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Getting Started with Jook

Install Git

Fork the Project

  • Read - (I generally use the https protocol fyi), You needn't necessarily use the key pair right off the bat. You can do that later.
  • Read the "Everyday git" section under
  • Fork the trevershick/jook project

Get the Source from GitHub

Clone your new project locally:

git clone https://<username>

Clone the drawers project:

git clone https://<username>

Play with Git a little

Create a branch called 'playground' on your newly forked project

git branch playground

List the available branches:

git branch

> * master
> playground

Switch your brach to playground:

git checkout playground

Create a test file:

notepad test.txt

Add it to your changeset:

git add test.txt

Commit it to your local repository:

git commit

Push your branch up to the remote repository:

git push origin playground

*Note - everything is in your local repository until you push it up.

Switch back to the master branch and clean up:

git branch
>   master
> * playground

git checkout master

git branch
> * master
>   playground

# remove the branch from the local repository
git branch -D playground

# remove the branch from the remote repository
git push origin :playground

Install MySQL 5

  1. Run the install, let it run as a service.
  2. create the jook database:

    mysqladmin -u<username> -p<password> create jook
  3. setup the jook user:

    mysql -u<username> -p<password> jook
    grant all privileges on jook.* to 'jook'@'localhost' identified by 'jook'
  4. load the data:

    # while still in mysql
    source src\data\initial_data.sql
    # hopefully all goes well.

Setup Apache Tomcat 6 as a server Runtime Environment

! Steps not listed here Use the name "Apache tomcat 6.0 on JDK 6" (it will make things easier)

Import the project into Eclipse

The JGit and EGit plugins for Eclipse don't work very well with private repositories on github. It works fine with public repositories though.

It's better to use git from the command line to learn it anyhow..

  1. In Eclipse do File>Import>Maven...Existing Maven Projects

    Choose your project root that you cloned above and import all the projects.

  2. You may see errors in the jook-webapp project...

    Right click the project and choose Properties Select "Apache tomcat 6.0 on JDK 6" for the Targeted Runtime.

  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for drawers-parent
  4. Create a server

    add jook-ssodevhack, jook-webapp and jooktest to the server ensure the paths in the modules tab are /sso /jook and /jooktest change the server to 'Serve Modules without Publishing'

  5. Setup the server.xml for jook

    open server.xml copy in jook/src/config/server.xml into the GlobalNamingResources don't forget to copy mysql connector driver into <tomcat_home>/lib or alternately open the launch configuration for your new server and add the mysql-.jar to the user classpath entries. ( if you run a 'mvn compile' from the root jook directory, the mysql-.jar files will be copied into jookfilestargetdependency )

    Note: ensure that the path of your Web Modules are set to the following

    1. Path: /jook
    2. Path: /jookTest
    3. Path: /sso
    4. Path: /drawer-myapps
    5. Path: /drawer-feedback

Open the Project Pages

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/jooktest

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/jook


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