda expressions (functional interfaces) from Java 8 for simplicity. However, at least as of JDK 1.8.0 r20, Java 8 features like lambda expressions and Streams incur a one-time startup penalty of 30-40ms the first time they are used. If this overhead is prohibitive, you can use the Java 7 version of Mechanism 1 (note that there is a different MatchProcessor class corresponding to each .match...() method, e.g. .matchSubclassesOf() takes a SubclassMatchProcessor):

new FastClasspathScanner("")  
    .matchSubclassesOf(Widget.class, new SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget>() {
        public void processMatch(Class<? extends Widget> matchingClass) {
            System.out.println("Subclass of Widget: " + matchingClass))

Protip: using Java 8 method references: The .match...() methods (e.g. .matchSubclassesOf()) take a MatchProcessor as one of their arguments, which are single-method classes (i.e. FunctionalInterfaces). If you are using Java 8, you may find it useful to use Java 8 method references as FunctionalInterfaces in the place of MatchProcessors (assuming the number and types of arguments match), e.g. list::add:

List<Class<? extends Widget>> matchingClasses = new ArrayList<>();
new FastClasspathScanner("")
    .matchSubclassesOf(Widget.class, matchingClasses::add)  // Ref to List.add()


Most of the methods in the API return this (of type FastClasspathScanner), so that you can use the method chaining calling style, as shown in the example above.

Note that the | character is used below to compactly describe overloaded methods below, e.g. getNamesOfSuperclassesOf(Class<?> subclass | String subclassName).


You can pass a scanning specification to the constructor of FastClasspathScanner to describe what should be scanned. This prevents irrelevant classpath entries from being unecessarily scanned, which can be time-consuming. (Note that calling the constructor does not start the scan, you must separately call .scan() to perform the actual scan.)

The constructor accepts a list of whitelisted package prefixes / jar names to scan, as well as blacklisted packages/jars not to scan, where blacklisted entries are prefixed with the '-' character. For example:

  • new FastClasspathScanner("com.x") limits scanning to the package com.x and its sub-packages in all jarfiles and all directory entries on the classpath.
  • new FastClasspathScanner("com.x", "-com.x.y") limits scanning to com.x and all sub-packages except com.x.y in all jars and directories on the classpath.
  • new FastClasspathScanner("com.x", "-com.x.y", "jar:deploy.jar") limits scanning to com.x and all its sub-packages except com.x.y, but only looks in jars named deploy.jar on the classpath. Note:
    1. Whitelisting one or more jar entries prevents non-jar entries (directories) on the classpath from being scanned.
    2. Only the leafname of a jarfile can be specified in a jar: or -jar: entry, so if there is a chance of conflict, make sure the jarfile's leaf name is unique.
  • new FastClasspathScanner("com.x", "-jar:irrelevant.jar") limits scanning to com.x and all sub-packages in all directories on the classpath, and in all jars except irrelevant.jar. (i.e. blacklisting a jarfile only excludes the specified jarfile, it doesn't prevent all directories from being scanned, as with whitelisting a jarfile.)
  • new FastClasspathScanner("com.x", "jar:") limits scanning to com.x and all sub-packages, but only looks in jarfiles on the classpath -- directories are not scanned. (i.e. "jar:" is a wildcard to indicate that all jars are whitelisted, and as in the example above, whitelisting jarfiles prevents non-jars (directories) from being scanned.)
  • new FastClasspathScanner("com.x", "-jar:") limits scanning to com.x and all sub-packages, but only looks in directories on the classpath -- jarfiles are not scanned. (i.e. "-jar:" is a wildcard to indicate that all jars are blacklisted.)
  • new FastClasspathScanner(): If you don't specify any whitelisted package prefixes, all jarfiles and all directories on the classpath will be scanned.
  • N.B. System, bootstrap and extension jarfiles (i.e. the JRE jarfiles) are never scanned.
// Constructor for FastClasspathScanner
public FastClasspathScanner(String... scanSpec)

1. Matching the subclasses (or finding the superclasses) of a class

FastClasspathScanner can find all classes on the classpath within whitelisted package prefixes that extend a given superclass.

Important note: the ability to detect that a class extends another depends upon the entire ancestral path between the two classes being within one of the whitelisted package prefixes.

You can scan for classes that extend a specified superclass by calling .matchSubclassesOf() with a SubclassMatchProcessor parameter before calling .scan(). This method will call the classloader on each matching class (using Class.forName()) so that a class reference can be passed into the match processor. There are also methods List<String> getNamesOfSubclassesOf(String superclassName) and List<String> getNamesOfSubclassesOf(Class<?> superclass) that can be called after .scan() to find the names of the subclasses of a given class (whether or not a corresponding match processor was added to detect this) without calling the classloader.

