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I changed the model scale do that each coord is one pixel. -125 to 800 on the x-axis, -50 to 50 on the y-axis
I think it might also be best to say 1 pixel == 1cm. 

Getting all the NetLogo embedding stuff required some major changes to MainWindow class:
	It is now a singleton. This was done because of the way NetLogo lite api handles command passing.
	Minor changes were made to the main method to prevent concurrency errors when writing commands to NetLogo.
	Changes were made to the initComponents() method. 
		WARNING: Regenerating the MainWindow UI codes with NetBeans will break the embedding.
All the object classes were changed to work with the new command calls.

Still To Do:
	In EditObject, the pre-loaded relationships is not set when the dlg comes up.
	Physics engine basically done, but not quite
	Fix floating objects around the bus
	Make the top and the back of the bus thicker
	Make object stay within certain bounds:
	- On top of bus: maybe make it fall off the bus?


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