Furthermore, the methods List<String> getNamesOfSuperclassesOf(String subclassName) and List<String> getNamesOfSuperclassesOf(Class<?> subclass) are able to return all superclasses of a given class after a call to .scan(). (Note that there is not currently a SuperclassMatchProcessor or .matchSuperclassesOf().)

// Mechanism 1: Attach a MatchProcessor before calling .scan():

public interface SubclassMatchProcessor<T> {
    public void processMatch(Class<? extends T> matchingClass);

public <T> FastClasspathScanner matchSubclassesOf(Class<T> superclass,
    SubclassMatchProcessor<T> subclassMatchProcessor)

// Mechanism 2: Call one of the following after calling .scan():

public List<String> getNamesOfSubclassesOf(
    Class<?> superclass | String superclassName)

public List<String> getNamesOfSuperclassesOf(
    Class<?> subclass | String subclassName)

2. Matching the subinterfaces (or finding the superinterfaces) of an interface

FastClasspathScanner can find all interfaces on the classpath within whitelisted package prefixes that that extend a given interface or its subinterfaces.

Important note: The ability to detect that an interface extends another interface depends upon the entire ancestral path between the two interfaces being within one of the whitelisted package prefixes.

You can scan for interfaces that extend a specified superinterface by calling .matchSubinterfacesOf() with a SubinterfaceMatchProcessor parameter before calling .scan(). This method will call the classloader on each matching class (using Class.forName()) so that a class reference can be passed into the match processor. There are also methods List<String> getNamesOfSubinterfacesOf(String ifaceName) and List<String> getNamesOfSubinterfacesOf(Class<?> iface) that can be called after .scan() to find the names of the subinterfaces of a given interface (whether or not a corresponding match processor was added to detect this) without calling the classloader.

Furthermore, the methods List<String> getNamesOfSuperinterfacesOf(String ifaceName) and List<String> getNamesOfSuperinterfacesOf(Class<?> iface) are able to return all superinterfaces of a given interface after a call to .scan(). (Note that there is not currently a SuperinterfaceMatchProcessor or .matchSuperinterfacesOf().)

// Mechanism 1: Attach a MatchProcessor before calling .scan():

public interface SubinterfaceMatchProcessor<T> {
    public void processMatch(Class<? extends T> matchingInterface);

public <T> FastClasspathScanner matchSubinterfacesOf(Class<T> superInterface,
    SubinterfaceMatchProcessor<T> subinterfaceMatchProcessor)

// Mechanism 2: Call one of the following after calling .scan():

public List<String> getNamesOfSubinterfacesOf(
    Class<?> superinterface | String superinterfaceName)

public List<String> getNamesOfSuperinterfacesOf(
    Class<?> subinterface | String subinterfaceName)

3. Matching the classes that implement an interface

FastClasspathScanner can find all classes on the classpath within whitelisted package prefixes that that implement a given interface. The matching logic here is trickier than it would seem, because FastClassPathScanner also has to match classes whose superclasses implement the target interface, or classes that implement a sub-interface (descendant interface) of the target interface, or classes whose superclasses implement a sub-interface of the target interface.

Important note: The ability to detect that a class implements an interface depends upon the entire ancestral path between the class and the interface (and any relevant sub-interfaces or superclasses along the path between the two) being within one of the whitelisted package prefixes.

You can scan for classes that implement a specified interface by calling .matchClassesImplementing() with a InterfaceMatchProcessor parameter before calling .scan(). This method will call the classloader on each matching class (using Class.forName()) so that a class reference can be passed into the match processor. There are also methods List<String> getNamesOfClassesImplementing(String ifaceName) and List<String> getNamesOfClassesImplementing(Class<?> iface) that can be called after .scan() to find the names of the classes implementing a given interface (whether or not a corresponding match processor was added to detect this) without calling the classloader.

N.B. There are also convenience methods for matching classes that implement all of a given list of annotations (an "and" operator).

// Mechanism 1: Attach a MatchProcessor before calling .scan():

public interface InterfaceMatchProcessor<T> {
    public void processMatch(Class<? extends T> implementingClass);

public <T> FastClasspathScanner matchClassesImplementing(
    Class<T> implementedInterface,
    InterfaceMatchProcessor<T> interfaceMatchProcessor)

// Mechanism 2: Call one of the following after calling .scan():

public List<String> getNamesOfClassesImplementing(
    Class<?> implementedInterface | String implementedInterfaceName)

public List<String> getNamesOfClassesImplementingAllOf(
    Class<?>... implementedInterfaces | String... implementedInterfaceNames)

4. Matching classes with a specific annotation or meta-annotation

FastClassPathScanner can detect classes that have a specified class annotation or class meta-annotation. This is the inverse of the Java reflection API, which allows you to find the annotations on a given class, not the classes that have a given annotation.

A meta-annotation is an annotation that annotates another annotation. If annotation A annotates annotation B, and annotation B annotates class C, then annotation A is also resolved by FastClasspathScanner as annotating class C. Note that Java's reflection methods (e.g. Class.getAnnotations()) do not directly return meta-annotations (they only look one level back up the annotation graph), but FastClasspathScanner's methods follow the transitive closure of annotations, so you can scan for both annotations and meta-annotations using the same API. This allows for multi-level "inheritance" of annotated traits, similar to inheritance (technically, multiple inheritance) in Object Oriented design. (Compare with @dblevins' metatypes.) (N.B. Cycles in the annotation graph are also handled by FastClasspathScanner: if annotation A annotates annotation B, and annotation B meta-annotates annotation A but also directly annotates class C, then annotatons A and B are both resolved by FastClasspathScanner as annotating class C, because class C is reachable along some directed path of annotations from both A and B.)

You can scan for classes with a given annotation or meta-annotation by calling .matchClassesWithAnnotation() with a ClassAnnotationMatchProcessor parameter before calling .scan(). This method will call the classloader on each matching class (using Class.forName()) so that a class reference can be passed into the match processor. There are also methods List<String> getNamesOfClassesWithAnnotation(String annotationClassName) and List<String> getNamesOfClassesWithAnnotation(Class<?> annotationClass) that can be called after .scan() to return the names of the classes that have a given annotation (whether or not a corresponding match processor was added to detect this) without calling the classloader.

Aspects of this API that are worth pointing out:

  1. There are convenience methods for matching classes that have any of a given list of annotations (an "or" operator), and methods for matching classes that have all of a given list of annotations (an "and" operator).
  2. The method getNamesOfAnnotationsOnClass(), called after .scan(), is analogous to Class.getAnnotations() in the Java reflections API, but it returns not just direct annotations on a class, but also meta-annotations that are in the transitive closure of the inverted meta-annotation graph, starting at the annotations that annotate the specified class. (The graph is "inverted" in the sense that we look at "annotated-by" edges, not "annotates" edges.) The method getNamesOfMetaAnnotationsOnAnnotation() returns the transitive closure of inverted meta-annotation graph starting at just the specified annotation.
  3. The method getNamesOfMetaAnnotationsOnAnnotation() (which maps from annotation to meta-annotations) is the reverse of the mapping returned by getNamesOfAnnotationsWithMetaAnnotation() (which maps from meta-annotations to annotations). The method getNamesOfAnnotationsOnClass() (which maps from class to annotation/meta-annotations) is the reverse of the mapping returned by getNamesOfClassesWithAnnotation() (which maps from annotation/meta-annotation to classes).
// Mechanism 1: Attach a MatchProcessor before calling .scan():

public interface ClassAnnotationMatchProcessor {
    public void processMatch(Class<?> matchingClass);

public FastClasspathScanner matchClassesWithAnnotation(
    Class<?> annotation,
    ClassAnnotationMatchProcessor classAnnotationMatchProcessor)

// Mechanism 2: Call one of the following after calling .scan():

// (a) Get names of classes that have the specified annotation(s)
// or meta-annotation(s)

public List<String> getNamesOfClassesWithAnnotation(
    Class<?> annotation | String annotationName)

public List<String> getNamesOfClassesWithAnnotationsAllOf(
    Class<?>... annotations | String... annotationNames)

public List<String> getNamesOfClassesWithAnnotationsAnyOf(
    Class<?>... annotations | String... annotationNames)

// (b) Get names of annotations that have the specified meta-annotation

public List<String> getNamesOfAnnotationsWithMetaAnnotation(
    Class<?> metaAnnotation | String metaAnnotationName)

// (c) Get the annotations and meta-annotations on a class or interface,
// or the meta-annotations on an annotation. This is more powerful than
// Class.getAnnotations(), because it also returns meta-annotations.

public List<String> getNamesOfAnnotationsOnClass(
    Class<?> classOrInterface | String classOrInterfaceName)

public List<String> getNamesOfMetaAnnotationsOnAnnotation(
    Class<?> annotation | String annotationName)

5. Fetching the constant initializer values of static final fields

FastClassPathScanner is able to scan the classpath for matching fully-qualified static final fields, e.g. for the fully-qualified field name "", FastClassPathScanner will look in the class for the static final field POLL_INTERVAL, and if it is found, and if it has a constant literal initializer value, that value will be read directly from the classfile and passed into a provided StaticFinalFieldMatchProcessor.

Field values are obtained directly from the constant pool in a classfile, not from a loaded class using reflection. This allows you to detect changes to the classpath and then run another scan that picks up the new values of selected static constants without reloading the class. (Class reloading is fraught with issues.)

This can be useful in hot-swapping of changes to static constants in classfiles if the constant value is changed and the class is re-compiled while the code is running. (Neither the JVM nor the Eclipse debugger will hot-replace static constant initializer values if you change them while running code, so you can pick up changes this way instead).

Note: The visibility of the fields is not checked; the value of the field in the classfile is returned whether or not it should be visible to the caller. Therefore you should probably only use this method with public static final fields (not just static final fields) to coincide with Java's own semantics.

// Only Mechanism 1 is applicable -- attach a MatchProcessor before calling .scan():

public interface StaticFinalFieldMatchProcessor {
    public void processMatch(String className, String fieldName,
    Object fieldConstantValue);

public FastClasspathScanner matchStaticFinalFieldNames(
    HashSet<String> fullyQualifiedStaticFinalFieldNames
        | String fullyQualifiedStaticFinalFieldName
        | String[] fullyQualifiedStaticFinalFieldNames,
    StaticFinalFieldMatchProcessor staticFinalFieldMatchProcessor)

Note: Only static final fields with constant-valued literals are matched, not fields with initializer values that are the result of an expression or reference, except for cases where the compiler is able to simplify an expression into a single constant at compiletime, such as in the case of string concatenation. The following are examples of constant static final fields:

static final int w = 5;          // Literal ints, shorts, chars etc. are constant
static final String x = "a";     // Literal Strings are constant
static final String y = "a" + "b";  // Referentially equal to interned String "ab"
static final byte b = 0x7f;      // StaticFinalFieldMatchProcessor is passed a Byte
private static final int z = 1;  // Visibility is ignored; non-public also returned 

whereas the following fields are non-constant, non-static and/or non-final, so these fields cannot be matched:

static final Integer w = 5;         // Non-constant due to autoboxing
static final String y = "a" + w;    // Non-constant because w is non-const
static final int[] arr = {1, 2, 3}; // Arrays are non-constant
static int n = 100;                 // Non-final
final int q = 5;                    // Non-static 

Primitive types (int, long, short, float, double, boolean, char, byte) are wrapped in the corresponding wrapper class (Integer, Long etc.) before being passed to the provided StaticFinalFieldMatchProcessor.

6. Finding files (even non-classfiles) anywhere on the classpath whose path matches a given string or regular expression

This can be useful for detecting changes to non-classfile resources on the classpath, for example a web server's template engine can hot-reload HTML templates when they change by including the template directory in the classpath and then detecting changes to files that are in the template directory and have the extension ".html".

A FileMatchProcessor is passed the InputStream for any File or ZipFileEntry in the classpath that has a path matching the pattern provided in the .matchFilenamePattern() method (or other related methods, see below). You do not need to close the passed InputStream if you choose to read the stream contents; the stream is closed by the caller.

The value of relativePath is relative to the classpath entry that contained the matching file.

// Only Mechanism 1 is applicable -- attach a MatchProcessor before calling .scan():

// Use this interface if you want to be passed an InputStream.
// N.B. you do not need to close the InputStream before exiting, it is closed
// by the caller.
public interface FileMatchProcessor {
    public void processMatch(String relativePath, InputStream inputStream,
    int inputStreamLengthBytes) throws IOException;

// Use this interface if you want to be passed a byte array with the file contents
public interface FileMatchContentsProcessor {
    public void processMatch(String relativePath, byte[] fileContents)
        throws IOException;

// Match a pattern, such as "^com/pkg/.*\\.html$"
public FastClasspathScanner matchFilenamePattern(String pathRegexp,
        FileMatchProcessor fileMatchProcessor
            | FileMatchContentsProcessor fileMatchContentsProcessor)
// Match a (non-regexp) relative path, such as "com/pkg/WidgetTemplate.html"
public FastClasspathScanner matchFilenamePath(String relativePathToMatch,
        FileMatchProcessor fileMatchProcessor
            | FileMatchContentsProcessor fileMatchContentsProcessor)
// Match a leafname, such as "WidgetTemplate.html"
public FastClasspathScanner matchFilenameLeaf(String leafToMatch,
        FileMatchProcessor fileMatchProcessor
            | FileMatchContentsProcessor fileMatchContentsProcessor)
// Match a file extension, e.g. "html" matches "WidgetTemplate.html"
public FastClasspathScanner matchFilenameExtension(String extensionToMatch,
        FileMatchProcessor fileMatchProcessor
            | FileMatchContentsProcessor fileMatchContentsProcessor)

7. Performing the actual scan

The .scan() method performs the actual scan. This method may be called multiple times after the initialization steps shown above, although there is usually no point performing additional scans unless classpathContentsModifiedSinceScan() returns true.

public void scan()

As the scan proceeds, for all match processors that deal with classfiles (i.e. for all but FileMatchProcessor), if the same fully-qualified class name is encountered more than once on the classpath, the second and subsequent definitions of the class are ignored, in order to follow Java's class masking behavior.

8. Detecting changes to classpath contents after the scan

When the classpath is scanned using .scan(), the "latest last modified timestamp" found anywhere on the classpath is recorded (i.e. the latest timestamp out of all last modified timestamps of all files found within the whitelisted package prefixes on the classpath).

After a call to .scan(), it is possible to later call .classpathContentsModifiedSinceScan() at any point to check if something within the classpath has changed. This method does not look inside classfiles and does not call any match processors, but merely looks at the last modified timestamps of all files and zip/jarfiles within the whitelisted package prefixes of the classpath, updating the latest last modified timestamp if anything has changed. If the latest last modified timestamp increases, this method will return true.

Since .classpathContentsModifiedSinceScan() only checks file modification timestamps, it works several times faster than the original call to .scan(). It is therefore a very lightweight operation that can be called in a polling loop to detect changes to classpath contents for hot reloading of resources.

The function .classpathContentsLastModifiedTime() can also be called after .scan() to find the maximum timestamp of all files in the classpath, in epoch millis. This should be less than the system time, and if anything on the classpath changes, this value should increase, assuming the timestamps and the system time are trustworthy and accurate.

public boolean classpathContentsModifiedSinceScan()

public long classpathContentsLastModifiedTime()

If you need more careful change detection than is afforded by checking timestamps, you can also cause the contents of each classfile in a whitelisted package to be MD5-hashed, and you can compare the HashMaps returned across different scans.

9. Get a list of all whitelisted (and non-blacklisted) classes and interfaces on the classpath

The names of all classes and interfaces reached during the scan, after taking into account whitelist and blacklist criteria, can be returned by calling the method .getNamesOfAllClasses() after calling .scan(). This can be helpful for debugging purposes. The list is returned sorted.

Note that system classes (e.g. java.lang.String) do not need to be explicitly included on the classpath, so they are not typically returned in this list. However, any classes referenced as a superclass or superinterface of classes on the classpath (and, more specifically, any classes referenced by whitelisted classes), will be returned in this list. For example, any classes encountered that do not extend another class will reference java.lang.Object, so java.lang.Object will be returned in this list.

public List<String> getNamesOfAllClasses()

10. Get all unique directories and files on the classpath

The list of all directories and files on the classpath is returned by .getUniqueClasspathElements(). The resulting list is filtered to include only unique classpath elements (duplicates are eliminated), and to include only directories and files that actually exist. The elements in the list are in classpath order.

This method is useful if you want to see what's actually on the classpath -- note that System.getProperty("java.class.path") does not always return the complete classpath because Classloading is a very complicated process. FastClasspathScanner looks for classpath entries in java.class.path and in various system classloaders, but it can also transitively follow Class-Path references in a jarfile's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

Note that FastClasspathScanner does not scan JRE system, bootstrap or extension jarfiles, so the classpath entries for these system jarfiles will not be listed by .getUniqueClasspathElements().

public List<File> getUniqueClasspathElements()

More complex usage


If FastClasspathScanner is not finding the classes, interfaces or files you think it should be finding, you can debug the scanning behavior by calling .verbose() before .scan():

public FastClasspathScanner verbose()

Working in platforms with non-standard ClassLoaders (JBoss/WildFly, WebLogic, Maven, Tomcat etc.)

FastClasspathScanner handles a number of non-standard ClassLoaders. There is basic support for JBoss/WildFly and WebLogic, which implement their own ClassLoaders. Maven works when it sets java.class.path, but YMMV, since it has its own unique ClassLoader system. Tomcat has a complex classloading system, and is less likely to work, but you might get lucky. Any patches improving support for these non-standard systems would be appreciated.

Note that you can always override the system classpath with your own path, using the following call after calling the constructor, and before calling .scan():

public FastClasspathScanner overrideClasspath(String classpath)

Getting generic class references for parameterized classes

A problem arises when using class-based matchers with parameterized classes, e.g. Widget<K>. Because of type erasure, The expression Widget<K>.class is not defined, and therefore it is impossible to cast Class<Widget> to Class<Widget<K>>. More specifically:

  • Widget.class has the type Class<Widget>, not Class<Widget<?>>
  • new Widget<Integer>().getClass() has the type Class<? extends Widget>, not Class<? extends Widget<?>>.

The code below compiles and runs fine, but SubclassMatchProcessor must be parameterized with the bare type Widget in order to match the reference Widget.class. This gives rise to three type safety warnings: Test.Widget is a raw type. References to generic type Test.Widget<K> should be parameterized on new SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget>() and Class<? extends Widget> widgetClass; and Type safety: Unchecked cast from Class<capture#1-of ? extends Test.Widget> to Class<Test.Widget<?>> on the type cast (Class<? extends Widget<?>>).

public class Test {
    public static class Widget<K> {
        K id;

    public static class WidgetSubclass<K> extends Widget<K> {

    public static void registerSubclass(Class<? extends Widget<?>> widgetClass) {
        System.out.println("Found widget subclass " + widgetClass.getName());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new FastClasspathScanner("")
            // Have to use Widget.class and not Widget<?>.class as type parameter,
            // which constrains all the other types to bare class references
            .matchSubclassesOf(Widget.class, new SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget>() {
                public void processMatch(Class<? extends Widget> widgetClass) {
                    registerSubclass((Class<? extends Widget<?>>) widgetClass);

Solution: You can't cast from Class<Widget> to Class<Widget<?>>, but you can cast from Class<Widget> to Class<? extends Widget<?>> with only an unchecked conversion warning, which can be suppressed. The type Class<? extends Widget<?>> is unifiable with the type Class<Widget<?>>, so for the method matchSubclassesOf(Class<T> superclass, SubclassMatchProcessor<T> subclassMatchProcessor), you can use <? extends Widget<?>> for the type parameter <T> of superclass, and type <Widget<?>> for the type parameter <T> of subclassMatchProcessor.

Note that SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget<?>> can now be properly parameterized to match the type of widgetClassRef, and no cast is needed in the function call registerSubclass(widgetClass).

(Also note that it is valid to replace all occurrences of the generic type parameter <?> with a concrete type parameer, e.g. <Integer>.)

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Declare the type as a variable so you can suppress the warning
    Class<? extends Widget<?>> widgetClassRef = 
        (Class<? extends Widget<?>>) Widget.class;
    new FastClasspathScanner("").matchSubclassesOf(
                widgetClassRef, new SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget<?>>() {
            public void processMatch(Class<? extends Widget<?>> widgetClass) {

Alternative solution 1: Create an object of the desired type, call getClass(), and cast the result to the generic parameterized class type.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Class<Widget<?>> widgetClass = 
        (Class<Widget<?>>) new Widget<Object>().getClass();
    new FastClasspathScanner("") //
        .matchSubclassesOf(widgetClass, new SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget<?>>() {
            public void processMatch(Class<? extends Widget<?>> widgetClass) {

Alternative solution 2: Get a class reference for a subclass of the desired class, then get the generic type of its superclass:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Class<Widget<?>> widgetClass =
            (Class<Widget<?>>) ((ParameterizedType) WidgetSubclass.class
    new FastClasspathScanner("") //
        .matchSubclassesOf(widgetClass, new SubclassMatchProcessor<Widget<?>>() {
            public void processMatch(Class<? extends Widget<?>> widgetClass) {


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Luke Hutchison

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



You can get a pre-built JAR from Sonatype, or add the following Maven Central dependency:



Classfile format documentation

See Oracle's documentation on the classfile format.


FastClasspathScanner was inspired by Ronald Muller's annotation-detector.


Reflections could be a good alternative if Fast Classpath Scanner doesn't meet your needs.


Fast Classpath Scanner was written by Luke Hutchison --

Please Donate if this library makes your life easier.


Uber-fast, ultra-lightweight Java classpath scanner.







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